Will a 172 stall break harder or softer with a more aft cg?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Dec 21, 2016
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I sat in the back this weekend for some stall practice, and was surprised at the difference with the cg further aft. Curious what people think the results were and why.
My initial thought is it will break softer.
It will stay in the spin.....longer. Go aft enough and it won't come out.

We did no spinning. Not with me in the back. I was iffy already about sitting back there for stalls.
I sat in the back this weekend for some stall practice, and was surprised at the difference with the cg further aft. Curious what people think the results were and why.
You probably just feel it more back there. I haven't ridden back there on a training flight, but my CFI always said that passengers in the back have it worse on training flights and feel the uncoordinated flight more, maybe it makes the stalls feel pronounced as well?
So, my observation was that it almost didn't break at all. It just kind of bucked around and mushed rather than breaking and falling nose down.
doesn't sound like a full stall....maybe it was a immanent stall?...just a little Jimmy Buffet. :D
doesn't sound like a full stall....maybe it was a immanent stall?...just a little Jimmy Buffet. :D

Only once did it break, and it was very mild. Maybe 15 degrees nose down. The other attempts with full back elevator it didn't drop even 5 degrees.

Oh, I have a video, you can see for yourselves....
that wasn't a full breaking stall....just a little buffet. If he would'a held back pressure for a second or two more it would a broke full nose down.
CFI on the right was flying and she said she held it back, but I couldn't see. Maybe she didn't.
that wasn't a full breaking stall....just a little buffet. If he would'a held back pressure for a second or two more it would a broke full nose down.
This is in the AFH I think. Forward CG results in harder stall break, aft CG results in softer. In short, the aft CG results in the wing supporting less load so it doesn’t break as hard.

This stuff is in the prep material for the commercial but it really isn’t particularly relevant for normal ops. Usually folks talk about CG location and aircraft efficiency.