Goodbye Santa Monica Airport

As a California native somehow I have always found plenty of opportunity despite the challenges people imagine.
I am grateful that there are not more people who want to live here, particularly those with strong opinions based on ignorance and little imagination.
It is my observation that California’s politics are driven by transplants from other states.

Hate to break this to you, but most of the folks populating the state are transplants. That's why California has had a real estate boom for like a 100 years more or less without interruption.

Folks like the sun and warm weather.
I loved living in San Diego when I was in the Marine Corps. It's a great place to be when you are 21 and not having to live on the local economy. But know I don't think I would want to live there.
That's why California has had a real estate boom for like a 100 years more or less without interruption.

If you think CA continued to have a real estate boom in the aftermath of the 2007 housing bubble rupture, you are fooling yourself.

Having lived there through that period I would definitely say it was an interruption.
I have lived in Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, Washington and Ohio during my ARMY enlistment, I couldn't wait to get bak home to California to live. With my wages I have had no issues buying multiple homes, cars, airplanes and raise my 3 daughters without any illeagle running into me. I guess I am lucky to do this pretty much debt free.

You must be a CFI making 6 Figures. :yes:
Trying to stay on topic for this interesting issue...

Never flown in CA, but I've seen some videos of SMO. Looks like a decent place, as long as you don't have engine trouble! It seems like there's a lot of jet traffic there. Is it seen (by the public) as the airport for rich people that's just a nuisance to everyone else?
Hate to break this to you, but most of the folks populating the state are transplants. That's why California has had a real estate boom for like a 100 years more or less without interruption.

Folks like the sun and warm weather.

I wouldn't say most. There are loads of us born, raised and are still here. For those that grew up here, it's often tough to leave. Other parts of the country have brutal weather for extended parts of it he year. We are spoiled and like it that way.

My wife and I talk about our retirement in hopefully ten years and we would like to leave the state for tax reasons as well as to extend our retirement dollars. The problem is, snow is a deal breaker for us and every other state in the union except Hawaii, has a season you have to suffer through one way or the other.

The best plan so far is to be bi coastal. Florida in the winter and California in the summer. We'll see, still a ways away.
If the government is not to listen to the majority, who should the government listen too?

The reasons for the dislike of California are actually related to the airport closure, namely: (1) that the state has a higher-than-average percentage of crybabies who stamp their feet, whine loudly, and demand changes every time anything is not exactly to their liking; and (2) that the government actually pays attention to said crybabies.

That being said, New York is not far behind in either category.

If you think CA continued to have a real estate boom in the aftermath of the 2007 housing bubble rupture, you are fooling yourself.

Having lived there through that period I would definitely say it was an interruption.

Interruption is correct. Most of the state's real estate markets have either stabilized, or continued to climb again. Certainly is the case where I live. We bought our current house in 2010 at near the bottom of the market and now I have about an additional $200,000 in equity in the house already and prices keep rising. :D
The reason why the airport is under attack is because two powerful forces have joined together to try to close it.

Group one are the locals that just hate the airport. It's noisy, it pollutes, and they feel it does not serve the local community, only outsiders that don't live in Santa Monica. They are the colorful people that have given Santa Monica the reputation that it has as an overall community.

The second group are powerful developers. While the airports grounds might be developed, the big money comes from the potential new development along Venice Beach and Century City. The development of these areas has been blocked by the airspace restrictions required by the airport. No airport, no restrictions.

Where the elections went sideways was that Santa Monica has a history of not liking to be pushed around by outsiders. It didn't help that the pro airport forces are viewed by the citizens as outsiders.

Of course, what's in it for all of us is making sure that the land grants and other federal obligations are enforced. If the government allows Santa Monica to close the airport, it sets the precident that federal obligations are no longer valid. This is why AOPA is willing to fall on its sword on this item.

I hate to see any airport close, but sometimes the old has to go to make room for the new. Unless it is for the wrong reason.
When I worked in California I couldn't wait to move elsewhere, which was cured as soon as I did.

California, the land of fruits, flakes, and nuts, hollyweird, governor moonbeam, who succeed, the terminator, and a massive population of entitlement whore, illegal aliens, sucking up tax dollars, and providing little, to nothing in return, except menial labor when they do so.
Trying to stay on topic for this interesting issue...

Never flown in CA, but I've seen some videos of SMO. Looks like a decent place, as long as you don't have engine trouble! It seems like there's a lot of jet traffic there. Is it seen (by the public) as the airport for rich people that's just a nuisance to everyone else?

