American took a page out of the spirit playbook


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Here I sit at FL370 aboard AA1185 and I've never been this jammed into a plane seat.

The guy next to me says "and these are the good seats. Behind us they have 2 inches less legroom"

I could not maneuver a small carry on under the seat in front of me. There is room to put it there but not enough space between the 2 seats to get it down to the floor.

I fly commercial maybe once every few years. This is really bad. Dude next to me is not a big guy by American (the country) standards but he looks miserable. There's more room in a 152.

Here's a wing pic for ya anyway.

I figured a man of your status would only fly first class. I thought coach was only for us lowly 172 drivers. :(
I hate being cooped up in a skybus; I have friends in Hawaii (free lodging and transportation!) that I've not visited yet because of the thought of being stuck with my knees in my chin. And first class, while I can afford it, is crazy expensive. It would be cheaper to buy the seat in front of me and unbolt it.
I was wondering when the next time I would get to see a 737 wing. Thanks Briany!
I haven't been on an airline since I bought my plane. Not looking forward to the next flight for reasons you mention.
Well, it could be worse. And given the history of the airlines, I'm sure it soon will be.

Flying to Dallas tomorrow. On American. I never thought I'd be grateful for being only 5'3".....
Easy solutions. Fly commercial more often or tell your employer to pony up the correct amount of cash.
Gotta defend the meal ticket: even if you are in standard coach on that 737, pitch is 31". Spirit Airbus pitch is 28". Not saying life is grand there among the great unwashed, but don't compare apples to orangutans.

Let me know if you want to fly while in the area.
The worst seat pitch on an AA 737 is 30 inches - 2 inches more than most of Spirit's fleet, and an inch less than standard for a legacy 737 seat. Most of AA's 737 coach seats are 31". From where you were sitting, there are no rows with less pitch than yours. The guy next to you is FOS.

EDIT: Just noticed catmandu's post - yeah, he's right (looked up your tail number). Your seat is 31". There are no 30" seats on that airframe.
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Those 73Max are crap. And the refurbished older fleet ('Oasis') are no better. Yes the pitch is 30 on AA, but it feels tighter. And the tight lavs don't help. Spirit is 28, and don't recline. I'm not sure I can even get into thei seats given the problems I had with a Virgin Europe flight with similar pitch years ago.
Those 73Max are crap. And the refurbished older fleet ('Oasis') are no better. Yes the pitch is 30 on AA, but it feels tighter. And the tight lavs don't help. Spirit is 28, and don't recline. I'm not sure I can even get into thei seats given the problems I had with a Virgin Europe flight with similar pitch years ago.

He wasn't on a MAX or an Oasis airframe.

Get used to the Oasis seats - slimline has been coming industry wide. Was on a Delta 320 back in September that had AA's MAX interior. 160 seats in an Airbus 320. They did leave the entertainment in the seat backs, however.
I figured a man of your status would only fly first class. I thought coach was only for us lowly 172 drivers. :(

172 drivers are “Economy Plus.” Us LSA drivers are “Economy.” :eek::p

I don’t know where they get passenger dimensions from, but I’m pretty certain it was from a health handbook from the Middle Ages. If you’re 5’10” or taller, Economy isn’t going to work. And I have a long torso and short legs, and my knees are up against the seat in front of me. Economy Plus gives just enough room to be “slightly less miserable” than Economy.
Boycott the airlines. Stick it to the man.
Makes me happy with UA E+ seating (and having lifetime status where I can reserve those seats when I make my flight reservations). First Class is better, but I usually can't afford it.
I used to be a high status flyer on both UA and Delta. Not anymore since I retired. So unless there is a great sea between me and where I want to go, I see no reason to pay for the discomfort of any US carrier (and sorry guys but my experiences on AA were by far the worst - believe it or not, worst than Northwest) and prefer to drive or fly my plane. Foreign carriers - maybe different story. Most of them still know something about service.
I used to be a high status flyer on both UA and Delta. Not anymore since I retired. So unless there is a great sea between me and where I want to go, I see no reason to pay for the discomfort of any US carrier (and sorry guys but my experiences on AA were by far the worst - believe it or not, worst than Northwest) and prefer to drive or fly my plane. Foreign carriers - maybe different story. Most of them still know something about service.

I understand fully. I ride the commercial airlines because much of my travel is too far for GA. Even though I'm "retired" I'm still active in standards committee work, and that means several long trip a year, typically across the Atlantic and/or Pacific. Not doing that in a 172 or 182. 4 planned for this year alone, two across each ocean. Add at least one trip to Hawaii (not flying myself for that, either) and I still log well over 50,000 miles a year with my seat planted in an airliner.
32-33" seats pitch on Southwest Airlines. You may not like the boarding procedure, at least we have more legroom.

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I would almost rather stand the whole flight than sit in 28 inch pitch seats. I had imprints from the magazine holder in my kneecaps for days after the one time we made that mistake.
32-33" seats pitch on Southwest Airlines. You may not like the boarding procedure, at least we have more legroom.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

Southwest is a way more pleasant overall experience then any of the other major airlines IMO. The service is awesome more consistently as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
I love going to the airport and seeing all those cattle line up to get in the ole bus.

On occasion you might even get a nice show out of it.

On occasion you might even get a nice show out of it.
Like the time I was on a flight back to DC that was "touchy" about beating curfew and the woman next to me told of how she had not "been with a man" in months, how she was going to visit a guy, and then described - in lurid detail - what she would do to the first man she saw if we diverted to BWI and had to take the bus to DC.
Airlines. Suck.

In the last decade, my only airline trips have been one-way, either picking up or dropping off GA aircraft.

My last round-trip, solely airline flight was a decade ago, and after being crammed into an Eagle RJ from WI to TX, I had sore knees from the seat in front of me and a sore neck because I couldn't keep my head completely upright (window seat). Since then, the creations of Diamond, Cessna, and Mooney have kept me traveling in a much more sane, comfortable, and fun manner.
and then described - in lurid detail - what she would do to the first man she saw if we diverted to BWI and had to take the bus to DC.

It's a good thing you didn't tell the pilots - you would have landed in BWI for sure! :)
Hopefully you weren't delayed and had to sit an extra hour in those seats while on the ramp (not good)
Hopefully you didn't sit for hours in the airport at CLT waiting for your new flight to a city 45 minutes away from your destination (not good)
Hopefully you didn't have to watch the rich lady let her dog pee on the carpet right in front of everyone and walk away with her nose in the air (not good)
Hopefully you didn't miss out on the TCBY White Chocolate Mousse yogurt (awesome)
I love going to the airport and seeing all those cattle line up to get in the ole bus.

On occasion you might even get a nice show out of it.

I just love how she calmly picks up her bag and walks away after her lunatic rant.
Airline service will do that to you.
I love going to the airport and seeing all those cattle line up to get in the ole bus.

On occasion you might even get a nice show out of it.

Now there is a need for an emotional support animal if I ever saw one!
Flew LAX to PHNL on an AA A321. Had economy seats, and was relatively comfortable for the whole flight. Helped that my 4 year old was sitting next to me, and I could invade his leg space :) Even was able to sleep the whole flight home