Watching the Blue Angels is Unhealthy


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Jul 3, 2012
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Apparently I’ve been exposing my self to a health / environmental hazard for years without knowing it.

I wonder if this idiot has been to a movie theater lately ... the previews for "Oppenheimer" registered 95dB on my phone! (Yes, that's the last time I was in a theater...)
Consider the source and then line your cat's litter box with it. I seem to recall a proposal from some local pol to cancel Fleet Week several years back.
Let's also cancel 4th of July and New Year's Eve, those pesky fireworks are way too loud and are the main reason for our declining life expectancy in the U.S. We should also ban new homes, construction noise is terribly loud. What's wrong with living in tents anyways?
Meh, I already have constant ringing in my ears due to the dozens of rock concerts I went to in my younger days. Air shows rule.

Unfortunately neither the Angels or Tbirds are visiting the DC area this year for a show. My kid loved the last one I took him to at Andrews.
Meh, I already have constant ringing in my ears due to the dozens of rock concerts I went to in my younger days. Air shows rule.

Unfortunately neither the Angels or Tbirds are visiting the DC area this year for a show. My kid loved the last one I took him to at Andrews.

See? You should have come to SNF, like I suggested. Tbirds were this year, so it should be the Blues next year.
Another version of the last sentences of this screed.

Thank Dr Breck Lebegue for his service and past Flight Physicals, Say goodbye to him and move on to rational thinking, roaring aircraft and total family fun. Let’s honor his past and define the future without him. Let’s reimagine Seafair without the Seattle Times and those who write such opinion pieces as Dr. Lebegue.
This is how it begins.
They are just looking out for everyone's best interests.
I beg to differ. It’s an opinion piece by someone not in a position of influence.

The “outrage” here reads more like cancel culture. Now, THAT is how it begins.

I did 24 years in the Air Force. I love the “sound of freedom” and don’t agree with the guy’s position but he has as much right to write it as people have to be up in arms on this chat about someone having an opinion they don’t like.
I beg to differ. It’s an opinion piece by someone not in a position of influence.

The “outrage” here reads more like cancel culture. Now, THAT is how it begins.

I did 24 years in the Air Force. I love the “sound of freedom” and don’t agree with the guy’s position but he has as much right to write it as people have to be up in arms on this chat about someone having an opinion they don’t like.
I don’t recall anyone saying he doesn’t or shouldn’t have the right to hold and write utterly ridiculous opinions. Similarly, no one here is prevented from ridiculing his dipstick opinion.

Just my opinion, of course.
I don’t recall anyone saying he doesn’t or shouldn’t have the right to hold and write utterly ridiculous opinions. Similarly, no one here is prevented from ridiculing his dipstick opinion.

Just my opinion, of course.
I was expressing an opinion about the “this is how it begins” statement, in relation to an opinion piece by a non-decision-maker. It struck me as hyperbole. Much of this thread seems to be bunched undies over a fairly random guy’s opinion.

Add: instead of posting stuff on a forum generally filled with like-minded people, maybe one should write a fact-based counter-opinion to the paper. That would probably have more real impact.

Add 2: it sure seems like the link wasn’t posted to get much of a discussion going other than to start some name-calling. The first reply is “jackass”, then inane, whiny punk, and idiot just in the handful of posts so far. Some people aren’t happy unless they’re unhappy.
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Bit of an agenda? Because another link on that page is

I was expressing an opinion about the “this is how it begins” statement, in relation to an opinion piece by a non-decision-maker. It struck me as hyperbole. Much of this thread seems to be bunched undies over a fairly random guy’s opinion.

Add: instead of posting stuff on a forum generally filled with like-minded people, maybe one should write a fact-based counter-opinion to the paper. That would probably have more real impact.

Add 2: it sure seems like the link wasn’t posted to get much of a discussion going other than to start some name-calling. The first reply is “jackass”, then inane, whiny punk, and idiot just in the handful of posts so far. Some people aren’t happy unless they’re unhappy.

