The FAA was right, this time. This ONE time.


Final Approach
Nov 24, 2012
Hopewell Jct, NY
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And that's all I'm going to admit too.

Maybe you did, maybe you didn't see the notice from the FAA "suggesting" you don't exercise your piloting privileges for 48 hours after getting your COVID vaccine.
I saw it, and I scoffed, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Idiot FAA.
I don't get sick. I've never had the flu, I haven't had a cold in a few years. Nothing, rarely if ever.
Sunday afternoon (V2Day) I got my second Pfizer shot. I didn't even feel it.

Monday was crap weather, so I wasn't flying anyway.
Exactly V2Day + 1 I went down, hard. Chills, fever, shaking like I had Palsy, problems with my eyesight.
If I was in the cockpit I would have been in serious trouble.
V2Day + 2 and it's like I didn't get the shot.

Be careful out there. Maybe take a couple days off, like they suggest.
I had the Pfizer, as did several of my staff. None had issues beyond a very sore shoulder for the first dose. On the second dose, same, with the exception of myself and one other who (the next day) realized we’d been in a fog the entire day following the second dose. The unnerving part was that I was totally oblivious until the day after, when the realization hit that I was “not with it” the day prior.

Those I know who have had the Moderna version have mostly had few symptoms from the first dose, but severe from the second. My fiancée was completely wiped-out for 36-48 hours with a fever, chills, aches, lack of energy, and intermittent tingling of her arm (the one the shot went in) and lips. On the other hand, my parents only suffered some excessive tiredness and a very mild headache.
After my second Phizer, I can only describe my feeling as about 12% "distant."

Other than that AOK. But my good.......
My wife and I both had the Pfizer. Sore arms for both shots, that's it!
I assume you're feeling better? I've had both Pfizer shots and the only reaction I had was about 10-minutes of arm pain after each shot.
About 18 hours after 2nd shot I had a fever/chills, it passed in a couple of hours. I flew the next day, a short sightseeing trip, no problem, but I would not have done a cross country trip.
Half the people I know did not have a good 2 days following the 2nd injection.

Then it was recommended to take the max dose of Advil (or equivalent) 2 hours before receiving the injection. And then continue the max dose for the next 24 hours.

Everyone I know who followed that had very little reaction. Even the sore arm wasn't as bad.

My wife and I both had the Moderna shots (second one on February 18). Other than a sore arm both times she had not reaction. I had no reaction to the first, but the second gave me a feeling of being "off" the morning after. By the afternoon I was fine. The weather was not conducive to flying anyway, so it didn't really matter to me. For once, the FAA was right.
I suspect that we're all good pilots and therefore we would have known anyway to check that we have no illness prior to flying IAW FAR 61.53 and self grounded for the number of days we need to in order to feel better. That goes whether you just had a vaccine shot or not.
Moderna here. Had a mild reaction at about mid-day on day 2 of the second shot. Very lethargic (ok -maybe it’s hard to tell sometimes - but trust me, I was really lethargic) and the inability to focus on much of anything. Slept most of the day. No issues since. For what I’ve read and according to my medical kids, the reaction, if any, to the various vaccines is highly individualized. For our friends who’ve been through COVID, they claimed their reaction to their second shot of Pfizer, was worse than their COVID symptoms. So ya, FAA was probably right given how everyone is different.
Reactions to the mRNA vaccines is quite variable. About 50% of individuals experience few or very mild side effects. My experience with the Pfizer vaccine was exactly the same for both doses: onset of very uncomfortable soreness in the injection site arm within 3 hours, peaking on day 2 and gone by day 4. Increasing fatigue after dose, with mild fever and chills peaking at 18 hours post injection, gone by 24-36 hours. Hunky dory after that. My wife barely had a sore arm, she thought she got the placebo in the study. I knew I got the real deal. Turns out we both got the same lot of vaccine both times. Another couple we know were in the trial had the same experience, but with genders reversed for side effect intensity. Go figure. As long as it works...which it apparently does.
@Shepherd I had the same thoughts as you going in to Monday morning when I got the J&J shot. Meh, I never get sick. Never remember having the flu. Had a few flu shots in my life and never had any kind of reaction....

Monday AM - got the shot. Didn't even feel the needle go in. Felt some burning after a few minutes. Did the 15 minute wait thing and left feeling just great. Worked the whole day. Around 9:00.... I started to feel.... achy. Then the room went ice cold and I couldn't stop shaking from chills. I have never had this before. I was laughing my butt off due to my inability to control my own body... never had that feeling before. Wife gave me a few Tylenol (which I never take....) and told me to put on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and go to bed. Woke up in a pool of sweat burning up around 2:00 am. Shed the sweaty clothes and went back to sleep. Woke up (later than usual) feeling ok... not perfect, but ok. Sort of foggy this morning, but it seemed to pass as the day went on. I think I'm back to normal and after a good night's sleep should be totally fine in the AM.

Would have been in a bit of trouble if I were flying when those chills came on... probably could have gotten back down ok, but I felt really really sick.

Question though about this:
FAA "suggesting" you don't exercise your piloting privileges for 48 hours after getting your COVID vaccine.

Was it a suggestion or something with more teeth? As in "Don't fly 48 hours after getting the vaccine shot." I wouldn't have flown anyway, but just curious what the FAA rule is on this.

