Uh-oh. I think we need a definition of golf shirt. AFAF...
Don’t worry, there’s a story behind my comment.

Uh-oh. I think we need a definition of golf shirt. AFAF...
…or a couple hundred other commercial jingles.If you can finish the phrase: Plop Plop, Fizz Fizz ...
If you can finish the phrase: Plop Plop, Fizz Fizz ...
But can't remember your own zip code.…or a couple hundred other commercial jingles.
We didn’t used to need them, so…But can't remember your own zip code.
Age is just a number. Like the national debt, for example.
Older brothers are always fair game. I got to give my older brother instrument instruction for a fore hours…you know, partial panel in IMC to a DME arc, stuff like that.I always tell my older brother than age is just a number...and his is bigger than mine.
changing generations thou areMy daughter informed me yesterday that I am to be a grandfather.
In addition to all the other signs of advanced age, that tops 'em all.
You know you’re getting old when you start sleeping with a grandma?My daughter informed me yesterday that I am to be a grandfather.
In addition to all the other signs of advanced age, that tops 'em all.
Advice on frying bacon naked. Advice on wet farts. I'm seriously concerned you might have cabin fever but it's a little too early in the season....Never trust a fart....
Advice on frying bacon naked. Advice on wet farts. I'm seriously concerned you might have cabin fever but it's a little too early in the season.
Send a message to Curious Marc on YouTube if you don’t get any takers on POA.Speaking of... I've got a Selectric III here, anybody want it? I picked it up at a sale when a local business closed. I used to be fairly good at Selectric work; the first IBM systems I learned to repair used a 1052 for the console. I don't have the manuals, or the required lubricants, and the thing needs a tune-up. I'll hate to scrap it, but I'll hate to ship it even more. Free to a good home, but you gotta pick it up.
Uh-oh. I think we need a definition of golf shirt. AFAF...
Dave came to Tucson for some flight training. We decided to meet for the first time at a steakhouse at the bar. I got there first, saw a guy who looked to be about 100 years old in a maroon golf shirt and a hat. I texted Dave that I would be at the bar in a maroon golf shirt and a hat.
There ya have it.
You know you're old when your youngest kid is over 30.
I listen to the 80s channel quite a bit. Class of '87 here.
Just don't get me started on the crap kids listen to today. And get off my lawn!!!
I walked into a group conversation in the company kitchen. A few guys roughly my age were talking with a punk kid co-worker...who claims he did not know who Jimmy Buffet is.
(HS class of '84 here)
When I was riding the bus to jr. high school, I saw a gas station advertising fuel for $0.98
To Nebraska and back from Florida? No thanks. But your post reminded me....
Back when I was starting out at Martin Marietta, we were writing documents like specifications and test requirements on a word processor running on a mainframe. For classified stuff, the classified numbers or words would be omitted, and a reference number used in their place. Then we'd have to go to one of the Selectrics in the office and type up a key sheet that had the classified data. After it was typed, the sheet and the typewriter ribbon cartridge would go into the safe. When we had to do another sheet, the classified ribbon would come out of the safe for the typing, then back it would go.
Ah, those were the days....
I have a HP 41CV sitting on my desk that is my daily go-to calculator. It was purchased in 1978. I have the card reader that goes with it and a couple of application modules.
""""My HP 41CV is used as my go-to calculator, as well. I bought it a bit later than 1978 (1981 or so?). """ "
Bamboo slides. Super smooth those.Reverse Polish Notation
The DAY I graduated from the UW, with an IE degree, HP came out with their first handheld. I still glance, with a smile, at my Post Versalog.
who can't believe he ate the whole thing
If you can finish the phrase: Plop Plop, Fizz Fizz ...
...Oh, what a relief it is.So continue...
And I said "Oh my God, it can't EVER reach $1.00/gallon; can it?
I'm so old I can remember when HP made great stuff.
And I can remember when "Made In Japan" was a pejorative.
View attachment 107821 If you can’t recognize this, you’re not really old.
If you can finish the phrase: Plop Plop, Fizz Fizz ...
Or can sing the entire “ooey gooey rich and chewy inside” song
And we all know which margarine is fit for a king!
I'm not yet old, but
bottle of Coca-Cola $.05
local eatery's egg/bacon/toast/coffee breakfast $.19
gas $.11/gal (and you could not pump it yourself)
sales tax did not exist
in physics class only Newton's First Law had been invented
They do. In Oregon. C'mon down. Well, not exactly full service. But they do pump the gas for you.I wish full service gas stations still existed.
I would use them on nasty winter days.
They do.
Dang. You responded quick. I edited it like 10 seconds later.Not anywhere near where I live. Its been 20 years since I've seen one.