When A Child Doesn't Want to Fly

We went flying after work and as it got darker and darker I made a comment about how the controls were getting harder to see in his 172. He then told me "women can't see at night like men can, because men have more rods and cones in their eyes." I didn't know whether to laugh at him or punch him. I did neither, and don't fly with him anymore, but he was an older guy so I kind of just let it go. He also made choo choo noises every time he showed me how to turn the ailerons.

Vision in humans is indeed sexually dimorphic, and I have seen reference to sexually dimorphic differences in rods and cones in women and men, with women having more, allowing them to visualize greater detail.

To see better at night, one would need more rods, which are far more sensitive than cones but don't detect color. I have not seen any reference to an increase in rods over cones in men vs. women, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. And saying there is, while potentially not accurate, is a simple statement of fact, and in no way sexist.
Vision in humans is indeed sexually dimorphic, and I have seen reference to sexually dimorphic differences in rods and cones in women and men, with women having more, allowing them to visualize greater detail.

To see better at night, one would need more rods, which are far more sensitive than cones but don't detect color. I have not seen any reference to an increase in rods over cones in men vs. women, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. And saying there is, while potentially not accurate, is a simple statement of fact, and in no way sexist.

Women also have more taste buds than men, which would give them a higher ability to detect flavors and tastes. Which is why women should make better chefs/cooks than men, and should therefore stay in the kitchen. It's just better that way, really. Plus they have smaller feet which allows them to stand closer to the appliances. It's science.

There. NOW I'm a sexist *******. :D
Women also have more taste buds than men, which would give them a higher ability to detect flavors and tastes. Which is why women should make better chefs/cooks than men, and should therefore stay in the kitchen. It's just better that way, really. Plus they have smaller feet which allows them to stand closer to the appliances. It's science.

You sound like the sexist *******s I was referring to.

If I'm wasting God's gifts, then maybe he shouldn't have given me a brain too.

Use EVERYTHING, you are one unit, not multiple mutually exclusive beings.
There is nothing but cultural dogma that says it's wrong....

In the end we are beings of nature and as such, almost everything we do boils down to sex. It is the overwhelming drive of all life.
Nothing you can do. She is old enough to make her own choices and live with them even though you don't necessarily agree with them.
And speaking of old enough, what someone else thinks or says or writes can just be ignored. The only thing that should matter to you is what your family thinks of you. As to a lineman, CFI, or owner of a FBO thinks, F'm, and speak with your wallet. Not everybody is out to slam you but if you're feeling that way, ignore/avoid them.
Being PC means NEVER saying or doing something offensive. Well, don't count on it. Whenever there is more than one person involved, something is likely to be misinterpreted. In the case above, it might have been crass, you might have thought it cruel, but personally speaking, no malice was intended. It isn't "Good old boys", it's friends being friends. But I can understand. It's not like I haven't had issues like that with family or friends.

I'm trying to understand what you're saying here. You seem to be implying that I have been upset by something in this thread?

The short answer to that is "Nope." I've appreciated every response to this thread. I'm in a pickle I never imagined, WRT my daughter, and I appreciate all the advice that's been given.
Yeah, for my own personal safety I gotta steer well clear of your woman.

Hee hee! Remember, this is the woman who played with my iPad for 30 minutes, identified a dozen bugs, and tossed it back with the refrain "This thing sucks." She's never looked at it again.

It took me 6 months to reach the same conclusion. :rolleyes:

She doesn't put up with much crap. That's why I like her. :D

(The real question is how she puts up with ME! :lol:)
You sound like the sexist *******s I was referring to.

If I'm wasting God's gifts, then maybe he shouldn't have given me a brain too.

FWIW - I didn't agree with his comments either, but, I'll tell you this, aviation is a sport/hobby/industry dominated by men. Boys will be boys. I know just as many "sexist" females as I do males, it just seems the males don't get their "fruit of the looms" bunched up the same as women do.

Reminds me of two girls who tried to play football with us in high school. There was no rule they couldn't play, so they had to be allowed onto the field just like everyone else. However, they were treated just like everyone else. You're on the football field, you're not a boy, you're not a girl, you're a football player.

They were hit like everyone else.
They were tackled like everyone else.
They were slapped on the rear-end if they performed well like everyone else.

One girl couldn't hack it. She thought she was being hit too hard. She thought she was being tackled too hard. She went to the news paper and complained about how she was being treated. She was treated like a football player. Not a girl. She wanted to be treated as a girl playing football.

