Lesson from new owner


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Once you buy, don't ever go back on TAP, Barnstormers, etc
Suddenly where there once was a needle in a haystack, there are needles everywhere ;)

I love my plane. I swear there were never this many candidates when I was searching.
I recall this same thing when I bought my most recent house.
You sort of get in the habit of browsing the MLS

Find your house, and then peek back on the MLS and suddenly there are 20 more than the day before you closed.
Think of the money you saved by not having to check all those other planes. In other words it's time value of money, think of the time you saved by spending your money....
it's the same with chicks............like when you are on a dry spell, can't find a date, then you finally start dating someone and then u meet babes left and right. wait, but that never stopped me before. scratch everything I just said, it's nothing like that.
The better ones come on the market after you make a purchase. ;)

I kid, I kid
I feel you. Same happened when we bought our house. Waded through tons of garbage for months to find one we liked then a few weeks after close I hop on Zillow and nothing buy houses I really liked for the same or cheaper price lol.
Same things with trucks. I just bought a new to me truck, immediately stopped looking to avoid buyers remorse.
I had posted on Grumman Gang, the discussion board which you've repeatedly dis'ed, that you were looking; so owners delayed their sales until you were out of the buyer's market. o_O
I had posted on Grumman Gang, the discussion board which you've repeatedly dis'ed, that you were looking; so owners delayed their sales until you were out of the buyer's market. o_O

Those sites...

They need a real forum. I tried posting on the Grumman gang once and I probably would have gotten a much quicker response had I just nailed something to a telephone pole. I still don't even understand how it works you can ask a question and then a few weeks later you get an email that shows conversations between a bunch of different people but there's no real way to respond. I tried really hard to figure it out but I think my modem was just too fast
You are doing something wrong - GG posts to members emails AT LEAST once a day - ongoing conversations with answers/opinions at least daily on extant topics.
Sorry I can't lead you by the hand thru GG, but suggest you try again.
BTW - make sure you're going to GRUMMAN GANG, not TEAM GRUMMAN (which of late has little, if anything, to do with airplanes)
How do you communicate on GG?
I see the conversations in the emails but no interface for discussing things.
How do you communicate on GG?
I see the conversations in the emails but no interface for discussing things.

Pretty sure you send an email to a specific address. But I've been read only thus far.
Basically, you just do an email REPLY with a few word reference to topic of interest in heading.
GG really has been very educational to me as an AA owner, really.

But be aware, GG is not the best place to be a smartaz
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It's a Mailman mailing list. C'mon, man, they're not that old-school yet.
yes. yes they are.

but as 6pc is in "tech", he should have understood that.

maybe have him go into a Usenet group and ask for instructions on using a mailing list?
yes. yes they are.

but as 6pc is in "tech", he should have understood that.

maybe have him go into a Usenet group and ask for instructions on using a mailing list?
That's like saying IRC is that old. Don't do that.
Once you buy, don't ever go back on TAP, Barnstormers, etc
Suddenly where there once was a needle in a haystack, there are needles everywhere ;)

I love my plane. I swear there were never this many candidates when I was searching.

I imagine that it will only get worse when you decide it's time to sell. ;)
Yea, what's worse is, O'Reily's observations concerning Murphy's Law.... "Murphy was an Optimist!"

I thought that was "O' Toole's Law". But all to true none the less...
How do you communicate on GG?
I see the conversations in the emails but no interface for discussing things.
It's a mailing list. You send an email to the list, everyone on the list gets it. Then you get annoyed by the volume of email, so you change it to digest mode, so you only get one email a day with all of the conversations in it. Then you get annoyed by that, and you read the archives on the web instead.
It's a mailing list. You send an email to the list, everyone on the list gets it. Then you get annoyed by the volume of email, so you change it to digest mode, so you only get one email a day with all of the conversations in it. Then you get annoyed by that, and you read the archives on the web instead.

in this day and technology age, that is as weak as it gets. just plain 1980's weak. get with the program, GG.
in this day and technology age, that is as weak as it gets. just plain 1980's weak. get with the program, GG.

I'm on a number of motorcycle mailing lists that date back to the arpanet days, and I've known and ridden with these guys for over 30 years. It works.
rubbing two sticks together to make a fire "works" too.

You must understand the dynamic of the group. There have been votes to move to a forum, fails every time. And, most interestingly, most list members are highly accomplished IT and programmer types.
It does work - once, sometimes twice, a day I get an email that collates the extant GG discussions.
Sure beats the Hell out of casting about a site like POA looking for what I'm looking for/ or not.
Besides, Cap'n Ron is still there - that's a definite plus in my estimation.
Cardinals Online is the same way. Emails to a list and everyone gets a copy. They can either respond to the list or to you directly.
It's a Mailman mailing list. C'mon, man, they're not that old-school yet.

I just facepalmed that @SixPapaCharlie doesn't know how a mailing list works. Especially Mailman. LOL.

Sounds like it's in "Digest" mode by default at GG.

There's usually a URL at the bottom of each message with a web page where you can set settings for how you want it to work.

Originally mailing lists were just like the ones at most offices. Send a message to the list address, everyone gets a copy.

You wanted to reply to one, you did and the mailing list would leave the Subject line intact so a reader could sort by Subject and see all the replies for that topic together in their mail program. (Or if they were sadists they'd leave that folder sorted by date/time and jump around reading only the Subject line they were interested in.)

Later as traffic went up, people didn't want to bother to take the time to build filters to put say, 100 messages an hour, into a folder marked "Scan this mailing list crap later..." so they asked the mailing list people to send them one big email with summaries of all topics being discussed.

Problem with that always was and is: The subject line has been mangled into something that says it's a summary. And people respond to the list address without the original Subject line of the thread they were talking about.

No worries, just reply anyway and everyone gets a copy. They'll figure it out. If you're polite, list etiquette says you snip all but what you're quoting, never top post above the quoted material, and edit the Subject line to match the discussion thread you're continuing. (Removing any stupid "Re:" your mail program "helpfully" adds.)

You can go to the URL at the bottom and set up a login (your email address) and password to change the list behavior. I always did. I switched off Digest mode and made a filter to put the list traffic into a folder as it arrived so it wasn't in my inbox. (If you're using GMail, it also knows list traffic from non-list traffic by the headers and gives a "reply to list" option usually, as long as the list is writing proper headers into the mail.)

If you really want to be old school, mailman also responds to most of the old list commands that predecessor list processors used. But you have to send them as an email to the list processing address, and not the list reply address with Mailman. Both addresses are also usually listed at the bottom of the email. Or they're in the headers.

Old school baby.

Mailman also by default has a threaded web reader of all the list archives on its own webpage. That's probably the closest thing you'll get to say, a forum like this, out of a mailing list.
I just facepalmed that @SixPapaCharlie doesn't know how a mailing list works. Especially Mailman. LOL.

Technology is only a job for me.
It was never a passion or some nerdy thing I did all my life.
I do write software on the side to make my life more efficient and also for side hustle stuff but I was never one to explore technology unless there is a direct benefit or an obvious inefficiency.

I started programming in college and found I was very good at it. Didn't love it or hate it but It was something I was good at and could make good money.

We had acoustic couplers and punchcards in the house when I was a kid (dad is a programmer) but I didn't have any interest in technology until probably 1998 ("Get a job son")
I never owned a computer until I needed one.

So by the time I joined the game, we had evolved past a lot of these things you mentioned.