My 1959 Cessna 182B


Oct 28, 2014
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Jack Fleetwood
Well, here is my new plane. I wanted a straight-tail 182 for a lot of reasons, but one of the big ones is both windows open. I looked for a long time and saw this one listed for what I thought was way too much, but after some negotiation, I feel I got he right plane for me!

Engine has a fresh overhaul, new paint and interior in 2016, and I just added a JPI EDM-900.

Of course, there will be more photos, it's what I do! In a few months, I'm going to have my friend Travis fly it so I can get air-to-air photos of it.





I found a couple of old photos before it was painted. Have to say, not bad, but I like the new look better.
I'm curious what you bought it for. I think I sat in that plane with former owner, knew the asking price from him. Someone bought it real quick, saw it go on the market again quickly. I had told the first broker he was low on price. As I recall, the new leather smell was still inside, avionics were decent. The seats were not adjustable in height, I was banging my head so could not make an offer. It was a beautiful plane, with an owner willing to spend to maintain.
Nice. I don't understand the "two windows open" thing.

the '60 and '61 manual flap planes didn't have co-pilot windows that could be opened. It was something you could add yourself but was around 20hrs of labor. Heck, I think they didn't make the co-pilot windows able to be opened again until '72.
Sharp plane. Love the interior. Classic but modern, very clean look. So who takes your picture when you're flying it?
What yours weigh empty? I had a pretty good time with my partnership in a '59 182B. It definitely had CG issues though! I had to fly around with 50 lbs of ballast in the extended baggage if I had two 200 lb people in the front seats. 1755 lbs empty with a 33.13" CG. It trued out around 143 MPH on 8.50x6's all around, best Vy climb it'd do was about 700 fpm on a cold day when light. Still, it would takeoff in about 500 feet and land in about 400 at 2300 lbs or so with the sportsman STOL.

Glad to see you're taking care of this one! The struggle in my partnership was doling out the TLC that a 63 year old airplane needs, it is never ending and expensive.
Congratulations, that is a beautiful plane. I learned to fly in a 1959 C182B. It was a great plane, I flew it for a number of years
I didn’t know you could put a modern style spinner on these old ones - looks much better. Did that come with / require a new prop or upgraded engine?
the '60 and '61 manual flap planes didn't have co-pilot windows that could be opened. It was something you could add yourself but was around 20hrs of labor. Heck, I think they didn't make the co-pilot windows able to be opened again until '72.
20 hours? Holy cow. I’d love that window to open and didn’t know it was possible
the '60 and '61 manual flap planes didn't have co-pilot windows that could be opened. It was something you could add yourself but was around 20hrs of labor. Heck, I think they didn't make the co-pilot windows able to be opened again until '72.

Even after that I think it was only an option for a while. I just bought a '78 182 and the co-pilot only has a little storm window flap. It's the only thing I'd change about mine.

Beautiful plane, Jack. I like the old paint job as well. I'm looking for a classic scheme to repaint mine with when the time comes in a few years.
I'm curious what you bought it for. I think I sat in that plane with former owner, knew the asking price from him. Someone bought it real quick, saw it go on the market again quickly. I had told the first broker he was low on price. As I recall, the new leather smell was still inside, avionics were decent. The seats were not adjustable in height, I was banging my head so could not make an offer. It was a beautiful plane, with an owner willing to spend to maintain.
Sounds like the same plane! It does have the new leather smell! The avionics are okay, 430 Non-WAAS, Stratus transponder, and it has an auto pilot. The owner I bought it from spared no expense. He thought his brother was going to buy it, so he wanted everything perfect. The seats do have a little too much padding, making me feel like I have to duck my head slightly sometimes, but wasn't a deal breaker for me.

I didn’t know you could put a modern style spinner on these old ones - looks much better. Did that come with / require a new prop or upgraded engine?
Not sure. I know the prop is brand new. I'm assuming it was added then.

Nice. I don't understand the "two windows open" thing.
As others said, it's because some of the later models only had the opening window on the left. For me, it's important that both windows open so I can shoot air-to-air from both sides. Makes it a pretty good photo plane!

U gonna show us the panel??
I will! I have to get some better photos. The panel is the one thing I'm not happy with. Luckily I've got a friend who is already working on a new layout for me!
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I didn’t know you could put a modern style spinner on these old ones - looks much better. Did that come with / require a new prop or upgraded engine?
I'm interested, too. I have a thread about my inability to find one that looked like that for an E. H and above, no problem. But E's and likely B's, big problem
I'm interested, too. I have a thread about my inability to find one that looked like that for an E. H and above, no problem. But E's and likely B's, big problem
I'll dig through the logbooks. I have a lot of books, not very organized though. Something I plan to work on very soon.
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I have a '58 with nice original paint. I'm envious of your interior.
You have a photo you can post? I actually prefer the original schemes. I think my scheme is from a 2014 182.
Congrats, looks really nice!
You probably already know, the old straight tail 182s are subject to that tail-inspection AD, just like the 180-185s.
Congrats, looks really nice!
You probably already know, the old straight tail 182s are subject to that tail-inspection AD, just like the 180-185s.

Yes, it had the inspection completed before I bought it.
Nice plane! Also looks like you have a pretty cool hangar too!
Nice plane! Also looks like you have a pretty cool hangar too!
Thanks! Yep, my hangar has more photos than most! There's also a wing for a H1 replica covered up in the back! I think that's a nice touch!
AFM for my ‘56 depicted Take-off distance under extremely good conditions.

75 feet!!!

I believe it would do it !
I’ve always believed that the straight tail 182s were one of the best looking airplanes and are probably one of the best all-around airplanes ever made. Enjoy yours, she sure looks nice!
Nice plane.

But what really impressed me were all the big photos on your hangar walls.

For most everyone else, a hangar is all about the floor space and what can be stored on it. But it looks like you take a different tack: the hangar is all about the walls, and what can be hung on them.
Just curious, is removing a door a possibility with a 182?

That’s what my uncle did back in the 1970s, when he had a side-gig photographing parking lots and construction sites. I think it was a 172 that he borrowed. Camera was medium-format square-film model, which is heavier than a 35mm camera. Seems scary to me, but he was both pilot and photographer, and he took those photos pointing straight down.
What yours weigh empty? I had a pretty good time with my partnership in a '59 182B. It definitely had CG issues though! I had to fly around with 50 lbs of ballast in the extended baggage if I had two 200 lb people in the front seats. 1755 lbs empty with a 33.13" CG.
1753 empty weight, 35.90 cg
The struggle in my partnership was doling out the TLC that a 63 year old airplane needs, it is never ending and expensive.

If you don't mind me asking, just how much more was the straight tail compared to a slant tail? I've always loved straight tails, even the cramped 172s.