This week on POA / As the Propeller Turns. Episode 8


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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This week's episode: "The Gift Exchange"

This week, we fade into the Pilots of POA sitting in a circle.

They are back in the big hangar and it is tastefully decorated for non-specific but timely holiday celebration that embraces all yet offends no one.
There is a smattering of the colors you (the reader) prefer to imagine when thinking of holidays along with the symbols and music that generally accompany that which you consider to be appropriate for this time of year.

There is a new pilot in the room today. Let's listen.

April: Hello Everyone. My name is April and I am a girl pilot.

Banned 1: You're not real!
Banned 2: Yeah, you can't be real!
Banned 1: If you are real, show us pictures of yourself to prove you are real!

April: Ok, here is a photo of me flying a plane.

Banned 1: You could have just drawn that
Banned 2: Yeah, I'm totally not buying that at all. You can't take a selfie when flying anyway. Its against the FAA laws.

April: So I'm just gonna go now. Maybe I will drop by later. This place seems a little nuts.

Bikert: Hey Speaking of nuts... Where's Henning?

Gerhardt: NUTS!!!! Did someone say NUTS?!?!
Gerhardt: I love me some nuts!
Gerhardt: Big nuts
Gerhardt: Small nuts
Gerhardt: Peanuts
Gerhardt: Pine nuts
Gerhardt: Corn nuts

SmashTime: Deez Nuts?

Gerhardt: Look, I even have a variety of nuts here in my nut sack!

Norman: I feel like we have seen the "nut sack" reference in one of these before.

EdFred: Norman, You are breaking the 4th wall again. It is really bad form to do that.

Paul S: I think last time it was a nut sack reference to Sac Arrow's name though.

EdFred: Geez guys why not just say "Hey look 6PC is typing these words for us to "say" because he is bored at work and there is nobody
at the office for him to screw with by punching holes in their coffee cup today"

Norman: Corn Nuts aren't really nuts Gethardt

Gerhardt: neither are Peanuts. In fact most nuts ...

FarmerBrake: [interrupting] Sorry to interrupt guys, but how long will it be until I get my plastic cert in the mail?

The Monkey: Why? You wanna cut some cocaine?

FarmerBrake: The FAA site gives a range but mentions no specific date.

The Monkey: Maybe you would like to buy some cocaine?

FarmerBrake: Wait What? WTF??? No, I don't want to buy Coke... What in the he...

The Monkey: [interrupting] Will you sell me some cocaine?

JCranford: [busting in] Has anyone seen a coked up monk... Ah, there he is.

JCranford: Come back here ya little pill popping primate!!

[John leaps on top of the monkey and pins him to the ground]

JCranford: Somebody get this monkey some drugs before he goes ape and kills one of us.

DenverPilot: "Goes Ape" I get it, That is pretty good.

mkosmo: I have a bit of black tar heroin. Will that work?

JCranford: Yes, but you have to inject it straight into his heart. Pulp Fiction style.

mkosmo: Seriously?

DenverPilot: Yes. I am familiar with this monkey. You have to jab it in his heart whilst simultaneously blowing hash smoke into his face.

The monkey: "Whilst" ???? Whilst? Who says that?

DenverPilot: Its a real word ya fuzzy little s***. People say it.

clark: I have some hash browni... Er... Wait. JCranford is a cop right? I mean I have Hash browns. I brought breakfast. That's what I meant.

JCranford: No it's cool man. I understand what this monkey needs. I am not going to arrest you.

Clark: Ok sweet, Here.

[Clark sets a brownie on fire and begins blowing the smoke into the monkey's face whilst mksmo Jams the needle into the heart of the little monkey.
It is all very weird but it works. With the monkey situation contained we shift back to some important pilot conversation]

TimWinters: So if you had to choose, Old Amelia or New Amelia?

Hindsight2020: For what? I wouldn't get in a plane with her.

TimWinters: No, not to fly with... To um, you know "Take her through a stall series" so to speak.

Murphy: I agree with Hindsight, I wouldn't. She is not the best pilot.

TimWinters: GUYS. I am not talking about flying!

Ron Keating: Good because I hear she is not good at that.

TimWinters: Would you choose this one or the old one for a roll in the hay?

Dave Taylor: Are talking old Amelia when she was younger or old Amelia now?

Skydog: Ewe

Dave Taylor: NO! Not Now Now. I mean Ya know around the time of her last flight. Would ya knock the dust off that one last time for good luck?

[Everskyward walks through the hangar carrying a laundry basket]

Everskyward: I am doing a load of whites. Anyone need anything washed?

Gerhardt: Can you wash my nut sack?

Bill Jennings: Anyone else feel like this is a really sexist episode?

6PC: It does seem to be coming off that way but not the intent. Hopefully acknowledging that and making sure to remind readers that after the last Episode Mari made some quip about doing laundry and this is just a throw back to th...

EdFred: DUDE!!!!! You can't keep doing that!
EdFred: I am taking the reigns

[Ed turns off the non-denominational holiday lights and puts a flashlight to his chin to create a mood for his narration]

EdFred: where's the button on this flash light?
EdFred: It doesn't seem to be coming on.
EdFred: Pressing it firmly into his chin and scrambling to locate the button to turn it on to no avail.

The Monkey: Hey has anyone seen my Fleshlight? I stole it from some dude's apartment in colora...

The Monkey: Oh Jesus Ed, get that thing off your face.

