Radios/toys and stuff I need


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 6, 2021
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I just bought a 1973 Piper Arrow II, it is out of annual so I knii on w I am in for it.
I got my license to aim airplanes back in the 1980’s but lost my medical in the 1990’s when I broke my neck. As a result of me not being able to fly my dad sold the family plane, a 1973 Piper Arrow II. I did not but it back.
My plane has 1990’s King Nav/Coms
A 1973 ADF. A 1973 transponder no ADSB.
A newer that 1973 radio master control panel and 4 place intercom.
My plane is being annualed by a guy who is a Stratus dealer he can install ADSB during the annual.
Now about my life after breaking my neck as a cop, I went to the super size Fractional Ownership airline at KCMH as a Dispatcher. Dispatcher is the only licensed airman who does not need a medical, just drug testing. My injury has progressed to the point I can no longer work at DaJet so I am 100% retired but my wife is still a Dispatcher and she gets some goodies from the company an iPad with ForeFlight that we may use for personal flying.
I need new stuff on my panel and don’t know what to get. My fellow midnight dispatcher now CFI in his retirement and our instructor pilot/my pilot will be doing my wife polishing as she has not flown in years and going over stuff with me. He will also be teaching our daughter and a 20 year old friend to fly. Some instruction in our plane, some in the flight schools 180.
What I have:
1. A Stratus dealer who can make my plane ADSB legal
2. An iPad from the airline with ForeFlight
3. My flight instructor who wants a Garmin 430 WAAS.
What do I need? My CFI dx friend says I need a small white keychain looking thing that gives us ASDB In on our phones or iPad. I think it is $799 iPad not included.
I want a plane that can do LPV approaches along with VOR stuff and general IFR flight.
The plane I bought is the least expensive with the newest engine I could find. Keep in mind my wife and I work with jets we don’t own them so money is a a barrier.
What do I need as a new transponder? I know I am getting the Garmin 430WAAS. I need the white keychain with CO detector that talks to my iPhone, iPad or panel. I know ForeFlight is in my future.
What Transponder?
How do we mount the other stuff in the panel?
Helpful hints and photos of what you did to your 50 year old PA28’s would be greatly appreciated.
I realize what I dinosaur I am, I don’t understand the new glass panels.
Thank you for any help you can give, I knew our jets had kewl stuff but I did not realize it had come down to us scum in GA. At least my IO-360 is just an over sized Briggs and Stratton. A small turbo-prop Arrow would be fun. But there is that lack of millions to throw at the plane.
1. Okay
2. Okay
3. Why a 430 WAAS? Old tech. Have you considered a more modern device from Garmin?
4. Not sure what the key chain thing is - cheaper $200 to self build a Stratux - took me 15 minutes to put one together.
5. Images: Type this in the google machine: Images: PA-28 panel

6. The I0-360 is a monster compared to my Cont. A-65.
7. You really won't know how much you have to spend until all the airframe and engine squawks from the annual are addressed.

Good luck.
430WAAS is because that is what he asked for.
The keychain is ADSB in and wx radar to the iPad. I think it gets TAF’s METAR’s NOTAM’s as well.
1. The answer to #3 will determine the best path for ADS-B. If you are going to get a WAAS GPS, then it makes sense to get the Stratus ES so you can use the WAAS GPS as the position source and not need to install 2 GPS antennas on the top of the airplane. Even if there is a delay between the two, I would recommend doing the Stratus ES. Any WAAS GPS can give position to the ES for ADS-B.
2. This does not change a lot, because most things will integrate with Foreflight.
3. A 430W is probably the preference of your instructor because he is familiar with it. There is nothing wrong with this path, but realize that the installation cost will be the same whether you get a $5,500 10-20-year-old 430W or a brand new $10,500 Avidyne IFD440 or $11,500 Garmin GTN650. There is a big difference, but there is also a difference between new and used. Any of these will give you the LPV and ILS approach capability.
4. He is probably talking about a Sentry ADS-B receiver. It is bigger than a keychain, but it is small. It is cheaper than the Stratus receiver, but if you are getting the Stratus Transponder, then it makes sense to get the Stratus 3i at the same time so it will use the transponder antenna on the bottom of the plane and GPS from your navigator, so it will be completely hidden and will get a better signal because the antennas are outside. It is technically portable, but it usually is mounted in a way that it is treated as permanent, so you can't move it easily to other planes, as you could with a Sentry.
5. If you are going to put in a Glass Panel, then it would be wise to pain a final picture of what you want in the plane, and then figure out the best and cheapest overall path to get there. You would hate to install things and then turn around and remove them when you do the next phase.
I failed to express my concern.
Should we mount the iPad in the panel in front of the copilot aka my seat or use it hand held like they do in the training fleet.
I guess we need continuity with the training fleet for our kids to take lessons in both planes.
GNX375 kills several birds with one stone:
  1. ADS-B Out
  2. ADS-B In
  3. Traffic display
  4. Weather display
  5. Bluetooth to your iPad
  6. LPV approaches
No NAV/COM, so you have to make sure you existing ones are up to snuff. Also, no CO detector but you can get a Sensorcon for that.
I failed to express my concern.
Should we mount the iPad in the panel in front of the copilot aka my seat or use it hand held like they do in the training fleet.
I guess we need continuity with the training fleet for our kids to take lessons in both planes.
No to mounting the iPad in the panel.

