went to change my oil, got the worst news possible.....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
my beer fridge is completely shot....all beer lost. no clicking noises, no frozen pipes, nothing. I guess I could troubleshoot it, my guess is parts will be at least half of what it costs new, if not more. POS lasted 4 years, I guess if it's a "college fridge" then it lasted 3/4 as long as it took me graduate.
Regular refrigerator, unheated hangar, really cold winter temps?
If you drink Guinness, warm is the correct temp. If the beer was frozen then peel back the cans and make beer sickles...
If you’ve lost your beer, why are you posting? Git and go find it!
My hangar beer fridge is the Sanyo "college" fridge I bought in 1978, it's a bit battered but it still works. I do unplug it for the winter.

Aviation related refrigerator story: My first dorm fridge belonged to one of my best friends, Kevin Buerlein, at Parks College. His dad was a TWA captain. Kevin learned to fly at Parks in his freshman year, as I had done a year earlier. He went home to NJ for the summer and I stayed for the summer semester, so he left his fridge with me for the summer, during which he crashed and died with his little sister in a rented 150 off the NJ shore. From the accident report, it sounded like he botched a wingover at low altitude, a young man showing off. His mother told me to keep the fridge so I did until I left the school, at which point it only seemed right to donate it to another of his friends with the request that they pass it on to another student when they in turn left, and I bought a new one, the same one I still have, to take to my new school.
Beer should be drank at room temp or slightly chilled. People who actually do not like beer drink it ice cold so it numbs the taste buds. :)

Frozen beer can be defrosted and drank with little loss of flavor. Some precipitates may form. This could be yeast or protein or polyphenols. Having them drop out of suspension does not adversely affect taste. In fact, industrial brewers go through a lot of trouble to filter out these substances.

Don’t be bringing any skunked beer to Rough River!
Beer does not skunk from freezing.
Beer skunks when naturally hopped brew is exposed to the UV in sunlight. Green and brown glass inhibit this reaction. Brewers bottling in clear glass are using isomerized hop extracts which are immune from skunking--they also lack many hop flavor compounds. If buying beer in a store, always buy sealed cases or bottles as far from the fluorescent light as possible.

A long time ago in a land far, far away: https://www.demonick.com/primetab/
Your YouTube skills are mastered young padawan. Now go forth and enjoy your riches that await!

haha that's hilarious! the only thing I didn't do was ALL CAPS MUST WATCH!! (along with hot chick thumbnail)
OMG! I was expecting to be terrified of what I was about to read, but I wouldn’t have guessed it would be something this bad!

On the other hand it sounds like the fridge was well past TBO and was due for an overhaul anyway. You could IRAN it, but it might make better sense to just replace the whole thing. :D
I had my first post-flight-in-the-hangar beer of the season today, plugged the fridge in a few days ago.
What is the specific behavior? I have a kegerator which is very similar. It quit. I would hear a click of the thermostat to turn on the compressor, but the compressor would immediately shut off. It's like a $5 part to fix it. When I researched this, I found out many people throw away their refrigerators not realizing the fix can be this simple.
What is the specific behavior? I have a kegerator which is very similar. It quit. I would hear a click of the thermostat to turn on the compressor, but the compressor would immediately shut off. It's like a $5 part to fix it. When I researched this, I found out many people throw away their refrigerators not realizing the fix can be this simple.

No clicking at all. I’ll look into fixing it, but had to have a moment of silence for my fallen beverages.
Cold beer is a US invention to keep all the chemicals they add from ruining whatever flavor of urine they happen to bottle that day.

True beer is drunk warm in a 1.5l stien served by a lovely and busty maiden.

Sorry America, you can't beer correctly.
My hangar fridge died last year too. Granted it was 15+ years old while living in a Midwest hangar and constantly has ice issues. It did keep the beer cold!
I learn so much from this forum.
Such as people get hangars not so much to have an airplane but store beer.

I sense it being between a man cave, basement workshop, and something from Delta house (or Robot house if you’re into Futurama).