Why is it that one just cannot stop...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 2, 2005
Southeast Tennessee
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...eating Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies? I mean, you KNOW it isn't good for you to just keep popping them in there, and you KNOW you shouldn't dive into that second sleeve of cookies, yet you do. Right up until that point, like that guy in "The Meaning of Life", you explode all over the room.

*and then, the sugar buzz begins, mwwaaaahahahahaha!*
I don't really like thin mints...

... is that wrong?
I never realized how evil GS's are til they started with the 'won't you buy a measley 20 lbs of cookies for us poor souls'; it is too hard to resist!
We ordered several boxes of GS cookies this year, and one of the delivery options was to designate them for overseas delivery to the troops. We went with that option. Supporting the Troops, and the GS in one swell foop.
Bill Jennings said:
...eating Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies?

Because you took more money than necessary when you went to the grocery store and actually stopped when the cute kid in the little green uniform at the door tried to talk to you on the way out.

They may be cute but THEY ARE EVIL!

Never look them in the eye.
Don't stop.
Just say "No"
Never carry more money than you actually need.
Pick up speed as you approach the door and look the other direction as if you're casing the joint for a heist.
Don't let them touch you.
Keep moving, there's nothing to see here.
Passive noise attenuation helps.
If all else fails, RUN!
"Would you like to buy some lemonade?"
"Is it made from real lemons?"
"I'll make you a deal. I'll buy some of your nasty lemonade, if you buy some of my delicious girl scout cookies!"
"Are they made from real girl scouts?"
"But sir, it's wah-fer thin!"

I end up wolfing down a box the peanut butter sandwich ones.
One for breakfast, one for lunch...
N2212R said:
"But sir, it's wah-fer thin!"

I end up wolfing down a box the peanut butter sandwich ones.
One for breakfast, one for lunch...
Monty Python and the meaning of life - oh wait, sorry, wrong thread again!
woodstock said:
try throwing em in the fridge or freezer for a while too.

Bzzzt! Wrong answer, they don't last long enough to get frozen. :D
Girl Scouts scare me.
N2212R said:
"But sir, it's wah-fer thin!"

I end up wolfing down a box the peanut butter sandwich ones.
One for breakfast, one for lunch...

Had 10 for breakfast, ate the rest of the box for lunch....:vomit:
Bill Jennings said:
Had 10 for breakfast, ate the rest of the box for lunch....:vomit:

I ate an entire box in one sitting and I threw mine up too :vomit: They even have a girls scout cookie box that has an airplane on it too. Its called the cafe cookie or something. Rather tastey those were.
HPNFlyGirl said:
I ate an entire box in one sitting and I threw mine up too :vomit:

Uh, I hope you don't mean that literally...:hairraise:
Bill Jennings said:
Bzzzt! Wrong answer, they don't last long enough to get frozen. :D

Buy extra, freaze some... you'll never eat them at room tempature agian! At least the thin mint, samoa and tag-a-longs.... YUMY... and that would be why those are the three ice cream flavors.

Oh, and since some GS hit my sisters neigborhood before my neice got out (her troop was told to not start untill the afternoon to give the brownies a chance) My sister ended up buying WAY too many... cases. So if anyone would like to get some, face value + shipping from Cloumbus, OH, they are yours (unless you live in MI, I'll pick 'em up when I get mine)

Missa said:
Buy extra, freaze some... you'll never eat them at room tempature agian! At least the thin mint, samoa and tag-a-longs.... YUMY... and that would be why those are the three ice cream flavors.

Oh, and since some GS hit my sisters neigborhood before my neice got out (her troop was told to not start untill the afternoon to give the brownies a chance) My sister ended up buying WAY too many... cases. So if anyone would like to get some, face value + shipping from Cloumbus, OH, they are yours (unless you live in MI, I'll pick 'em up when I get mine)


Samoas are meant for room temperature consumption. Need the warm, flowy caramel... crap I'm hungry

Thin Mints must be frozen. Little steel mint discs of joy I say!


Unsaid in all this is, 'why would one even contemplate what Bill is asking?' I am, therefore I eat (GS thinmints). It is absurd to consider anything less but when is the next shipment due.
Girl Scout Thin Mints. There is only one way to avoid eating a whole package at one sitting. Don't start. Otherwise, abandon hope all ye who enter... :D
My wife and I have been involved in both girl scouts and campfire, and boy scouts as leaders. Those of you that have done this stuff know how much effort goes into the sales of these products. (Cookies candy and popcorn)
So on behalf of my son and daugter, Thanks for the support.
Annual sales drives have paid for my kids to attend six different summer camps. Oh yeah ENJOY!!!