Yes and that is sadly largely the case for all airports nation wide. The general public has little need for the vast majority of America's airports, very little interaction with them and receive little benefit from them. To most Americans, the noise, perceived pollution and the danger from accidents is very much a nuisance. America's airports don't have an image problem, they have a functionality problem. They just aren't needed by the vast majority of the population unless they have the major airlines flying out of them.

Because of this lack of purpose to the common citizen, the airports that will survive are those that are located on otherwise useless land, outside the populated areas and financially self sufficient. Santa Monica will fall because it is surrounded by people living near by in their homes that have no use for the airport. I would bet that the folks that do use the airport don't live anywhere near the airport. A lot of them don't even live in Santa Monica. One by one, airports located in dense urban area like this will close all across America. Next on the list in California is Reid Hillview in San Jose. :(
Hate to break this to you, but most of the folks populating the state are transplants. That's why California has had a real estate boom for like a 100 years more or less without interruption.

Folks like the sun and warm weather.

Oh, I can remember a bust in the CA Real Estate market around the Gulf War 1 period.
Every successful airport closure adds to the playbook of the next closure attempt.
Interruption is correct. Most of the state's real estate markets have either stabilized, or continued to climb again. Certainly is the case where I live. We bought our current house in 2010 at near the bottom of the market and now I have about an additional $200,000 in equity in the house already and prices keep rising. :D

That's not continuous, that is "boom and bust" like everywhere.
Of course, what's in it for all of us is making sure that the land grants and other federal obligations are enforced. If the government allows Santa Monica to close the airport, it sets the precident that federal obligations are no longer valid. This is why AOPA is willing to fall on its sword on this item.
Post Meigs is there anything local pols can't do?:lol:
When I worked in California I couldn't wait to move elsewhere, which was cured as soon as I did.

California, the land of fruits, flakes, and nuts, hollyweird, governor moonbeam, who succeed, the terminator, and a massive population of entitlement whore, illegal aliens, sucking up tax dollars, and providing little, to nothing in return, except menial labor when they do so.

You should have given California a chance. It has something for everyone. There are plenty of places here where cranky, racist old white guys can feel right at home.
You should have given California a chance. It has something for everyone. There are plenty of places here where cranky, racist old white guys can feel right at home.

San Diego for sure, Newport is as conservative as it gets.
When I worked in California I couldn't wait to move elsewhere, which was cured as soon as I did.

California, the land of fruits, flakes, and nuts, hollyweird, governor moonbeam, who succeed, the terminator, and a massive population of entitlement whore, illegal aliens, sucking up tax dollars, and providing little, to nothing in return, except menial labor when they do so.

Don't hold back. Tell us what you really think! :D

I just do not understand the constant desire for people on forums like this to constantly insult the people from a state and point out the worst parts of that state every time that state name gets mentioned.

How would they like it if every time they posted, others pointed out the WORST parts of their state instead of looking at the brighter side?

Also,by the way, completely ignoring the original intent of the post?

We know a lot of people do not like California. But a lot of people do. We call it home, Including this writer. I am not ignorant of the problems in this state but I am also cognizant of all the great things the state does have to offer. I have weighed the alternatives and lived all over this country.

I like what I have found here.

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I am done with this bread and all the nasty idiots who are pointing out things we already know

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When I worked in California I couldn't wait to move elsewhere, which was cured as soon as I did.

California, the land of fruits, flakes, and nuts, hollyweird, governor moonbeam, who succeed, the terminator, and a massive population of entitlement whore, illegal aliens, sucking up tax dollars, and providing little, to nothing in return, except menial labor when they do so.

Wow. Have you been shot in your head at Florida or something? :lol:
This is ashame. I hate to see these airports close, or be under constant pressure to close.

Regarding CA. I lived in the Bay Area for a while (east bay), and really enjoyed my time in San Fran. CA really does have everything. My company tried to keep me their permantely three seperate times, and then after they knew I didn't want to stay in San Fran, they tried to move me to L.A., then Thousand Oaks. I just found the cost of living too high, the restrictions on legally owned guns to onerous, with high taxes/regulations. It really is the coastal urban areas that dictate to the entire state. However, I can see why people would want to put up with all of this to live there, it just isn't for me.
Post Meigs is there anything local pols can't do?:lol:

Meigs was an outlier case. Any grant obligations had passed. It's future was in the city's hands. The only thing Daley did wrong (other than close the airport) was to give insufficient notice and to use funds that were earmarked for ORD to close it.

