Virginal Experience!


Ejection Handle Pulled
Feb 23, 2008
Conway, MO
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Landed on my strip for the first time yesterday, 93*F, 4,000' density altitude...the little 182 has plenty of room. I thought I also filmed the take-off. But when I put a finger on the phone to steady it as I released the brakes I accidently ended the recording. :( I was off in 800'.

I shared my virginal experience with my new squeeze...and a great squeeze she, fun lady. The unicorn (at least that's what Ed says...)

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Awesome! Nice looking strip. When’s the fly-in?

Also, you picked quite a pretty girl to help you pop your cherry. Congrats on that as well.
Landed on my strip for the first time yesterday, 93*F, 4,000' density altitude...the little 182 has plenty of room. I thought I also filmed the take-off. But when I put a finger on the phone to steady it as I released the brakes I accidently ended the recording. :( I was off in 800'.

Sorry this is the unedited version...didn't have time this morning to cut the first 30 seconds or so. (well, f***, I don't know why youtube turned the vid 90* and I don't have time to fix it right now)


I shared my virginal experience with my new squeeze.A what a squeeze she is! The unicorn (at least that's what Ed says...)

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That was cool. Your own place. You’re all growed up now!
Well, this thread isn’t at all what I thought it would be...

Congrats Tim, I know that was exciting!
Narrow-body Cessnas do allow a little snuggle-time. Unfortunately, I've only been in them with wide-body dudes.
Narrow-body Cessnas do allow a little snuggle-time. Unfortunately, I've only been in them with wide-body dudes.

And there is nothing wrong with that either.
Is that the property with the rail tracks next to it you mentioned some time ago ?

Cool to have your own runway.