Vector Landing Fee Managment company

Country Flier

Cleared for Takeoff
Sep 20, 2019
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So a local field has installed cameras with this company:

They use cameras to bill you landing fees. Their website claims 99.6% collection is this possible?
Ugh, that sucks.
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Ugh, that sucks.
This forum needs a dislike button.
I agree...more about a principle than the fee itself...which is about $20 for a landing only.
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It will be interesting if the number of operations drops off. And less fuel sales and other income.

What field? So I can avoid it.
What has become of our country? There once was a time that someone would simply pick up a paintball gun and fix the problem, then shut up about it. Nowadays, people would rather complain on the internet.

Sad. Very sad.
When automated radar speed traps started appearing in the UK, enterprising people would hang an old car TIRE over them, put some gas in the tire, and light it on fire.
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Private airport at a privately owned ski lodge, but they will allow any one who wishes to land there.

A fee for non customers of the lodge makes sense to me, and collecting with a camera is much cheaper than having an attendant on site 24/7. Cheapest price you will get for using a private, for profit airport. Fuel flow is not one of their driving financial flows.

I am opposed to landing fees in general, but this seems to be a reasonable exception.

Since the formation of the Free State Flying Club, in 1969, there has always been a landing fee at Washington National/Reagan National, but 3 members of the club have landed there, and paid no fee. I was the last one, landed at 3 AM, full stop, then departed the same runway without going to the FBO, who collects the fee.

Davis, a local Maryland, privately owned airport, open to the public, has a fee that is waived if you fill up with gas. The lady who owns it says that if you land you have to help pay to fill the potholes and cut the grass. Makes sense to me. There are very few resident planes paying tie downs fees.
What has become of our country? There once was a time that someone would simply pick up a paintball gun and fix the problem, then shut up about it. Nowadays, people would rather complain on the internet.

Sad. Very sad.

Hard to splat ADSB data.