Work, welfare, suicide, & society

Work, welfare, suicide, & society

Before the end of WWII, Fredrich Hayek, the 1974 Nobel laureate in economics, explained why communism was doomed to the failure that it has become:

Note that almost every stage that he predicted is present today in the current political configuration of the USA. Every day now we here of more distain and defiance of Congress and the Constitution in general emanating from the White House. Obama has emerged as the "strong man" that Hayek predicted would emerge almost a century ago when certain political and social conditions exist. More than half of the American households now receive some sort of direct government handout. The tsunami of future Democrats that is now pouring over the border will prove to be the tipping point on the American road to serfdom.
Re: Work, welfare, suicide, & society

Before the end of WWII, Fredrich Hayek, the 1974 Nobel laureate in economics, explained why communism was doomed to the failure that it has become:

Note that almost every stage that he predicted is present today in the current political configuration of the USA. Every day now we here of more distain and defiance of Congress and the Constitution in general emanating from the White House. Obama has emerged as the "strong man" that Hayek predicted would emerge almost a century ago when certain political and social conditions exist. More than half of the American households now receive some sort of direct government handout. The tsunami of future Democrats that is now pouring over the border will prove to be the tipping point on the American road to serfdom.

Please crawl back into your hole.
Re: Work, welfare, suicide, & society

Before the end of WWII, Fredrich Hayek, the 1974 Nobel laureate in economics, explained why communism was doomed to the failure that it has become:

Note that almost every stage that he predicted is present today in the current political configuration of the USA. Every day now we here of more distain and defiance of Congress and the Constitution in general emanating from the White House. Obama has emerged as the "strong man" that Hayek predicted would emerge almost a century ago when certain political and social conditions exist. More than half of the American households now receive some sort of direct government handout. The tsunami of future Democrats that is now pouring over the border will prove to be the tipping point on the American road to serfdom.

Of course, the problem wasn't Communism though, his 'predictions' are the natural outcome of valuing money above all, and that happens in every human culture. His prediction was no more than applying the historic cycles of human culture and advancing it forward. The same factors apply to our culture as well which is why we see it now.
The problem with communism is it requires administration by humans. In theory, it's the perfect system. In practice, some animals make themselves more equal than others.
The problem with communism is it requires administration by humans. In theory, it's the perfect system. In practice, some animals make themselves more equal than others.

Resource allotment matrix administration. Can all now be done by computer.
Resource allotment matrix administration. Can all now be done by computer.

When new developments occur/products are created, how do those get into the matrix?

Things are a little hosed up right now, but at least our system does its best to provide the possibility of equal opportunity rather than profess the existence of equal outcomes.
All our life needs doled out by computer. :mad2:

Sounds like the joke about the doctor telling the guy how to live to be 100.

Not an individual life's needs so much as Life's needs as a society and heavily overpopulated species. We can no longer allocate every person what they want without making it resource efficient. We can't just let 'the market' determine what succeeds because the market interests revolve around monetary profit, not the advancement and best cause of the species. Energy, water, and food, can no longer be left to 'market forces'. We have been doing this for long enough now that the market has shown irresponsible to the causes of humanity. Our critical resource base is declining and population is growing; nature cannot keep up with out population at our current rate of inefficient resource use. We are wasteful because it is more profitable to be so. We are holding onto times and technologies that are past because it is more profitable to do so. Our focus must shift from $$$ to value in human need.

You don't need to go to that level of controlling personal behavior, that is not where the source of the waste is. The source of the big waste is at the production end. We run too many single use processes that waste energy that could otherwise be recaptured by combining industries.

There isn't a power plant around that shouldn't be distilling water to meet fresh water demands using waste heat to purify salt and contaminated fresh water. Fresh water is the most valuable and important commodity on the planet, and we are depleting the resource at a time when nature is not replenishing very well, and the growing population demands ever more not only for potable water use but for agriculture as well.

By then taking the electricity and the distiller water, you can through electrolysis store 50kWhrs of electricity and 9 liters of water for 11% of the mass of the water alone. The combined product can be shipped via various methods including our existing pipeline infrastructure to any size/scale tank you like. Any third world village can be provided clean electricity and water, and the waster heat produced by the reclamation can serve as the energy for refrigeration to prevent food spoilage.

