Who are you?

Ken Ibold

Final Approach
Feb 21, 2005
Jacksonville, Florida
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Display name:
Ken Ibold
Apologies if this has been posted, but I decided to surf instead of work, and I discovered this personality test that tells you which Star Wars character you are. I'm Boba Fett, which I think is pretty darn accurate!
Queen Amidala:eek:

(I have actually dressed in drag before)
Han Solo. As if there was any doubt.
Jabba? Gosh, is my self-image that bad?

If not Hans Solo, I was hoping for Jack Ryan!
I ain't playing unless there's no chance you can be Jar-Jar Binks.
C3P0 is what I got. I was made to suffer. It's my lot in life.
Han Solo..... hmm, not bad, that'd be my second choice. Really wanted to be a Wookie though :D
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I shouldda known better. Now I wish I was Jar-Jar Binks.
Yoda. Is that good or bad? Wasn't he the whiney little dude with pointed ears who thought a long time before he said anything? Doesn't sound like me.
Mike won't say. Maybe he's princess Leia ("Lay Ya'"); he shows up at G07 with CinnaBons on the side of his head, we'll know.

I was also Qui Gon Jinn. That must be the throw-down answer.

I have the body fur to be a Wookie.
Qui-Gon Jinn. What am I, number six here? Seven? I'm beginning to think that there's some connection between being a pilot and coming up as Qui-Gon Jinn on this quiz -- something of the personality traits that lead one to flying that are common to the test-constructors' profile of Jinn. Or perhaps there's a correlation between being an independent Jedi instructor and being an independent flight instructor. I suppose there's something good to be said about being compared to an instructor who refused to sign off on a student who turned out to be Darth Vader after someone else trained him against advice.
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