We all want four more inches


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
It ain’t much but I’m hoping it helps in case I need it. T-hangars are ‘raised’ but I’ve seen how it runs off (or not) and drains (or not) so I’m glad I got it up............<sets you up for the slam dunk>

IT'S FOUR INCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you will be fine... :confused: you could have come to Michigan - and bring some cats on your way up... ;):):D
A few years ago I lifted my tractor up onto approx 12" of blocks ahead of a storm system. Sadly the river rose a little higher than expected and the tractor was underwater except for 12" of the roll bar. Small victory!

In all seriousness, you east coast guys are in my prayers. That's a scary storm. Stay safe.
Technically a 2x6 is 1.5" thick but when the water is rising you stand on whatever you have. Stay safe and dry
Technically a 2x6 is 1.5" thick but when the water is rising you stand on whatever you have. Stay safe and dry

DAMNIT! I whipped out my wood and measured it, sure enough, 1.5" thick. who can I sue?
I’ve heard that four inches is adequate in most cases, but it all depends.

Best of luck.
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