Zero Tolerance is Making a Stink Over Stink...



Ordinarily, such a story would go to the Spin Zone. But, this just too funny not to share with more folks.

Middle school issues ban on intentional flatulence
well sounds like they got it out in the air to me (LOL).
Dave G
high school pranks - love 'em!

A group of students in Montana turned 3 sheep loose in the school, after marking them "1", "2" and "4".
School administration spent the day looking for sheep #3.

"received in an email, and I did NOT perform due diligence on the authenticity of this post"
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high school pranks - love 'em!

A group of students in Montana turned 3 sheep loose in the school, after marking them "1", "2" and "4".
School administration spent the day looking for sheep #3.

"received in an email, and I did NOT perform due diligence on the authenticity of this post"

I got the same e-mail. Real or not, it's funny.
I noticed you posted it as fact. HHhhmmmmmm :D:D:D

You've been pwned by a bunch of HS girls! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

17 5-year olds and a bunch of HS girls. Pretty soon, Ken, we're going to have to take your man card away :yes::rofl:
17 5-year olds and a bunch of HS girls. Pretty soon, Ken, we're going to have to take your man card away :yes::rofl:
Sticks and stones may break my bones but cancelling my flight or taking my scheduled plane will get you shot with a serious spit wad! :)