The other girl, well, I think she was a man, really. She was hardcore and left our school after a few semesters and went to a school in another state and was their starting tailback.

If you're going to put the pads on and step onto the field, you should be ready to play the game.
I'm in a pickle I never imagined, WRT my daughter, and I appreciate all the advice that's been given.

Count your lucky damn stars. Flying is so breathtakingly expensive. So your daughter will have more economical interests, like boys and jewelry. Lucky you.
In the end we are beings of nature and as such, almost everything we do boils down to sex. It is the overwhelming drive of all life.
You would like to think so, wouldn't you. :rofl:
If you're going to put the pads on and step onto the field, you should be ready to play the game.
That is true. The airplane doesn't care if you are male or female. But I have met men who think they are god's gift to aviation and women, and women who shamelessly play the gender card. I don't really think that's the norm, however.
Women also have more taste buds than men, which would give them a higher ability to detect flavors and tastes. Which is why women should make better chefs/cooks than men, and should therefore stay in the kitchen. It's just better that way, really. Plus they have smaller feet which allows them to stand closer to the appliances. It's science.

There. NOW I'm a sexist *******. :D

My smaller feet also mean I can shift faster/better with a clutch, because those pedals are close together. I know everyone thinks they are a good driver, but I am.

Cooking....everyone should know how to feed themselves. If you starve because you can't cook, that's your own stupidity.
I'm trying to understand what you're saying here. You seem to be implying that I have been upset by something in this thread?

The short answer to that is "Nope." I've appreciated every response to this thread. I'm in a pickle I never imagined, WRT my daughter, and I appreciate all the advice that's been given.

With all due respect, Jay, this is the part that I don't get. What pickle? If she doesn't want to be a pilot she doesn't want to be a pilot. I'm sure that all of our parents watched us grow up hoping that we would all be doctors and lawyers. We all have different paths in life. You not fulfilling your parent's dreams for you doesn't mean that they aren't proud of you or that you haven't accomplished a hell of lot in your life.

It's not like she's saying "Dad, I've had enough of this sober thing. I think I'm going to give meth a try." THAT would be a pickle. She's just not as interested in doing what you're interested in doing.

Will she regret it? Who knows...maybe. If she wants to do it some day, she'll pay for it like the rest of us did and she'll probably appreciate it even more.

I think that what you're offering them is a phenomenal opportunity. I guess that I just don't see how her not wanting to take you up on it means that she's screwing up her life.
You would like to think so, wouldn't you. :rofl:
It really is kinda funny, I'm being called the sexist, yet it's the opposing view that is actually what keeps women oppressed and dominated. A male orientated/dominant culture has dictated to them that they are not allowed to use their advantage and if they do they are bad. I am NOT the sexist, never have been. I have always firmly believed that women can be my equals and play a complimentary role in a partnership. As a partner, I want to see her advance as far as she can because it also benefits me. I am not the one put the restrictions and limitations on women. The reality is, the world is run by degenerates. I meet these people, I'm there when they're on vacation... the rich and powerful are by and large degenerates, BUT THAT'S A GOOD THING! Degenerates love to have fun and they have no problem spreading the wealth all on their own. South Florida owes its existence to degenerate spending. If you can take some of that wealth by getting their business by by flirting and using whatever charm God gave ya, more power to you. Life is hard enough as it is without putting useless dogmatic restrictions on yourself. You don't have to have sex with someone to sexually dominate them.

Women are taught to play by a set of rules that keeps them dominated. Why they continue to accept this set of rules is beyond me. They could unshackle themselves right now by just throwing away that rulebook.

The only conclusion I can draw from this is that women are not as intelligent as men....:dunno:
It really is kinda funny, I'm being called the sexist, yet it's the opposing view that is actually what keeps women oppressed and dominated. A male orientated/dominant culture has dictated to them that they are not allowed to use their advantage and if they do they are bad. I am NOT the sexist, never have been. I have always firmly believed that women can be my equals and play a complimentary role in a partnership. As a partner, I want to see her advance as far as she can because it also benefits me. I am not the one put the restrictions and limitations on women. The reality is, the world is run by degenerates. I meet these people, I'm there when they're on vacation... the rich and powerful are by and large degenerates, BUT THAT'S A GOOD THING! Degenerates love to have fun and they have no problem spreading the wealth all on their own. South Florida owes its existence to degenerate spending. If you can take some of that wealth by getting their business by by flirting and using whatever charm God gave ya, more power to you. Life is hard enough as it is without putting useless dogmatic restrictions on yourself. You don't have to have sex with someone to sexually dominate them.

