You just never know.


Final Approach
Dec 31, 2012
Lincoln NE
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30 year Duncan Aviation veteran, probably one of the nicest guys I know like a kind hearted grandpa. He bought two paperback copies of my book and while getting them autographed asked for an airplane. I said "hell I'll let you do the takeoff and climbout too! "He said" really? I've never held the controls in flight before." I was kinda shocked at this point. Worked aviation 30 years for heavens sake!

A week later he was thrown from his horse and broke 9 ribs, collapsed a lung and was Life flighted to Omaha where surgery installed a plate over his ribs and he is still in the ICU.
Wow... I wish him a speed recovery. That kind of injury will however take some time.

I didn't realize your book was out. Just purchased it (ebook) and look forward to reading it.
Wow... I wish him a speed recovery. That kind of injury will however take some time.

I didn't realize your book was out. Just purchased it (ebook) and look forward to reading it.

I'm sure many folks including me will be helping keep his spirits up.

Thank you! Let me know what what you think of it :)