What's going on at AOPA?


Taxi to Parking
Feb 23, 2005
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Member Alert: Due to scheduled maintenance, online access to membership services will be unavailable starting 12:00 A.M. ET Sunday, Jan. 17. This outage will not affect the AOPA Internet Flight Planner, the AOPA Airport Directory or AOPA Online Weather. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Did the page go into melt down when Bruce left?
Probably something tech related, moving to a new server, reconfiguring the XG-875 RAM doppler bit extractor or something like that. Guys like Jess and Jason would really have a million times better guess than me.
Probably something tech related, moving to a new server, reconfiguring the XG-875 RAM doppler bit extractor or something like that. Guys like Jess and Jason would really have a million times better guess than me.

I thought it was ball bearings...didn't know they'd moved to the XG-875 already. Who'd of thunk it?:rofl:
I thought it was ball bearings...didn't know they'd moved to the XG-875 already. Who'd of thunk it?:rofl:
Hey! It's all ball bearings nowadays. Now you prepare that Fetzer valve with some 3-in-1 oil and some gauze pads. And I'm gonna need 'bout ten quarts of anti-freeze, preferably Prestone. No, no make that Quaker State.
Did the page go into melt down when Bruce left?
I read some of those threads when I heard that a bunch of jerks were posting stuff. First I had not been on the red board in a long time and was surprised that it was still going. I thought the place would have been flooded out with 'what headset should I buy', 'how many hours till I solo', and 'why can't I get a medical even though I am on all kinds of drugs' threads. That Bruce was still going there at all is an indication of the patience he must have. Second, he has always been a very good resource and a wonderful donator of time and expertise. Why someone would begrudge him of that is beyond me. If you don't like his answer then go PAY someone to give you the one you want. Third, Bruce, I hope you do know how much you are valued by the members here. If the jerks get you down, come here and we will make you feel valued again.
I may be done with AOPA. Most of the folks on the forum seemed to only care about parasitizing those they felt were experts. I argued quite a bit, and may have even acted like an icehole. I know, so what else it new?

I read some of those threads when I heard that a bunch of jerks were posting stuff. First I had not been on the red board in a long time and was surprised that it was still going. I thought the place would have been flooded out with 'what headset should I buy', 'how many hours till I solo', and 'why can't I get a medical even though I am on all kinds of drugs' threads.
I may be done with AOPA. Most of the folks on the forum seemed to only care about parasitizing those they felt were experts. I argued quite a bit, and may have even acted like an icehole. I know, so what else it new?
I read their responses slightly differently, but there were people disagreeing you with you because they had to post a response.

There's moderate people who understood your point of view but didn't feel it was worth getting into those threads.
I read some of those threads when I heard that a bunch of jerks were posting stuff. First I had not been on the red board in a long time and was surprised that it was still going. I thought the place would have been flooded out with 'what headset should I buy', 'how many hours till I solo', and 'why can't I get a medical even though I am on all kinds of drugs' threads.

The AOPA Forums have their place. While it has its know-it-alls, most places do. What I find valuable is simply the quantity of posts in flying-related matters. While I've received good information here, if you take away the SZ posts, this forum can sometimes run pretty dry in aviation-related posts. No indictment of the SZ, just that it often seems to consume the bandwidth of postings here.
The AOPA Forums have their place. While it has its know-it-alls, most places do. What I find valuable is simply the quantity of posts in flying-related matters. While I've received good information here, if you take away the SZ posts, this forum can sometimes run pretty dry in aviation-related posts. No indictment of the SZ, just that it often seems to consume the bandwidth of postings here.
Completely agree Stan. I have found however that when I have a real aviation question, if I ask it here I get an answer pretty quick from the experts we have here. I have also noted that several of the PoA experts are also the Red Board ones. It is just that if you ask on red the answer's Signal to Noise ratio is pretty high.
Completely agree Stan. I have found however that when I have a real aviation question, if I ask it here I get an answer pretty quick from the experts we have here. I have also noted that several of the PoA experts are also the Red Board ones. It is just that if you ask on red the answer's Signal to Noise ratio is pretty high.
Actually, I think the S/N ratio on the red board is pretty low. There are experts there but also a lot of wanna-be experts.
Completely agree Stan. I have found however that when I have a real aviation question, if I ask it here I get an answer pretty quick from the experts we have here. I have also noted that several of the PoA experts are also the Red Board ones. It is just that if you ask on red the answer's Signal to Noise ratio is pretty high.

