The FAA was right, this time. This ONE time.

"You shouldn’t try to stave off discomfort by taking a pain reliever before getting the shot. The concern is that premedicating with a pain reliever like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), which can prevent side effects like arm soreness as well as fever or headache, might also blunt your body’s immune response."
I would not take my medical advice from the NY Times.
My lawyer also suggests you not take it from me :)

Acetaminophen and ibuprofen have somewhat different modes of action though both are COX (1 and 2) inhibitors. In typical small doses, both are weak anti-inflammatories. Basically, they are for pain relief. Vitamin-I will inhibit aspirin's anti-platelet coagulation effects, so if you take prophylactic aspirin, wait an hour or so after taking the aspirin to take the ibuprofen.
I wouldn't worry a whit about taking a low-dose of ibuprofen before the shot for arm pain mediation. It takes 60-90 minutes for generic ibuprofen to take effect.(BTW--I choose ibuprofen over acetaminophen because it works better with my specific biochemistry).

That said, I am conservative in my drug use, so my plan is to wait for side effects to manifest before drugging up.
Moderna here.

1st Shot - nothing but a bit of a sore arm at injection site for a few days.
2nd Shot - same as 1st shot, possibly a headache from it, but very mild to the point where I almost didn't bother taking Tylenol for it.
If the shot kicked your six like it did mine it just means you have a well functioning immune system. Whatever you went though, it beats COVID, which routinely kills people and will happily transmit itself to your loved ones and potentially kill them.
Haven't had a vaccination yet, but had COVID in January. Mild case, down for 3 days then felt fine, but couldn't taste for 30 days. Tried to fly a week later. After the first landing, I realized my brain was not working at full speed and I was behind the plane. I shut it down and went home. Obviously the virus does some weird neurological stuff, so not surprising that the vaccines would have similar effect.