Ann keeps calling...


Jul 25, 2006
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She's been calling all of us here in the office for weeks. Always from a different number so blocking is of no use. She's called me three times today from Jersey City.

We used to hear from Julia a lot, but maybe she moved on to another job.
Nice thing about VoIP phones - NOMOROBO. Many, not all, of these calls are blocked. :D
Heather here.
FYI, I am eligible for an extended auto warranty.
Apparently I can pay off my student loans and also get an extended warranty for my 2009 car.
Apparently I can pay off my student loans and also get an extended warranty for my 2009 car.

My mom gets that call to pay off her student loans.

She turned 87 today.

And she tells the callers that student loan programs were not invented yet when she was in college.
VOIP en route. I was doing my own, got tired of that, got lured back to the local cable company, leaving again... partly because they lack any facility for blocking calls like these, which constitute at least 50% of calls to our home number.
I was offered an exotic vacation for free a few weeks ago, but I can’t remember who the sweet gal was who offered it. Nice offer, but I didn’t bite.
I was offered an exotic vacation for free a few weeks ago, but I can’t remember who the sweet gal was who offered it. Nice offer, but I didn’t bite.
Is that the one that will hold your spot. All you have to do is give them your credit card number????

Just to make this aviation related, within 2 hours of passing my IFR written, I got a call wanting me to buy aviation insurance. At least the FAA is secure with our information.
Oh no! I just got a call from the IRS! They say I owe back taxes and are threatening to send the police to arrest me! I am too pretty to go to prison! Nooooooooo!!!!
I don't get these calls. I mean I probably do get them but I don't answer unknown numbers. So got that rockin' for me. ;)

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So I’ve been getting calls from a women speaking to me in an Asian language. They also are leaving a message in Asian.
I got a call from the Social Security Administration today informing me that an enforcement action is being taken against me for criminal activity and I need to call such and such a number immediately. Snore.
So I’ve been getting calls from a women speaking to me in an Asian language. They also are leaving a message in Asian.

I got one of those a couple weeks ago. Even the numbers were in Chinese on my caller ID. I shoulda hit redial and see what happened....
Wait till the Nigerian Prince who told me via email about the gazillion dollars he has for me starts calling direct. I’ll be in the market for a Gulfstream.

And here I was thinking the "Queen Anne's Revenge".
I get Jennifer and sometimes Rebecca

They sound like such nice people
Jennifer calls me all the time, too. It's always from a phone number that has the same NPA-NXX as my number. They spoof numbers that look like they're in the same exchange as your number so you think it's a local call from someone you know. :mad:
Jennifer calls me all the time, too. It's always from a phone number that has the same NPA-NXX as my number. They spoof numbers that look like they're in the same exchange as your number so you think it's a local call from someone you know. :mad:

Well, you know Jennifer could be anyone...

I’m always interested to discuss these exotic vacations.....when I inquire if this would allow relief from my mandatory home bound quarantine, she says she’ll have to get back to me. :eek:
I always get Rachel. She always wants to follow up with the loan we "talked about."
I have this as my out going message,,

"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking to sell me something, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you."
Oh Ann. She's cheating on me! I thought I was her favorite and now I find out she is calling everyone else.
Jennifer calls me all the time, too. It's always from a phone number that has the same NPA-NXX as my number. They spoof numbers that look like they're in the same exchange as your number so you think it's a local call from someone you know. :mad:
I get at least one of these per day, I just ignore them, they never leave a message! :rolleyes: I seldom answer a call from a number I don’t recognize, it’s saves a lot of time. At work I’ll answer, because it could be a customer, I get a couple credit card processing calls a week, trying to save me money. My standard answer is “we don’t accept credit or debit cards, we are an all cash business, I don’t want the government to be able to track me.” That usually confuses them enough that they won’t call back for a while! :D
Oh no! I just got a call from the IRS! They say I owe back taxes and are threatening to send the police to arrest me! I am too pretty to go to prison! Nooooooooo!!!!
I know a retired school teacher that fell for the IRS scam, to the tune of 4.5 AMU, and lost another 1 AMU to the "Microsoft Tech Support" scam. The second was AFTER I told her to ignore those popups and phone calls.
I get the "your warranty on your car has expired, and you are eligible for an extended warranty."
My daily driver is a 1987 Chevy S-10.
Oh Ann. She's cheating on me! I thought I was her favorite and now I find out she is calling everyone else.

We never thought she was good enough for you. On the other hand, none of us are declining her calls, so...
I hate those calls.

And don’t get me started on door to door sales, solicitations, surveys, etc. It should be legal to shoot them.
I hate those calls.

And don’t get me started on door to door sales, solicitations, surveys, etc. It should be legal to shoot them.
I wouldnt think the above would work frequently enough to be worth the effort, but we still get a few.