[Ed unphased continues his narration anyway]

EdFred: Imagine if you will, A hangar.
EdFred: In the hangar you are about to meet some pilots. Average age 50-ish with book smarts and larger than life egos.
EdFred: They are an argumentative bunch often debating treadmills and wing location only to find the best location is
EdFred: The Pilot Zone
EdFred: neener neener neener neener

Norman: How is that not breaking the 4th wall? You are directly addressing the reader.

Ghery: Can we turn the lights back on? Someone is blowing into my ear.
TimWinters: [whispering to Ghery]: Mind if I call you Amelia?

Ghery: No!! I am a way better pilot than her.

TimWinters: I mean the old one not the new one.
TimWinters: and I mean in the plane, I can call you Amelia and be like the old one like for flying and stuff.

TimWinters: But here in the hangar, Ya know.

Ghery: NO!

TimWinters: Actually can I call you Emilio?

Ghery: Like Estavez?

TimWinters: No Gutierrez. He is my A&P. Really cute. Rock hard abs.

Ghery: Oh God this is starting to remind me of Episode 3

EdFred: A Link?!??! You included a link?!?! Why not just post a link to this one while you are at it

6PC: Um okay: This week on POA / As the Propeller Turns. Episode 8

The Meta-ness of this has thrown EdFred into a tizzy.
He ran from the hanger screaming "You can't break the 4th wall!!!"

Ghery ran in the other direction screaming "Leave Me Alone!"

Tim Winters ran after Ghery screaming "Don't leave me Emilio!"

The Monkey ran away screaming "I'm COVERED in BUGS. GET THEM OFF ME!!!!"

April walked away quietly making eye contact with no one.

As we fade out Gerhardt sits alone on the couch eating nuts and staring longingly at what appears to be a flashlight.

Tune in next for next week's episode:
"I am Brian] and I am here for the monkey!"
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3/10 - would not pick up the series.
So what is the forth wall?

The Fourth Wall is a theatrical term for the imaginary “wall” that exists between actors on stage and the audience. Obviously, no such wall really exists, but to keep up the illusion of theatre, the actors pretend that they cannot hear or see the audience and the audience gets to enjoy the wonderful sensation of being a fly on the wall. The same effect often occurs in movies, only the fourth wall in that instance is a camera lens.

An actor addressing the camera / audience directly is called "breaking the 4th wall"
The Fourth Wall is a theatrical term for the imaginary “wall” that exists between actors on stage and the audience. Obviously, no such wall really exists, but to keep up the illusion of theatre, the actors pretend that they cannot hear or see the audience and the audience gets to enjoy the wonderful sensation of being a fly on the wall. The same effect often occurs in movies, only the fourth wall in that instance is a camera lens.

An actor addressing the camera / audience directly is called "breaking the 4th wall"

Thanks for the explanation. Sorry about misspelling fourth.
Who's the joker....


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Hah. Challenge, if it is the monkey, let him post a selfie.
What are you suggesting, April bedunah monkey?

no no, Just thought someone asked her to post a selfie to prove she was real and things went south pretty fast after that. I only skimmed over the thread and then saw the stalker thread.

If monkey posts a selfie, he needs to be prepared for stalkers
no no, Just thought someone asked her to post a selfie to prove she was real and things went south pretty fast after that. I only skimmed over the thread and then saw the stalker thread.

If monkey posts a selfie, he needs to be prepared for stalkers

So if he misbehaves and posts an inappropriate selfie, how would you reprimand him? Surely you're not suggesting corporal punishment (spanking the monkey). And should we act as a group, maybe hold an intervention with him in the center when confronting him? Or would that be something to do in private? I guess if he's snacking at the time Sac could hold his legumes.
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It might be dangerous having a monkey post on here. I don't have a lot of experience with monkeys, but in the few casual observations I've had they mostly screech and throw feces.

Hmm, on the other hand, he'd fit right in I guess.
It might be dangerous having a monkey post on here. I don't have a lot of experience with monkeys, but in the few casual observations I've had they mostly screech and throw feces.

Hmm, on the other hand, he'd fit right in I guess.

But if we get enough of them on here, we may end up with some Shakespeare.
no no, Just thought someone asked her to post a selfie to prove she was real and things went south pretty fast after that. I only skimmed over the thread and then saw the stalker thread.

If monkey posts a selfie, he needs to be prepared for stalkers

Oh by the way, your link for Chapter 7 is broke. I need my socks prepared.

hey wait a minute.............

shouldn't you be writing the next Chanukah Song or banging drew barrymore or somthin?



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Little boys on the playground! :lol:

SZ was way more interesting than this drivel.
Imagine the stories that monkey could tell.... hint, hint.
Imagine the stories that monkey could tell.... hint, hint.

I started one Er I mean I heard he (the monkey) started to put one together but the file is on his work computer. He just needs to track it down.

He gets high a lot and loses things.
So if he misbehaves and posts an inappropriate selfie, how would you reprimand him? Surely you're not suggesting corporal punishment (spanking the monkey). And should we act as a group, maybe hold an intervention with him in the center when confronting him? Or would that be something to do in private? I guess if he's snacking at the time Sac could hold his legumes.

Would that be called a " circle spank"....:yikes:
He's got me doing laundry again, but I doubt Gerhart would be happy if I took him up on his request because I wash my whites in hot water...
Us guy are just trying to make it easier on the wimmin folk....:D
Or there are too many wimmin folk like me who don't enjoy cooking. For a predominantly male board I see a lot of recipes being posted and I don't see many female posters on those threads. :D