Women are taught to play by a set of rules that keeps them dominated. Why they continue to accept this set of rules is beyond me. They could unshackle themselves right now by just throwing away that rulebook.

The only conclusion I can draw from this is that women are not as intelligent as men....:dunno:
You have an interesting worldview. I think it's particularly amusing that you think people would want to associate with "degenerates" just because they have money. Keep in mind that I meet my share of the rich and powerful too and I think that the proportion of people you might consider "degenerate" are pretty similar to the general population. The only difference is that they are able to indulge in extravagant style.
My smaller feet also mean I can shift faster/better with a clutch, because those pedals are close together. I know everyone thinks they are a good driver, but I am.

Cooking....everyone should know how to feed themselves. If you starve because you can't cook, that's your own stupidity.

What pedals are close together? In my car I can stick my feet between the gas and the brake, and the brake and the clutch with no problem.
The brake and clutch pedals. There's no space between them in nearly every European car I've driven.
I really don't give a rat's patute if some body thinks I'm an ass when I say " good morning young lady how are you"

If that is offensive to you, go away, and leave me alone.

That's only insulting if you look a woman up and down and ask how much.

That's actually happened to me.
The brake and clutch pedals. There's no space between them in nearly every European car I've driven.

Plenty of room in the Vette. I was looking at Lotus (I think that's what it was) but I couldn't even contort myself to get in the car. I'm also a right foot braker, so the distance closeness of clutch and brake pedals are not going to matter.
A right foot braker? Isn't everyone? The left foot is only for the gas pedal. The clutch is directly next to the brake, so if your enormous foot slides off the brake it can hit the clutch instead. My entire point. Or some people hit the clutch instead of the brake pedal.

If you can't fit into a Lotus, I can clearly see the advantage of being smaller.
A right foot braker? Isn't everyone? The left foot is only for the gas pedal. The clutch is directly next to the brake, so if your enormous foot slides off the brake it can hit the clutch instead. My entire point. Or some people hit the clutch instead of the brake pedal.

If you can't fit into a Lotus, I can clearly see the advantage of being smaller.

gas pedal is on the right in the USA
I'm not so sure you can compare those activities with flying. My daughter has said "it would be cool to be a pilot.". But she was mature enough to know that she didn't have it in her to make the commitment that I had for flying. Neither shooting or SCUBA equate to a "license to learn" and require strong and near continuous devotion to maintain proficiency.

Not that she's unmotivated - she got into vet school and is in her first year in the MS State College of Veterinary Medicine - it's just that her motivations and commitments were elsewhere.

Jay, don't fret too much. Listen to "Little Miss Magic" by Jimmy Buffet.

Seriously motivated if she got into veterinary school. My dad was on the faculty of the veterinary school at WSU years ago and headed the admissions committee for a number of years. Not easy getting in. 700 applicants for 70 openings each year. Good for your daughter!

(replying in general to the subthread about the offensive sexist posts earlier)

Ya know, some things can lose their humor or even become offensive depending on your own experiences. For example, jokes about someone being able to hide their own easter eggs completely lost any actual humor once my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, even more so after she died of Alzheimer's.

Lost my mother-in-law to Alzheimer's. There's nothing funny about that disease. Nothing.

gas pedal is on the right in the USA

And in the UK. :D Thank goodness. It's bad enough driving on the left and shifting with the left hand (and I have tried to shift the armrest - it doesn't work) without having the pedals reversed as well. I don't even want to think about that.
A right foot braker? Isn't everyone? The left foot is only for the gas pedal. The clutch is directly next to the brake, so if your enormous foot slides off the brake it can hit the clutch instead. My entire point. Or some people hit the clutch instead of the brake pedal.

If you can't fit into a Lotus, I can clearly see the advantage of being smaller.

For my right foot to slide off the brake and accidentally onto the clutch, my left leg would have to be missing. My left foot rests on the clutch unless the cruise control is set. I have never once had my right foot slip off onto the clutch - or onto the gas going the other direction.
As a parent of a 27 year old daughter and a 31 year old son, here is my BIGGEST concern, what would she RATHER be doing? My oldest grew up never doing anything wrong and never getting into trouble. My youngest on the other hand got into all sorts of bad company and all sorts of problems. We were in denial and didn't believe she was doing bad things.