It is an unnecessary expense. And with the speed that the tablets are getting better, changing features, and important to this discussion, sizes, you are better off keeping it portable.

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GNX375 kills several birds with one stone:
  1. ADS-B Out
  2. ADS-B In
  3. Traffic display
  4. Weather display
  5. Bluetooth to your iPad
  6. LPV approaches
No NAV/COM, so you have to make sure you existing ones are up to snuff. Also, no CO detector but you can get a Sensorcon for that.
Is the GNX375 a transponder? I think mine is serviceable but it is from the 1970’s.
Is the GNX375 a transponder? I think mine is serviceable but it is from the 1970’s.
Yes, it is a combination GPS navigator (with WAAS/LPV approach capability) and transponder (with both ADS-B In and Out).
I think mine is serviceable but it is from the 1970’s.
Forgot to mention: Stratus makes ADS-B transponders. So when your Stratus guy says he's going to make your plane ADS-B legal, he means that your old transponder is getting replaced with a Stratus transponder.
Forgot to mention: Stratus makes ADS-B transponders. So when your Stratus guy says he's going to make your plane ADS-B legal, he means that your old transponder is getting replaced with a Stratus transponder.
My King Nav/Coms and VOR Receivers are 1990’s orange LED numbers but still serviceable. One looks to have had acetone spilled on the face. Everything else must go, well the audio panel can stay. That only leaves the transponder and huge, size of both Nav/Coms, ADF and the ugly ADF antenna/wire on top of the Fuselage and the rust stain it caused.
Forgot to mention: Stratus makes ADS-B transponders. So when your Stratus guy says he's going to make your plane ADS-B legal, he means that your old transponder is getting replaced with a Stratus transponder.
Yes, I want a new transponder, I don’t want the new Nav light and thing on the back of my old transponder. I know as soon as they attach something to that classic radio equipment it will fail. Then I will have the patch and have to buy a new transponder so I can have ASDB is color and stereo.
Thank you for the link, that is a lot for me to take in.
I have 2 good Nav/Com and new looking VOR CDI instruments. The former owner does not recall well and we are still doing paperwork so I don’t have the logs. I have a lot of real estate with the old ADF and transponder. I know we have ForeFlight from the office. I want to use as much in common with our company fleet, so if we need help using the computers we have jet pilots who keep their plane at the airport where we will be based. As dispatchers the company pilots know my wife and me so it is not too embarrassing going for help…turning the thing on.
If you do go with the WAAS, consider a GTX 330 will provide ADS-B out and is much cheaper than a 375 in the used market. You can use a stratux or a stratus for ADS-B in.
I fly with two planes that have the Stratus ES or ESG Transponder. I don't recall which or what the difference is. but they work great and if you need a new transponder anyway are good option to consider with both ADS-B out and ADS-B in that links up nicely with my I-Pad.

My King Nav/Coms and VOR Receivers are 1990’s orange LED numbers but still serviceable. One looks to have had acetone spilled on the face. Everything else must go, well the audio panel can stay. That only leaves the transponder and huge, size of both Nav/Coms, ADF and the ugly ADF antenna/wire on top of the Fuselage and the rust stain it caused.

The acetone look is easily taken care of with new lenses. If you can swap out the audio panel with a PS Engineering with an identical pinout, I'd definitely consider it. If your nav and coms are good I would still go with the GNX 375 GPS/ADS-B transponder. Anyone coming from a 430W can figure it out pretty quick and it would be cheaper than standalone transponder and GPS.