The link was posted to get a discussion going. Are the health risks associated with attending an air show significant as the author states?

While I don’t disagree with the author’s facts, his assessment of “significant” exaggerated. Hearing loss isn’t going to occur above 85 dbs over a weekend air show. OSHA’s cutoff is 90 db and that’s over several hours and several years. Ear drum rupture is over 140 dbs so that ain’t happening either. There’s also something called ear plugs for those that are worried about protecting their hearing.

The environmental affects are minimal as well. While he makes it sound like the Blues are causing an environmental disaster with their 670 tons of Co2, that’s a drop in the bucket. The city spews over 6 million tons of Co2 every year. Eliminating an air show won’t make a dent in those numbers. As far as PM2.5, the Blues aren’t a significant contributor to that either. City fireworks during holidays are far worse for air quality than the Blues. Not to mention, that part of the country has rising air quality (PM) issues because of forest fires, not transportation.

Now he goes off on a tangent with Whidbey Island thing and that’s a valid gripe but also not related to the topic at hand.
Now he goes off on a tangent with Whidbey Island thing and that’s a valid gripe but also not related to the topic at hand.
As I mentioned, that's been a grip for more than 50 years at Whidbey. There was full blown California migration going on whenI got there in 88 and it didn't abate through 96 when I left. Every single resident buying a house around NAS Whidbey, as well as our OLF Coupeville where we did Field Carrier Landing Practice (FCLP) at night, was required to sign a noise awareness paper. It didn't matter, they did all sorts of shenanigans legal and otherwise. Had one guy spotlighting jets in the pattern "to simulate combat conditions" yea, he got a talking to by the FBI. Lucky he didn't get a 2000 lb drop tank in his living room. Back when we had 12 Prowler and 8 A-6 squadrons it was worse than it is now.

While I think I understand where they are coming from I have zero sympathy from these people be it airports, railroads, highways they made their choice and they get to live with it.
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....Unfortunately neither the Angels or Tbirds are visiting the DC area this year for a show...
Don't the Angels always perform in Annapolis for USNA graduation?
It’s the folks that aren’t happy until everyone else is unhappy that are the problem.

So let me be sure I understand the thread to date.

Forum members are happily ripping on an inane article in the Seattle Times and @Llewtrah381 is unhappy about their happy ripping so he complains, seeking to end their happiness and feed his grumpiness so he can be happy instead of them.

Do I have that correct?
“Breck Lebegue was an Air Force flight surgeon for 30 years, in command, clinical and research positions. He's a member of WA Physicians for Social Responsibility.”

Not a mayor, city council member, legislator, or anyone with any sway other than his medical title. Yet people have their undies in a bunch because he has an opinion they don’t like.

I’m not upset or unhappy. Just amused at how simple it is to trigger people on here. Remember - I’m not calling anyone a jackass, inane, whiny punk, or idiot.
While I think his points are largely technically true (if not a bit hyperbolic for some), he doesn’t seem to acknowledge other parts of these shows. They generate big crowds, with lots of associated sales and revenue (and personal income for the workers), plus recognition of the city and airport. It showcases the US military as a “performance-based” one rather than a “weapons-based” one, such as with a May Day parade. It shows our military is integral to our citizenry rather than just a parade held for a ruler.

Parades, such as for Pride Week, and large protests, generate trash, car pollution, etc. but that’s seldom called out.

This may be fairly self-limited: the planes the Blue Angels and T-birds fly were first flown over 40 years ago. Maybe newer jet trainers will be used in the future but I doubt, for example, that F-35’s will be filling the role. It won’t be long before this is somewhat akin to cavalry horses in parades: patriotically reminding us of a past time.
This may be fairly self-limited: the planes the Blue Angels and T-birds fly were first flown over 40 years ago. Maybe newer jet trainers will be used in the future but I doubt, for example, that F-35’s will be filling the role. It won’t be long before this is somewhat akin to cavalry horses in parades: patriotically reminding us of a past time.

Maybe future air shows will feature drones instead.