Weird moment in the cockpit

Or from your dentist...

So there I was… in the dentist chair…

Im getting horrible deep drilling to remove broke off tooth roots, awful. Nitwit dentist is elbows deep in my chops. I hear the drill bog down and he rips clear. “keep your tongue out of the way!”

What the eff dash dash dash?!!!! In my best I’m numb from the shoulders up I reply “ut do u ean eep my tong owt ov da way? I can’t feel my tongue! You keep it owt ov da way!”

Had a nice little hole in the bottom of my mouth, made a nice canker sore… Never liked that guy.
She should have made sure he got it.

You aren’t wrong, and that was my sentiment as well, but it is her job to …. protect idiot pilots from themselves sometimes.