S/N high? or low?

I'm just asking and am simply curious.
Red board's only advantage over this one is thread ignore.
I may be done with AOPA. Most of the folks on the forum seemed to only care about parasitizing those they felt were experts. I argued quite a bit, and may have even acted like an icehole. I know, so what else it new?

Well if your not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. I've got a pretty good feel for who the people are over there that are not worth listening to. It's too bad the some valuable contributors left because of their antics.
I'm wondering if there is any correlation between all the new folks with low posting numbers and the N/S ratio. Like here.
Well, Corpilot put up a now since deleted post that compared me to a pedophile. That was enough for me. The Red Board staff fired him permanently....though I see Mr. Isbell is here too.

You have to understand that when I left a few years ago it was because of lack of moderation. It is a bit tamer now than when that board was yellow.
Well, Corpilot put up a now since deleted post that compared me to a pedophile. That was enough for me. The Red Board staff fired him permanently....though I see Mr. Isbell is here too.

You have to understand that when I left a few years ago it was because of lack of moderation. It is a bit tamer now than when that board was yellow.
As you would say Bruce...SIGH!
Had not seen Corpilot's offensive post. No wonder you left, Bruce.

I've been a member here for awhile, but haven't checked in very often. That may change.

Well, Corpilot put up a now since deleted post that compared me to a pedophile. That was enough for me. The Red Board staff fired him permanently....though I see Mr. Isbell is here too.

You have to understand that when I left a few years ago it was because of lack of moderation. It is a bit tamer now than when that board was yellow.

Oh for the good old days when all the Sh-- got shoveled into a special place.

I sincerely hope you don't let a POS drive you into do any thing. The whole AOPA page is in melt down with out you, I hope we see you back soon.

You are needed and appreciated, by all but the anuses
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Just curious - anybody know what drove Wally away?
Well, Corpilot put up a now since deleted post that compared me to a pedophile. That was enough for me. The Red Board staff fired him permanently....though I see Mr. Isbell is here too.

You have to understand that when I left a few years ago it was because of lack of moderation. It is a bit tamer now than when that board was yellow.

I apologize for not being more proactive about controlling that thread.

I sometimes go weeks without reading anything. Other times I just look for anonymous posts to approve or delete. The rest of the time I read alot.

Just curious - anybody know what drove Wally away?
I'm not sure, I didn't see the last straw. But I believe it was something similar in someone arguing against reality and getting nasty in the process.

I saw a post saying that he had adiosed, but wasn't sure why. Sometimes he's gone for a while, I didn't know if it was because he was ticked or if maybe he actually has a life.

Just curious - anybody know what drove Wally away?
That was enough for me
I assume you have considered running your own "AME" board, or perhaps be moderator of a forum on another board, perhaps with the support of others, and therefore could influence the tenor of the discussions. Twice you've found it appropriate to change your presence. Why leave that in the control of other posters and other moderators?
I assume you have considered running your own "AME" board, or perhaps be moderator of a forum on another board, perhaps with the support of others, and therefore could influence the tenor of the discussions. Twice you've found it appropriate to change your presence. Why leave that in the control of other posters and other moderators?

Why can't he just contribute without having to run the ship? And without being flamed?

It's amazing to me what some people will do over the Internet. :nonod:
Why can't he just contribute without having to run the ship? And without being flamed?

It's amazing to me what some people will do over the Internet. :nonod:

I don't know. You tell me why. But if he ran his own board, he could control it himself. This is the second occurrence, so it would seem likely to me he has thought of his own board and I was curious as to his conclusions.
I saw a post saying that he had adiosed, but wasn't sure why. Sometimes he's gone for a while, I didn't know if it was because he was ticked or if maybe he actually has a life.

A search on his posts doesn't show an adios.
Why can't he just contribute without having to run the ship? And without being flamed?