Most airports are not in that position.
California always has a bad vibe for me, even when I was in SD a couple weeks ago, it was so depressing. I spent 10 years out there all up and down the state and never found anywhere I wanted to call home. The cold water was the kicker that got me out.
California always has a bad vibe for me, even when I was in SD a couple weeks ago, it was so depressing.

Not liking it is one thing.

If it's actually affecting your mood that other people in mass numbers are idiots, you might need to talk to someone.

The bell curve won't be rescinded any time soon.
This thread is on the verge of going away...
This thread was off the rails by post #2, but you could easily guess that would be the case. Just a question of whether it devolved into political bashing, CA bashing, AOPA bashing, or a combination of the three.

and the common denominator
Not liking it is one thing.

If it's actually affecting your mood that other people in mass numbers are idiots, you might need to talk to someone.

The bell curve won't be rescinded any time soon.

It's more than just being idiots, you have lots of violent idiots due to crystal meth, but that has permeated the country pretty solidly in the time since. The level of greed and selfishness one encounters in California is second to none anywhere, especially the Bay Area south. You get up Humbolt and things are a bit better.

There's just a lot of bad blood and bad attitude that is pervasive in CA, plus the water is always freaking cold.
Hate to break this to you, but most of the folks populating the state are transplants. That's why California has had a real estate boom for like a 100 years more or less without interruption.

Folks like the sun and warm weather.

This 4th generation native Californian escaped a bit over 19 years ago. I have family there and don't mind visiting, but I am NEVER moving back. The inmates are running the asylum. Reelecting Governor Moonbeam is just the latest example. You may live in a conservative part of the state, but you are still governed by the others. No thanks.

And, as much as I love Washington state, this place is going in the wrong direction, too. Thanks Seattle and the rest of King County.
California, the land of fruits, flakes, and nuts, hollyweird, governor moonbeam, who succeed, the terminator, and a massive population of entitlement whore, illegal aliens, sucking up tax dollars, and providing little, to nothing in return, except menial labor when they do so.

Ironic, coming from a place where you get shot for buying Skittles and wearing Hoodies.
Do people in Cali still do that bit where they ask you where you are from, then say that is a nice place to be from. With snide emphasis on from.
This 4th generation native Californian escaped a bit over 19 years ago. I have family there and don't mind visiting, but I am NEVER moving back. The inmates are running the asylum. Reelecting Governor Moonbeam is just the latest example. You may live in a conservative part of the state, but you are still governed by the others. No thanks.

And, as much as I love Washington state, this place is going in the wrong direction, too. Thanks Seattle and the rest of King County.
The irony of Washington state must be examined to be appreciated. It was a conservative heaven that called out to all Californians who couldn't stand California any more...

And then...they shaped it into exactly what they had known, and hated, in California. Some of my family is there, after generations in California, and have "helped" make it into the socialist hell it has become.

But back to Santa Monica Airport. Until airports like SMO become valuable to the citizens of their community, they will be vulnerable. This means providing air transportation services to someone other than millionaires, which means creating affordable and convenient air taxi service to feed our hub and spoke system.

The solution is to make these airports USEFUL again. Crack that nut, and the NIMBYs will be drowned out by the regular folk.
Start running cheap flights to Vegas out of smo maybe that would make some friends...
But back to Santa Monica Airport. Until airports like SMO become valuable to the citizens of their community, they will be vulnerable. This means providing air transportation services to someone other than millionaires, which means creating affordable and convenient air taxi service to feed our hub and spoke system.

Santa Monica would not be useful for that because it's within a few miles of KLAX.

As far as California is concerned, most of the people I know who live there do not want to leave, and I have been threatening to move back there for a long time. Maybe soon...
Do people in Cali still do that bit where they ask you where you are from, then say that is a nice place to be from. With snide emphasis on from.

We have lots of people in California; most from other states.
I can’t speak for them.
I see no reason to denigrate others in an effort to elevate myself.
I have guns; I operate a small business with employees and live in a nice house overlooking the Pacific Ocean in a politically conservative community.
I have a beautiful wife that I love who is also a California native.
I pay $205 per month for a T hangar near my home at a class D airport (SMX).
I have flown over some very beautiful areas in the state.

There are parts of California and some people in California that I don’t care for.
I have spent time in all 50 states and overseas; California works for me.
My father flew into SMO a lot and I have landed there.
I will be sad if SMO goes away.
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