Zaon XRX help... Not displaying info


Final Approach
Mar 8, 2014
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Can anyone who has one and it is NOT slewed to something else tell me what configuration the dip switches are in under the rear cover? It's the two banks of blue and white mini switches.

I bought one used that was connected to an external source so the dip switches were all in different positions from that install. I am trying to get it back to out of the box configuration. I have the manual and configured it as the manual said, but it's not displaying traffic. All I see on the display is about 6 sets of three digit numbers. No traffic alerts, arrows,beeps or otherwise. I don't even know what it looks like when it's not displaying traffic for that matter.

Any help is appreciated.:yes:
I am about to head out to my plane and test a radio repair. I will snap a photo of my switches. I fly with one and it is not connected to anything else.
Here ya go.
I don't believe I have ever changed these so they should be factory default.

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Here you go...


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Thanks Bryan and scrabo....I have the manual and put it in a factory setting but right at power up its going to this function screen, so I belie w it's still configured for the remote display.

I'll set it up like that pic and see where it gets me!
Scrabo, that page is different than the manual page I have. I am certain I didnt have it configured like that page.
My manual is version 3.0 dated Sept 2008
My manual is version 3.0 dated Sept 2008

Mine is V1 printed 2005. I guess I'll be downloading the new one. That would explain why I was all jacked up.

Thank you both. The XRX is up and running!:goofy:
Mine is V1 printed 2005. I guess I'll be downloading the new one. That would explain why I was all jacked up.

Thank you both. The XRX is up and running!:goofy:
Have you flown with it yet?
Make sure you re calibrate it before first flight, how to do that is towards the end of the manual, I check mine every 6 months
Scrabo chime in if you have experienced this.

I like my Zaon. I like it a lot but I only use it when I am not on FF
or when FF says you have traffic that I don't see. They boot up pretty fast.

One thing to prepare for is the false alarms. It happens to me frequently where it picks up my own transponder. It seems like a common issue.

When it happens, especially the first few times, it is going to scare the living hell out of you. It does a fantastic job of picking up traffic and if calibrated, it is dead on and I look and it is right where it says it is.

There are a few areas around my field where due to geography or whatever, it catches my own return. It can really distract you. For a minute or so it will be beeping and flashing that there is a plane at your alt. and location.

Just keep an eye on it and if it starts yelling at you but there was no plane closing in but rather just shows up out of nowhere, hit the power button or try to ignore it.

I love that thing but I hate that feeling when it shows me my plane.
I agree, the first few times, fresh underwear may be required. I found it only detected my transponder when flying low to hills etc, particular on final approach to my local airport.

Love the XRX, it's in the plane on every flight, bluetooth linked to my BK AV8OR unit ( the BK actually logs the traffic 'report' for review later) and via wifi to WingX. Of course with Zaon out of business, I will just have to treat it gently and keep fingers crossed
I have not been thrilled with mine, I've found ATC or my eyeballs to locate traffic faster and more reliably.

On a recent flight I was on FF and was directed to change heading to my left immediately. Shortly after beginning my turn another aircraft went zooming by to my right at the same altitude going the opposite direction... I don't think we were more than a mile apart. The XRX suddenly came to life and spotted it about the time he was passing my wing. FF avoided that conflict, the XRX was no help at all.

This has been pretty consistently my experience.... I'm either seeing the traffic or hearing it/about it on the radio before the little gadget ever picks it up. It does pick it up eventually... but it's pretty pointless when it was something I already knew about.
I have had the opposite experience, it tagged an aircraft 1 mile and closing about 100ft below, was on flight following at the time with ABQ centre and they didn't call it out.
I have not been thrilled with mine, I've found ATC or my eyeballs to locate traffic faster and more reliably.

On a recent flight I was on FF and was directed to change heading to my left immediately. Shortly after beginning my turn another aircraft went zooming by to my right at the same altitude going the opposite direction... I don't think we were more than a mile apart. The XRX suddenly came to life and spotted it about the time he was passing my wing. FF avoided that conflict, the XRX was no help at all.

This has been pretty consistently my experience.... I'm either seeing the traffic or hearing it/about it on the radio before the little gadget ever picks it up. It does pick it up eventually... but it's pretty pointless when it was something I already knew about.

Just curious what you have the range set to.
Mine has yet to miss a plane. It has shown me a few that were not there and for awhile, I had it set to 45* so it was showing them in the wrong place.

And I agree, ATC is my preferred choice but when they have me squawk VFR, that is when I fire up "ATC lite"
IIRC, it's set to 5 miles.

To be fair to the device it has found traffic I never even saw but in those cases it was no conflict. I'm more concerned that it failed to detect an aircraft on a near collision course before it would have been way too late.
Have you flown with it yet?

Not with it working....

I pulled out an XRM and it works good. I just wanted the increase in info on the screen.

I'm gonna post up the XRM for sale once I'm sure the XRM is doing what it should be doing.