What definition of XC is the IACRA time table looking for?


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 8, 2022
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Say for a rating under part 61, an ATPL, or a type rating?

I did a little research on my own, however, I couldn't find an answer in the IACRA User Guide.

Should be straight line distance from point A to point B exceeding 50nm (includes 50.0nm), qualifies as XC.
I agree with @mandm. It's asking for the experience that qualifies you for the certificate or rating you are applying for.

Y'know, there's a downside to all those discussions about how every flight to another airport is a cross country even though they don't count for any certificate or rating.
You need to look the regulation for the rating you are seeking.

Some rating require you fly to an airport at least 50 nm straight line away AND land there, unless you meet certain requirements. Others do not have the 50 nm or landing requirement.
You need to look the regulation for the rating you are seeking.

Some rating require you fly to an airport at least 50 nm straight line away AND land there, unless you meet certain requirements. Others do not have the 50 nm or landing requirement.
ATP doesn't require the landing, but which certificate or rating doesn't require the >50 nm?