When Plan A goes to hell / Flying outside your comfort zone / Flying in Alaska


Touchdown! Greaser!
Dec 21, 2016
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So, I'm up in Alaska on a cruise. Had a flight set up with a local instructor, but it fell through (that's a whole story in itself that I don't feel like telling, but if someone wants a PIREP on flying in Juneau I will share privately).

Back to the important stuff. I was really disappointed about missing out on the flight. But, thanks to help from @AKBill, I got an even better experience. I only had a few hours in Juneau, and unfortunately all the confusion meant I didn't get to visit with Bill much :( , but I did get an awesome flight in.

Bill hooked me up with a float plane flight over Mendenhall glacier that was nothing short of spectacular. Thanks to Bill, I walked in cold to a charter flight service and ended up going for a flight with the owner of Ward Air (who just happened to have time to spare right that minute) in a 180 on floats. We got significantly closer to the mountains than I would have on my own, that's for sure. Made me think of this thread https://www.pilotsofamerica.com/community/threads/typical-guy-wires.143135/

Anyway, got to fly off the water, which was a first, and my guide gave me a fantastic experience tailored to my situation and desires. Another thanks to @AKBill, a real standup guy. I owe him big time.

Here's a quick, badly edited video of some of the photos and video of the flight.

My connection on the ship is awful, can't download the image. But I'm guessing you're asking about the sled dog camp?

If you're still there and still get a chance to take another flight, the Taku River Valley just to the east is a gorgeous trip as well. Enjoy the rest of you trip!
14 foot seas today on the trip back to Seattle. Wish it had been this way the whole time. The decks are a lot roomier. Lol

I have taken the ferry between Juneau and Prince Rupert a few times. Talk about a loooong trip.

Fortunately, I brought a few friends along....
