Had my first bird strike


Touchdown! Greaser!
Sep 9, 2013
Long Island, NY
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Flew down to BWI while getting vectored for the visual approach passing 3000ft and heard a thud. I thought the FA dropped a soda can or something so me and the captain shrugged it off. I do my post flight inspection because we were the last flight of the day and a bird took a nice piece off the right side of the radome.
Just another suicide by airplane,for the disgruntled bird.
You should never have posted that event here ... now all the "Bird Lives Matter" organization will be asking for the Go_pro dash cam to prove you maliciously murdered that bird:confused:
Dang Jordane y'all could've flamed out and landed in the bay!. Heard there's money in that, books, free meals at swanky restaurants, maybe even a movie. Missed your 15 minutes man.
I've killed a couple birds, two doves on landing once and a buzzard or something similar at 5000 feet over Atlanta. Doves were a little messy, the buzzard was very messy and stinky!! :eek:
Oh....the humanity. :D
I should delete this thread before PETA sees it.
Hate to tell ya, but we're gonna have to give you a 44709. ;)

Glad everything ended well for you all, can't say the same for the bird. :(
Flew down to BWI while getting vectored for the visual approach passing 3000ft and heard a thud. I thought the FA dropped a soda can or something so me and the captain shrugged it off. I do my post flight inspection because we were the last flight of the day and a bird took a nice piece off the right side of the radome.
Nearly hero status!!!
Give me 5 minutes with a rattle can and I will have it good as new.
In other news, noted Aviator, Howard the Duck, has been reported missing during a fun flight near Baltimore. Civil Air Patrol has been notified.
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