Recent content by Dave Rains

  1. Dave Rains

    [N/A] How cold is too cold for your pet?

    OK folks, a little lesson in thermo dynamics. Water freezes here at 68F. A proven fact, as my knees start to knock, and coffee starts to look better than beer! Anyone who lives north of El Paso is crazy. Dave
  2. Dave Rains

    Cool N-Number

    Well, reserved N472DR. 72 has been my call sign for a dozen years, both on the ground, and in the air. 2DR rolls off the tounge pretty easy. Now I just need to learn to fly the contraption. Dave.
  3. Dave Rains

    Cool N-Number

    Oh, great. Just the kind of thing I need to hear.:no: If you want to follow my build process there are some photos at I have the controls nearly completed. Dropped the main mast assembly in last week, completed...
  4. Dave Rains

    Cool N-Number

    I'll have to check on that, good idea. Dave
  5. Dave Rains

    Cool N-Number

    Not rated. Am going to read a book.:D Just kidding, was looking into some flight schools in the Phoenix area though. I heard that Rotorway has a couple 300's, most mosquito owners say that they handle very close to the XE so that may be a good location. Was thinking about paying for a block of...
  6. Dave Rains

    Cool N-Number

    Need some help folks. My helicopter build is coming along nicely and its time to reserve a number. My initials are DR, but that may be a little to much say as I'm probably going to be to scared to talk anyway.:eek: The helicopter is a Mosquito XE3. So how about some suggestions? Dave.
  7. Dave Rains

    Think you might like Alaska?

    OK, just had my 3AM coffee coming out my nose:goofy: I'm loading the plane this summer and gonna find out myself! Dave.
  8. Dave Rains

    More animal cruelty

    Thanks for letting us know how he's doing, I have 3 cats that bring me joy every day. Now, for the young scum responsible for this, we have a saying in this part of the country. SHOOT, SHOVEL, AND SHUT UP! Dave.
  9. Dave Rains

    Crown Royal Christmas - na

    Laughed so hard, had beer comming out of my nose:goofy: Have to agree with the single malt scotch though... Dave
  10. Dave Rains

    Who's build what?

    I'm building a Mosquito XE3 helicopter. Shooting for a mid March first flight date. Dave
  11. Dave Rains

    PPL question

    AlaskaFlyer, I was actually aware of the stringent requirements for USFW, I'm a GS-1812 working for the Army at Fort Bliss. The crack about the F15 was tongue in cheek. Oh Mr. Levy, I served 21 years in the Army, and am well aware of the ability of my brethren in the (Air Corp) to protect...
  12. Dave Rains

    PPL question

    Thanks Alaskaflyer! That was pretty much my understanding. So, if the USAF asked me to ferry one of their F15's for a fee I, a lowly PP could do so, providing I could find the starter button and survived the attempt.:D Dave Rains
  13. Dave Rains

    PPL question

    Yes Sir, I know of folks who fly for the government who have no commercial ticket at all, carrying passengers, flying public (government) aircraft. How does that work? Now that I think of it, some may not have any ticket at all, but are retired army aviators, still flying for uncle sam. Dave.
  14. Dave Rains

    PPL question

    OK, where does PUBLIC fit in? Can you fly for the Fed without carrying passengers or cargo? Dave.
  15. Dave Rains

    New Mexico Statute 7-7-317

    Another thing to consider is the white copy of the ticket (at least the ones I write) have an area on the back for the officer to write additional comments on, not seen by the recipient. If the officer believed your friend was not cooperative, it will be noted there. Not someting you want to...