She is now fine, has graduated from college and making us proud. Looking back, I would see this as a red or at least a yellow flag and want to dig into it to know exactly how she's spending her time.

My $0.02,
You have an interesting worldview. I think it's particularly amusing that you think people would want to associate with "degenerates" just because they have money. Keep in mind that I meet my share of the rich and powerful too and I think that the proportion of people you might consider "degenerate" are pretty similar to the general population. The only difference is that they are able to indulge in extravagant style.

Not just able, willing... Chicken and egg kinda as well, does the wealth bring the attitude or the attitude the wealth.... I'm not saying people WANT to deal with degerates, I'm saying they DO, and the higher up in the business game you go, the bigger the degenerates are. If you want to succeed in business, you need to get money. Degenerates part with money readily, as you say, they can afford to indulge.

No, average people are not degenerates in action, they suppress as they have been taught.
A right foot braker? Isn't everyone? The left foot is only for the gas pedal. The clutch is directly next to the brake, so if your enormous foot slides off the brake it can hit the clutch instead. My entire point. Or some people hit the clutch instead of the brake pedal.

If you can't fit into a Lotus, I can clearly see the advantage of being smaller.

What you wrote made no sense. Gas is on the right, clutch is on the left, you work brake and gas with the same foot because you never need both at the same time whereas you need both brake and clutch and throttle and clutch combined and coordinated. If you drive an automatic your left leg is dead unless it is replacing your right foot doing both. Unless you're about to launch of the line in a race, you should never be on the brake and gas at the same time.

You're a good driver... really you are....
Not just able, willing... Chicken and egg kinda as well, does the wealth bring the attitude or the attitude the wealth.... I'm not saying people WANT to deal with degerates, I'm saying they DO, and the higher up in the business game you go, the bigger the degenerates are. If you want to succeed in business, you need to get money. Degenerates part with money readily, as you say, they can afford to indulge.

No, average people are not degenerates in action, they suppress as they have been taught.
Talk about dissing the wealthy, the hand that feeds you, so to speak. :rofl:
What you wrote made no sense. Gas is on the right, clutch is on the left, you work brake and gas with the same foot because you never need both at the same time whereas you need both brake and clutch and throttle and clutch combined and coordinated. If you drive an automatic your left leg is dead unless it is replacing your right foot doing both. Unless you're about to launch of the line in a race, you should never be on the brake and gas at the same time.

You're a good driver... really you are....

did you read further? I already said I mistyped gas for clutch. All of my cars are manual. I don't need a driving lesson from you.
Talk about dissing the wealthy, the hand that feeds you, so to speak. :rofl:

Ahh, I see you are trapped in the morality dogma mindset as well. I am not dissing degenerates. I like degenerates, I am a degenerate.:D There was no dissing involved, merely a statement of observation.;) Only a degenerate includes the phrase "and I'll buy your hooker" in a job offer.:yesnod:
Only a degenerate includes the phrase "and I'll buy your hooker" in a job offer.:yesnod:
And? Only the very rich patronize hookers? Really I couldn't care less. I have been mistaken for a hooker too. so what? I just think it's funny how you have a really stereotypical notion of the rich.
And? Only the very rich patronize hookers? Really I couldn't care less. I have been mistaken for a hooker too. so what? I just think it's funny how you have a really stereotypical notion of the rich.

The topic isn't the issue, they are typically generous regardless and embrace hedonism is all. They do not hold themselves to dogmatic social morays and stigmas.
A right foot braker? Isn't everyone? The left foot is only for the gas pedal. The clutch is directly next to the brake, so if your enormous foot slides off the brake it can hit the clutch instead. My entire point. Or some people hit the clutch instead of the brake pedal.

If you can't fit into a Lotus, I can clearly see the advantage of being smaller.

Um.. how do you hit (regardless of the right-hand/left-hand drive issue) the clutch and the brake at the same time without using both feet?

Here with left hand drive, my left foot is for the clutch and occasionally the brake, but my right foot is for the accelerator and brake (and I have the pedals set up to allow heel-and-toe shifting).

And even though many call the Miata a "girly" car, I don't feel at all threatened driving it.