Still glad I got the shot.
Fine today.
The experience kind of shook me up.
A million shots in the Air Force, none of which ever caused a reaction, then this.
I received the first dose of Moderna on a Tuesday morning. I felt great all day Tuesday and flew Wednesday morning. After landing I started to feel like crap. Just really run down. By Thursday morning I felt ok again. I'll be waiting a good 48 hours to fly with shot number 2.
I received the first dose of Moderna on a Tuesday morning. I felt great all day Tuesday and flew Wednesday morning

Honest, curious questions here -
If a person holds a medical certificate, doesn't this run afoul of the FAA's 48-hours-after-vaccine no-fly rule?
If on BasicMed, does this same rule apply? Or can you fly immediately after getting the poke?
What about Sport Pilots?

I'm going to be 48 hours clear of my shot tomorrow at 9:00 AM... just wondering how the FAA rules apply to other pilots with medicals, basic med and other...
For my second Moderna shot, 48 hours wasn't long enough. I couldn't raise my arm without pain for at least three days after the shot.
Pfizer vaccine: 1st dose, no side effects, I've had stronger mosquito bites.

2nd dose: discomfort at the injection site about 4 hours later, a lot of pain at night, hard to find a good position to sleep.
A little more than my normal level of irritability the next day. 2nd day, difficult to multi-task.

Third day, back to normal.
1st Pfizer shot: No pain, no problems.
2nd Pfizer shot: I thought I was going to ****ing die. Then I wished I had.
Everyone is effected differently. My first Moderna was nothing but a sore shoulder. The second had no real effect until 3-4 days later. Thankfully not flying but had some interesting light-headed feelings. Use caution. Maybe give the shots more than the 48 hours if you can.

Wife gets her second Pfizer this afternoon. Stuff hits her harder.
My V2day+1 was exactly as the OP described. I had not planned to fly that day, but I went to the hangar first thing in the morning to do some things. I wasn’t there fifteen minutes and it all started. I have a comfortable chair that I laid back in and it just kept getting worse. I made it home and laid down most of the day. Next day I was fine.
For my second Moderna shot, 48 hours wasn't long enough. I couldn't raise my arm without pain for at least three days after the shot.

Yep, I wasn’t ready to fly on that third day either. Still had some effects. Coworker and I took a third day off work just to be safe.
I just had my J&J shot for 16-April canceled. Damn.

Decided to reschedule, and the first available appt was 19-April.

@Pilawt and I have a long trip (Phx-Memphis) on 22-April to the PA-32 gathering.

I determined these events are too close together.

My wife's looking at me kinda funny, reminding me, "it's only a shot". She had zero side effects with her #1 Pfizer.
One tip for any vaccination. Rub the injection site vigorously for a full 10-15 minutes immediately after the shot. In many cases this distributes the goodies into more tissue where it is picked up by the lymphatic system for a less localized effect.
Wifey had hers done a while ago. Everyone in her office ended up out the day after the second Moderna shot. None had any reaction to the first.

I had no reaction to the first, second is coming up.
Moderna we've had both shots. Me-VERY sore arm on the first. Just a little off for a few days for both. My wife had the chills and flu like symptoms on the second.
Would vaccination show up on an antibody test?
I felt like I was hungover after pfizer #2. I couldn't tell if it was the shot or whether I really was hungover :)

I felt like crap after Shingrix #1. Shingrix #2 was on hold waiting for COVID series.
I felt like I was hungover after pfizer #2. I couldn't tell if it was the shot or whether I really was hungover :)

I felt like crap after Shingrix #1. Shingrix #2 was on hold waiting for COVID series.
Both Shingrix shots gear me a low fever, aches and no energy for about 24 hours starting 6 ish hours after.
Half the people I know did not have a good 2 days following the 2nd injection.

Then it was recommended to take the max dose of Advil (or equivalent) 2 hours before receiving the injection. And then continue the max dose for the next 24 hours.

Everyone I know who followed that had very little reaction. Even the sore arm wasn't as bad.

"You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort by taking a pain reliever before getting the shot. The concern is that premedicating with a pain reliever like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), which can prevent side effects like arm soreness as well as fever or headache, might also blunt your body’s immune response."
Would vaccination show up on an antibody test?

If you have a blood test to determine the presence of IgG antibodies to the spike protein, then yes, you will be positive in spades starting about a week after vaccination. Vaccines produce up to 10-100 times the antibody response of natural infection.

An serology test to determine the presence of covid spike proteins will not likely show anything, certainly not after a week or so post dosing.
I was told you can report side effects to Moderna at 1-800-663-3762.

FDA/CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting for other vaccines can be reported at 1-800-822-7967.

This info comes from our local hospital.

And that's all I'm going to admit too.

Maybe you did, maybe you didn't see the notice from the FAA "suggesting" you don't exercise your piloting privileges for 48 hours after getting your COVID vaccine.
I saw it, and I scoffed, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Idiot FAA.
I don't get sick. I've never had the flu, I haven't had a cold in a few years. Nothing, rarely if ever.
Sunday afternoon (V2Day) I got my second Pfizer shot. I didn't even feel it.

Monday was crap weather, so I wasn't flying anyway.
Exactly V2Day + 1 I went down, hard. Chills, fever, shaking like I had Palsy, problems with my eyesight.
If I was in the cockpit I would have been in serious trouble.
V2Day + 2 and it's like I didn't get the shot.

Be careful out there. Maybe take a couple days off, like they suggest.

Noooo!!!! They may be right, but you can't tell them that. It'll go to their head, they'll believe it, and then gawd help us all:yikes:
"You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort by taking a pain reliever before getting the shot. The concern is that premedicating with a pain reliever like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), which can prevent side effects like arm soreness as well as fever or headache, might also blunt your body’s immune response."

You might want to read post #12 (three posts after mine).
Noooo!!!! They may be right, but you can't tell them that. It'll go to their head, they'll believe it, and then gawd help us all:yikes:

I'm Sorry! I'm Sorry!
I must have still been delirious or something.
Is this fixable?