It's amazing to me what some people will do over the Internet. :nonod:

As you know, we are committed to civil discourse here, and Dr. Chien knows all of the MC members well; if something happens that is out of line or does not sit well with him, there's a pretty good chance we'll catch it and nip it in the bud, but if we don't see it first, you can bet we'll act upon notice.

For that matter, we don't tolerate ugliness anyway, toward anyone. That's why Pilots of America is Aviation's Front Porch.
My impression of Bruce is that he's like the rest of us, except smarter. He's a pilot who wants to contribute when his knowledge can be helpful and yak and have some fun on other subjects. The fact that he's qualified to discuss numerous subjects, including pilot medical issues, makes him a valuable contributor. If you read all of his posts, you'll see almost as many about airplanes and flying as about medicals.

I don't know. You tell m why. But if he ran his own board, he could control it himself. This is the second occurrence, so it would seem likely to me he has thought of his own board and I was curious as to his conclusions.
Just curious - anybody know what drove Wally away?
Who is Wally?

I have occasionally lurked on the red board but not recently until today when I was curious about what was going on. Holy crap, way to attract new people to AOPA!
I assume you have considered running your own "AME" board, or perhaps be moderator of a forum on another board, perhaps with the support of others, and therefore could influence the tenor of the discussions. Twice you've found it appropriate to change your presence. Why leave that in the control of other posters and other moderators?

As you know, we are committed to civil discourse here, and Dr. Chien knows all of the MC members well; if something happens that is out of line or does not sit well with him, there's a pretty good chance we'll catch it and nip it in the bud, but if we don't see it first, you can bet we'll act upon notice.

For that matter, we don't tolerate ugliness anyway, toward anyone. That's why Pilots of America is Aviation's Front Porch.

What Spike said.

It's a pain in the butt to run your own board, and this one is the best place there is - Anyone gets nasty with Dr. Bruce, they'll be run outta town quick here. :yes:
The fact that he's qualified to discuss numerous subjects, including pilot medical issues, makes him a valuable contributor. If you read all of his posts, you'll see almost as many about airplanes and flying as about medicals.

Well stated.

Took me a long while to learn, but when I come across knowledgeable and willing to share folks on topics that are high on my interest list, I really try to apply the "Two ears, one mouth" rule.

Literally do the following and just listen:

It's my opinion that what's going on at AOPA is arrogance. I've been
in their organization since 1979 and each year I swear it will be my

I visit the red board very little. It's inhabited by know-it-alls who
never miss the opportunity to degrade someone else in their quest
to satisfy their egos. Their magazine too seems more aimed at those
with high dollar airplanes and who fly for a living and think the rest
of us should bow down.

A couple weeks ago AOPA sent me a new card and wanted me to
renew now. That's BS .. I just renewed 5 months ago. Are they
that hard up for cash?

I keep renewing when it's time .. because I keep telling myself they're
working for GA. Then I struggle when I think that they're not working
for MY GA and they don't represent the segment of GA I'm involved

As you know, we are committed to civil discourse here, and Dr. Chien knows all of the MC members well; if something happens that is out of line or does not sit well with him, there's a pretty good chance we'll catch it and nip it in the bud, but if we don't see it first, you can bet we'll act upon notice.

For that matter, we don't tolerate ugliness anyway, toward anyone. That's why Pilots of America is Aviation's Front Porch.

Amen to that, and that's as it should be. My point is that Doc should feel free to participate in a collegial manner without having to run the board to avoid getting flamed over BS.

I hear lots of complaints about how this board is managed, but I think for a bunch of volunteers this place does just fine. I certainly can't imagine flaming Doc Bruce for his input -- cripesakes, he has his own practice to run, he doesn't need internet bozos mouthing off at him when he's trying to help people for free.

Don't worry Spike. I am on board, 100%. :cheerswine:
we don't tolerate ugliness anyway,
I have not seen all the members of PoA to render a complete judgment. But I know y'all tolerate EdFred and his mug!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

(psst Ed that was for the photoshop job in the gun thread!!) ;)


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I have not seen all the members of PoA to render a complete judgment. But I know y'all tolerate EdFred and his mug!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

(psst Ed that was for the photoshop job in the gun thread!!) ;)

Scott, you gotta admit - that was funny! :D