Tomato soup (¡NAǃ)


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
I'm thinking of making tomato soup for the first time ever which is weird because I don't even like tomatoes and it' s like 90 degrees out. but besides that, do you who make it use any kind of stock? and what about cream? I've seen a bunch of different recipes, some use them and some don't so I am all sorts of confused. thanks!
Teresa likes "Pioneer Woman's Sherried Tomato Soup" recipe. It is pretty good with a grilled cheese.

Personally I'm happy with Campbell's made with half cream and half water.
Personally I'm happy with Campbell's made with half cream and half water.

And 1 entire tube of premium saltines crushed into the bowl. So it’s like a red wallpaper paste.
We like making a roasted tomato soup like in this video:
So what’s the correct pairing of tomato variety with bread and cheese for the sandwich? Beefsteak tomatoes for the soup with a whole wheat / American cheese combo seems obvious but are there better pairings?
I'll preface this by saying I've never tried it, and it sounds like a PITA, and I'm paraphrasing, but here goes:

From a 28 oz can of whole tomatoes... Reserve all the liquid (up to 1.5c) , strain out the seeds, sprinkle the sliced tomatoes with 3/4 T brown sugar and bake at 450 for about 30 min on a foil lined pan, until dry and slightly changed in color.
Simmer 2 T butter, 1.5 t tomato paste, a minced shallot, and a pinch of allspice until shallots softened, about 7-10 min. Add 1 T flour, stir until thickened, 30 sec.
Combine all of the above - shallot mix, roasted tomatoes, liquid from can, with 3/4 c low salt chicken broth, whisk together and simmer low 10 min, stirring occasionally. Blend this in a blender or immersion until smooth. Add 1/4 c heavy cream, stir and bring to warm. Remove from heat, add 1 T sherry or brandy, salt and cayenne to taste.

I'll add again, this sounds like a PITA. I'd probably try the canned.
TOMATO SOUP…Is that the mnemonic for the instrumentation required in an orchestra?
From a 28 oz can of whole tomatoes...
If you're going to be opening a can anyway, why not make it a can of tomato soup? This recipe seems a little bit pointless.
What? Do you eat cookies without milk, too?

No wait. BWAHAHAHA! Good one. Grilled cheese without tomato soup…. Almost got me.
You'd better sit down before reading this, because I actually *do* eat cookies without milk, too... :eek: :biggrin:
Teresa likes "Pioneer Woman's Sherried Tomato Soup" recipe. It is pretty good with a grilled cheese.

Personally I'm happy with Campbell's made with half cream and half water.
Protip: The Mexican campbells is a different recipe and superior to the US version. I don't know how to get it in the US though...

Tomato season is almost over. And, with it, the final days of putting a slice of vine ripened tomato on my grilled cheese sandwich. So. Good.
Interesting timing. Generally, soup is relegated to when I'm on my death bed which happened to be the Saturday before last and I felt like eating nothing but I did need some electrolytes. There was a can of Campbell's Tomato Soup, the condensed kind you mix with a can of water, in the pantry. I made and ate said soup.

I can probably count the number of times I've had tomato soup in my life on... well both hands. Maybe a couple toes too. I generally prefer the powdered stuff that I can just dump in a bowl of hot water and be done with it. I can't quite pull off nuking the canned stuff but I probably could if I had a big enough nukable bowl. I don't like soup anyway so I don't care that much about the taste.

Well okay I like pho soup and will eat that even when perfectly healthy. But there is 'stuff' in there. Why steamy hot soup is popular in a country that is 90 degrees and humid most of the year is beyond me but it is.
You have to make sure the Campbell's cans are ripe. It's the key ingredient in making tomato soup.

@eman1200, nice pictures, but, was it any good? I made gazpacho with surplus backyard tomatoes. It wasn't very good. I don't like adding sugar but depending on the harvest sweetness you might have to, and I didn't.
@eman1200, nice pictures, but, was it any good? I made gazpacho with surplus backyard tomatoes. It wasn't very good. I don't like adding sugar but depending on the harvest sweetness you might have to, and I didn't.

it was pretty darn tasty. I didn't add any sugar, but only because I completely forgot to. the plan was to add just a touch. it was easy and well worth it.
I assume you mean the soup, by itself, absent of the grilled cheese, was pretty tasty. Good going! Tomatoes in my sunlight starved backyard must be lacking in sweetness.
Looks good. Personally I’d leave out the vines and peel the garlic but to each his own
If you're going to be opening a can anyway, why not make it a can of tomato soup? This recipe seems a little bit pointless.

I follow the logic, but not having tried it I don't know if I agree. As an example, I make spaghetti sauce from canned tomatoes, because they have better flavor than fresh from a supermarket. I could just use canned spaghetti sauce, but that'll never compare with anything homemade. I think the only thing I use fresh tomatoes on is BLTs or salad.

Back to the soup, I kinda like Campbell's, but from the ingredient list it's actually made from paste.
I've actually heard of people who make tomato soup by adding water to ketchup. I once survived on that soup and grilled cheese sandwiches made with lard instead of butter for 11 days. I was on a submarine, and due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, we ran out of food. I like to refer to those two weeks of my life as the most successful mandatory diet ever.

I out of 10, do not recommend.
Pro tip #1: Dry onion soup mix is a great admixture to chuck pot roast.
Pro tip #2: Dry tomato soup mix is a poor substitute.
I did not see any...

Animal crackers in your soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
Gosh oh gee but I have fun
Swallowing animals one by one
I did not see any...

Animal crackers in your soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop
Gosh oh gee but I have fun
Swallowing animals one by one


When I was a youngster, animal crackers made great BB gun targets. For a little kid, it was fun to shoot lions and tigers and elphants.
I've actually heard of people who make tomato soup by adding water to ketchup. I once survived on that soup and grilled cheese sandwiches made with lard instead of butter for 11 days. I was on a submarine, and due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, we ran out of food. I like to refer to those two weeks of my life as the most successful mandatory diet ever.

I out of 10, do not recommend.
Well that's unfortunate. Our navy or theirs?
Making tomato soup... simple, wake me when we get to pea soup...

Using stock, such as vegetable or chicken stock, can add depth of flavor to your tomato soup. It can make the soup richer and more savory. If you choose to use stock, you can substitute it for some or all of the water called for in the recipe. It's not necessary, but it can enhance the taste.

I used stock, no water.