What beer are you drinking?

Something distilled in Scotland with a little ice....
I'll drink any beer in company and it's free. When I go out, or traveling, I'll go with either something I've never had before, or not at home. At home it comes down to these three with regularity- Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Lagunitas IPA and Fat Tire Amber Ale.
Tripplebock I made a couple of years ago and stuck in the basement and forgot about.
When I can get it 'La Rossa' by Moretti!!
Don't drink all that much beer anymore (small batch bourbon goes better with the cigars), but the last time I looked there was Pacifico and Harp in the outside fridge
Trappist ales. There are only eight Trappist monasteries that brew for public sale and I've been able to find bottles from six of the eight here in the USA.
Lately I've gravitated towards two nice Michigan brews, Bells Kalamazoo Stout and Founders Porter.
Both Founders in Grand Rapids and Bells in Kalamazoo produce several decent beers. I most enjoy the varieties from Ommegang, pricey but worth it.
Deschutes Brewery Black Butte Porter. Cheap at home, freakin' ridiculous over here!!!!

Wish I could find Deschutes beer out here. Growing up in OR, it was pretty much my go-to in college (or high school.......12+ years later, I think the statute of limitations has expired on that right? :) )

Currently my standby's are in no particular order:

Anything from Stone
Anything from Rogue (that isn't in a pink bottle at least)
Ninkasi (can't get it out here, but the folks will mail it to me from God's Country)
Dale's Pale Ale
Yuengling (if I just want something light)

Sipping on an Arrogant Bastard as we speak. I miss living 10 mins from the Stone brewery for sure, but luckily their distro to the east coast is outstanding these days.

Definitely a beer guy.....if I drink anything else, it might be bourbon or scotch, but most of the time not.
I've been flying IFR since 1978. I'm still a student. . . .every flight is different. Some are predictable but there is always a wrinkle . ..
I've been enjoying Asahi lately. I realize it is essentially Japanese Bud light, but it's got the right combonation of taste and smoothness for me.
Used to really like Guinness, but Iron Horse Brewery 'Quilters Irish Death" is better. And to top it off, its a local beer, brewed less than 70 road miles from the house.


When I really want beer, but not feeling like the heavy dark stout, I take the QID and pour in some pear cider. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

When I'm feeling rich, Chimay.


When I'm traveling and choices are limited:

Black Butte Porter or Kona Brewing Co "Pipeline Porter"

If there is nothing else to drink....
Sam Adams, fat tire, etc. tried Moose Drool once. That's pretty much what it tasted like.
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Trappist ales. There are only eight Trappist monasteries that brew for public sale and I've been able to find bottles from six of the eight here in the USA.

One of those Trappist ales is by far my favorite beer:

Rochefort 10

A bit pricy, but worth it.
The darker, the better. Anchor Porter, Sierra Nevada Stout, many different Dopplebocks.
Oh, and it ain't very dark, but it's good...Mendocino Brewing Co's, Eye Of The Hawk...yowww!
Life's too short to drink cheap beer.:yes:
Anything from 3 Floyds ORD (mostly gumballhead). Cigar City TPA (Jai Alai)
Sweetwater ATL (IPA). Also my homebrew whenever I can brew it. Hard to keep all 4 at once on tap at my house but my beers =Blueberry wheat ale, Ammarillo Hop Wheat Ale, Centennial hop pale Ale , Galaxy+Amarillo hop pale ale. grrrr I need to brew again. I have nothing on tap currently..:mad2:
Something distilled in Scotland with a little ice....
Ice in a single malt is a hanging offence. Now if you do that to their grain whiskies I might forgive you. There is, however, a lot of truth in how you can change the flavor of a whisky with heat, cold, or a drop of water. Best done on new make where at 73-75% alcohol, you are likely to toast your tastebuds so a little water doesn't hurt. Even cask strength is a little easier on the tongue.
You don't really drink beer...:no:

You just "rent" it for about 2 hours..;):D :cheers:
Or until you tap the keg. A buddy of mine repeats a story from his time in 'Nam where one of his roommates consumed 42 cans of beer over the course of the day without one stop. Then he went to bed.
He did make it to the latrine in the morning.
The darker, the better. Anchor Porter, Sierra Nevada Stout, many different Dopplebocks.
Oh, and it ain't very dark, but it's good...Mendocino Brewing Co's, Eye Of The Hawk...yowww!
Life's too short to drink cheap beer.:yes:
Not a fan of their Stout, but Sierra Nevada does a decent Pale Ale.
Yeah +1 for Moose Drool. Great stuff......they serve it on tap at the Pizza Barn in Fallon, which has been my only experience with it in the last few years
No beer tonight, some nice Breckenridge small batch on the rocks

GREASED all my landings tonight working the pattern :)
I have... in Germany, even. :) Love drinking German beer over there, the stuff I find here seems to have not made the trip too well.

I noticed the same problem. The importers aren't too careful about the temperatures that their beer stays at. Getting too hot and then cold kills the beer.
Ever try the Lagunitas "Czech Pils"? I think it's quite tasty and it's my ladies, favorite. Though I am partial (read biased) towards Sonoma County Brews.

Real Pilsners come from the Czech Republic (city of Pilzen) including the original Budwieser (sold as Czechvar here in the US).
Trappist ales. There are only eight Trappist monasteries that brew for public sale and I've been able to find bottles from six of the eight here in the USA.

Belgium has some of the best ales out there. I've had most of them.
Wish I could find Deschutes beer out here. Growing up in OR, it was pretty much my go-to in college (or high school.......12+ years later, I think the statute of limitations has expired on that right? :) )

Currently my standby's are in no particular order:

Anything from Stone

I like most of what Stone brews too.

Have you tried Alesmiths?? They are even better than Stone. :thumbsup:
I do drink a bit of Stone - one of the delivery guys lives around the corner. I've managed to addict him to good cigars - he pops over with a growler (or two) and we pollute the back yard......
Here we go! The thread for us lovers of suds! Ales and Stouts, Lagers and Pilsners, bring it on...

Myself I'm always happy with a cold bottle of Lagunitas IPA

What's your favorite brew, friend?

I've been drinking beer for over 40 years and I've been on just about everything out there for a period. About 5 years ago I bought a six pack of Lagunitas IPA and it's been my staple ever since. One added benefit is that most people don't like it (or IPA in general) so when your buddies come over they don't drink all your beer. In fact they quickly learn to bring their own :D