This is the kind of efficiency we need to survive as a species to make it past the next 20 years and 9-10 billion people. The planet s a closed loop, we are not mining asteroids for minerals or comets for water. We have to make what we have work for all of us, not just a few, or there will be nothing but growing conflict.

Want to change the path we are on? Change the goals for the games we play, because until we change the game, the end we play towards will always be the same regardless what we do.

Want to create peace with the Middle East? Provide them water, it also opens up a huge manufacturing market for fuel cells as well as increasing technological advances by orders of magnitude like all newly adopted technologies.

Another huge waste is retail packaging, it's criminally wasteful.
You don't need to go to that level of controlling personal behavior, that is not where the source of the waste is. The source of the big waste is at the production end. We run too many single use processes that waste energy that could otherwise be recaptured by combining industries.

There isn't a power plant around that shouldn't be distilling water to meet fresh water demands using waste heat to purify salt and contaminated fresh water. Fresh water is the most valuable and important commodity on the planet, and we are depleting the resource at a time when nature is not replenishing very well, and the growing population demands ever more not only for potable water use but for agriculture as well.

By then taking the electricity and the distiller water, you can through electrolysis store 50kWhrs of electricity and 9 liters of water for 11% of the mass of the water alone. The combined product can be shipped via various methods including our existing pipeline infrastructure to any size/scale tank you like. Any third world village can be provided clean electricity and water, and the waster heat produced by the reclamation can serve as the energy for refrigeration to prevent food spoilage.

This is the kind of efficiency we need to survive as a species to make it past the next 20 years and 9-10 billion people. The planet s a closed loop, we are not mining asteroids for minerals or comets for water. We have to make what we have work for all of us, not just a few, or there will be nothing but growing conflict.

Want to change the path we are on? Change the goals for the games we play, because until we change the game, the end we play towards will always be the same regardless what we do.

Want to create peace with the Middle East? Provide them water, it also opens up a huge manufacturing market for fuel cells as well as increasing technological advances by orders of magnitude like all newly adopted technologies.

Another huge waste is retail packaging, it's criminally wasteful.

Though I disagree with some of your arguments, it is still refreshing to hear such thoughtful and erudite opinion.

There is a heterodox school of economics pioneered by scholars such as the late H. T. Odum, his student Robert Costanza, and proponents of Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis who have courageously stood their ground against he stilted Industrial Age principles that have defined economic, social and political well being for nearly two centuries. But even the leading exponents of heterodox schools concede that markets allocate scarce resources more efficiently than planned economies. In the opposite camps is a reluctance to acknowledge that market failures exist in more circumstances than they are willing to admit.

We are standing at a momentous crossroads in the course of human history and those who recognize its import also understand the critical need for unfettered public discourse on the matter, not unlike the circumstances of the founding of this great nation.
We are standing at a momentous crossroads in the course of human history and those who recognize its import also understand the critical need for unfettered public discourse on the matter, not unlike the circumstances of the founding of this great nation.

When was this ever not true?
Work, welfare, suicide, & society

Such turning points occur only once every fourth generation, approx. 80 - 90 years, per Strauss and Howe.
Such turning points occur only once every fourth generation, approx. 80 - 90 years, per Strauss and Howe.

So they say, according to their opinion of what a turning point is. The reality is that the events that could trigger such a turning point happen every single day. And a lot of actions to stop such turning points from happening also happen daily.

The frequency of the decisions actually turning into "something big", either for good or bad, isn't limited by two guy's opinions in a book. The magnitude of the event being good or bad, is also not limited.

You as a Doc know that the opinions in books are there to be disproven.
So they say, according to their opinion of what a turning point is. The reality is that the events that could trigger such a turning point happen every single day. And a lot of actions to stop such turning points from happening also happen daily.

The frequency of the decisions actually turning into "something big", either for good or bad, isn't limited by two guy's opinions in a book. The magnitude of the event being good or bad, is also not limited.

You as a Doc know that the opinions in books are there to be disproven.

I always thought it was interesting that the Strauss-Howe saeculum is almost exactly two Kondratiev cycles. The point is that whether the ebbs and flows are being measured by economists, sociologists or historians, the peaks of these cycles are never less than 40 years apart but are more often calculated to be closer to a century apart. The cyclic thesis did not originate with Strauss and Howe. It has been posed by the likes of Toynbee, Huntington, Schumpeter and many others.