Holy Lurkers!


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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I scrolled down on the front page and saw something like 1900 active users.
most are guests but a lot of names I have never seen and no posts.

I'd like more of these people to chime in share flying experiences / questions.

That's a lot of untapped information in 1500+ people.
The vast majority of the guests are bots for spamming purposes.

Doesn't change the intent of your post though - lurkers come out and say hi!
Who or What is a "bots" ?

Computer programs written by unscrupulous people, designed to create logins and post spam to a message board. It's the reason there's a multiple step authentication process for pretty much any message board these days.

I've run a couple of message boards over the years, with one still active. It gets roughly 200 bogus registrations per day. This is all hidden from the members, but it's something that's a constant issue to admins. Message board software gets increasingly better at filtering out the spammers, and the spammers keep getting better and beating the filters. It's an ongoing battle. :mad2:
Maybe there are a lot of lurkers,because they don't want to get slammed,when they post an innocent question.
I'm a longtime lurker and your post motivated me to finally create an account.

I'm a newbie pilot, finished my PPL one year ago this month. I've been lurking around here regularly since I started training and have learned a lot from you guys. I figure I should start contributing.

I'll de-lurk.


I'm 42 and work in the software industry. I've been lurking for quite some time.

I'm originally from Pennsylvania, but have been living in the Seattle area for the last 15 years or so.

I've always been interested in flying, but for various reasons I never pursued it until last fall when I took a discovery flight and decided I needed to do this. :)

I plan on starting my PPL this September, but I've already completed the Jeppesen online ground school, and am going through it all again in preparation for the written.

I'll de-lurk.


I'm 42 and work in the software industry. I've been lurking for quite some time.

I'm originally from Pennsylvania, but have been living in the Seattle area for the last 15 years or so.

I've always been interested in flying, but for various reasons I never pursued it until last fall when I took a discovery flight and decided I needed to do this. :)

I plan on starting my PPL this September, but I've already completed the Jeppesen online ground school, and am going through it all again in preparation for the written.

What plane was your discovery flight in?
Welcome former anons and I look forward to more moving out of lurk mode and joining in the fun. Nice post Bryan!
Automated programs. Much like the "spiders" used by the web search engines that gather content data and report to the mother ship.

Thanks for the "bots" clarification.

I did not know if a "bot" was "bacon on toast" or "bloggers of Tucson" "burglars of Tampa" or perhaps "boys of Talladega" now I know
I'm a longtime lurker and your post motivated me to finally create an account.

I'm a newbie pilot, finished my PPL one year ago this month. I've been lurking around here regularly since I started training and have learned a lot from you guys. I figure I should start contributing.


I'll de-lurk.


I'm 42 and work in the software industry. I've been lurking for quite some time.

I'm originally from Pennsylvania, but have been living in the Seattle area for the last 15 years or so.

I've always been interested in flying, but for various reasons I never pursued it until last fall when I took a discovery flight and decided I needed to do this. :)

I plan on starting my PPL this September, but I've already completed the Jeppesen online ground school, and am going through it all again in preparation for the written.

Welcome to active POA membership.
A lot of times I read the forums, but only log in to post, like right now.
Welcome, and thanks for de-cloaking! :)

You'll find a wealth of information here. And I hope you'll share some of your own!
Welcome, and thanks for de-cloaking! :)

You'll find a wealth of information here. And I hope you'll share some of your own!

I expect I'll be tons more active after I start training. Look I've already doubled my post count! :goofy:
Welcome as official members to the forum!

I'll de-lurk.


I'm 42 and work in the software industry. I've been lurking for quite some time.

I'm originally from Pennsylvania, but have been living in the Seattle area for the last 15 years or so.

I've always been interested in flying, but for various reasons I never pursued it until last fall when I took a discovery flight and reduced I needed to do this. :)

I plan on starting my PPL this September, but I've already completed the Jeppesen online ground school, and am going through it all again in preparation for the written.

Good on you for de-lurking! :lol:

Welcome to POA.

Lurk no more!
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better to be a Holy Lurker than a Shadow Lurker:

I scrolled down on the front page and saw something like 1900 active users.
most are guests but a lot of names I have never seen and no posts.

I'd like more of these people to chime in share flying experiences / questions.

That's a lot of untapped information in 1500+ people.

Ok, I'll add this. I am fairly new to flying, and this forum, started training 3/1/14. Everything has been going great, ready to solo soon, just waiting for some favorable weather, and a check ride from the head CFI.

My CFI announces last Saturday he accepted a job with a charter company at the same airport flying a King Air. He said he would still be my CFI on the weekends, but this Saturdays flight was almost like he wasn't there, and I haven't heard from the head CFI about re-scheduling my check ride which was canceled because of weather.

I'm happy for my CFI but he said he agreed to stick around until the end of the year. That's one reason I agreed to have him as my CFI. I know this happens all the time, but it's kind of disappointing, especially since I am about to solo.

If this were your FBO, wouldn't you be contacting this CFI's students, to #1 re-schedule my check ride, and #2 assure me there are other CFI's who can take his place, and maybe arrange an introduction? I'm this FBO's perfect student, older (56), and funds available to learn to fly.

BTW, not flying this weekend, CFI is unavailable. (Perfect opportunity for the head CFI to contact me and arrange for a alternate CFI) Nope, no flying for me this weekend, and an idle airplane sitting in the parking lot for the FBO. From a business standpoint, I don't get it.
Ok, I'll add this. I am fairly new to flying, and this forum, started training 3/1/14. Everything has been going great, ready to solo soon, just waiting for some favorable weather, and a check ride from the head CFI.

My CFI announces last Saturday he accepted a job with a charter company at the same airport flying a King Air. He said he would still be my CFI on the weekends, but this Saturdays flight was almost like he wasn't there, and I haven't heard from the head CFI about re-scheduling my check ride which was canceled because of weather.

I'm happy for my CFI but he said he agreed to stick around until the end of the year. That's one reason I agreed to have him as my CFI. I know this happens all the time, but it's kind of disappointing, especially since I am about to solo.

If this were your FBO, wouldn't you be contacting this CFI's students, to #1 re-schedule my check ride, and #2 assure me there are other CFI's who can take his place, and maybe arrange an introduction? I'm this FBO's perfect student, older (56), and funds available to learn to fly.

BTW, not flying this weekend, CFI is unavailable. (Perfect opportunity for the head CFI to contact me and arrange for a alternate CFI) Nope, no flying for me this weekend, and an idle airplane sitting in the parking lot for the FBO. From a business standpoint, I don't get it.

Never good when the customer is ignored. Get in touch with the FBOs chief CFI and tell him ,how you feel,and what you expect. Your old instructor,is using you for extra income. His priority is not you training. Good luck ,hang in there.
Then they do well to remain lurking. The Internet has never been a kind place.
Actually, the internet has very often been kind to me. When we were considering opening our first aviation themed hotel (in Iowa) I received dozens of terrific suggestions, as well as physical contributions of artwork and memorabilia. In many ways, the internet community of pilots built that hotel, and set me on the crazy path I've been on for the last 12 years.

That was in the rec.aviation days, on Usenet. Our HOPS Party in the North 40 at OSH continues to echo those halcyon days.

Then, the Google put the newsgroups on the worldwide web, making it easy for anyone and everyone to find and participate. Within months, trolls had torn the group apart. Within years, it was dead. And lots of us migrated here.

POA is extremely well-mannered, compared to Usenet. The main difference is that it purports to be moderated, which is sadly necessary nowadays.

Still, if you overlook the occasional douchebag, this place is pretty welcoming. Just like most saloons.
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OK, I guess it's time to un-lurk. Thanks for the nudge!

Pilot since 1983, currently between planes. Happy to be here! The wealth of information here is amazing. Thanks to everyone.

OK, I guess it's time to un-lurk. Thanks for the nudge!

Pilot since 1983, currently between planes. Happy to be here! The wealth of information here is amazing. Thanks to everyone.


Awesome!! and welcome!
What was prior plane and what is to be the next plane?

And where are you located?
Awesome!! and welcome!
What was prior plane and what is to be the next plane?

And where are you located?

I was the proud owner of Juliet, a 1976 Archer. My wife's health issues and my lack of time to fly meant that I saw that she would be sitting in the hangar unused (the plane, not the wife). I couldn't bear to see her fade away so I sold her to someone who would give her the attention she deserved (the plane, not the wife).

I'm not yet in a position to buy, but I'm very interested in getting a 170 as a path to a 195 someday.

Egg Harbor, WI... counting the days to OSH. Thanks for the warm welcome!

I was the proud owner of Juliet, a 1976 Archer. My wife's health issues and my lack of time to fly meant that I saw that she would be sitting in the hangar unused (the plane, not the wife). I couldn't bear to see her fade away so I sold her to someone who would give her the attention she deserved (the plane, not the wife).

I'm not yet in a position to buy, but I'm very interested in getting a 170 as a path to a 195 someday.

Egg Harbor, WI... counting the days to OSH. Thanks for the warm welcome!

Door County! One of our favorite places.

Did anyone buy the White Gull Inn yet?
I was the proud owner of Juliet, a 1976 Archer. My wife's health issues and my lack of time to fly meant that I saw that she would be sitting in the hangar unused (the plane, not the wife). I couldn't bear to see her fade away so I sold her to someone who would give her the attention she deserved (the plane, not the wife).

I'm not yet in a position to buy, but I'm very interested in getting a 170 as a path to a 195 someday.

Egg Harbor, WI... counting the days to OSH. Thanks for the warm welcome!


Loved flying into 3D2 and plan to do so again soon! (Though I might wait until post-Airventure and avoid a fair amount of traffic between here and there.)