Uses for plastic certificate.

In the state I use to live, I lost my drivers license. To get a replacement I needed two forms of Government ID for the DMV, at least one picture. Passport and ATPL was accepted by DMV agent.
Anyone remember when they stopped putting your picture your PPL? I still have my original paper PPL with my picture on it. In those days you had to get a "Passport" type photo to put on it. When I got out of the Air Force that had all changed.
Before 1974 is all I can say.
I'm eagerly awaiting my initial PPL plastic certificate to come in the mail. :rolleyes:
While doing so, I came across a joke about how some guy was speeding and got pulled over. Cop joked and asked him for his pilots license. You know the rest.

That got me thinking. What are some instances when you had to use your pilots license? (For anything) It seems like it doesn't do much good after the initial wow factor wears off and you put it in your wallet. Unless maybe you get ramp checked or renting from a new place for the first time?

That happened to me and yes I did hand him my (paper) certificate. He laughed and knocked 107 down to 90.

By the way, I framed the ticket to demonstrate that a Corolla could actually go 107 mph.
One of the many local breweries opened a new tap room with a policy to check IDs for everyone.

My good friend and I - both obviously more than 21 - went. When the very pretty waitress asked for our IDs, I showed my new pilot certificate and he showed his new motorcycle license.

She took our order and we never saw her again. The rest of the evening we were waited on by a young man with the sadly all-too-common nasty Taliban beard.
A local liquor chain started asking for, and swiping, driver's licenses. Back when the DL data was a mag stripe, I just wiped it with a bulk tape eraser. Now it's optical, so I use my PPL at that chain now.
One of the many local breweries opened a new tap room with a policy to check IDs for everyone.

My good friend and I - both obviously more than 21 - went. When the very pretty waitress asked for our IDs, I showed my new pilot certificate and he showed his new motorcycle license.

She took our order and we never saw her again. The rest of the evening we were waited on by a young man with the sadly all-too-common nasty Taliban beard.

I own the local brewery here and we're happy to accept a PPL license as ID. I personally use my concealed carry permit but as a Vet, I'm weird like that.
I own the local brewery here and we're happy to accept a PPL license as ID. I personally use my concealed carry permit but as a Vet, I'm weird like that.

It's been a while since I've been carded, but I'm assuming most places want a picture ID.
when a hot bartender chick ID's you, you can accidentally hand her your PPL. "whoops, I'm so sorry about that......"
I got a date with a grocery store cashier similarly. I pulled it out instead of my credit card. After swiping it a couple time and obviously not working, she looked down at it and said it wasn't working, and asked what it was. Oh, sorry, that's just my pilot's license...
Haven't used it for anything. It sits inside a little plastic pouch, airport AOA badge on the other side, medical folded up in between the two. Lanyard so I can hang the whole deal from my neck.

A few curious friends have asked to look at it, other than that I don't use it. Lame to use it on chicks. I bypass that and just ask if they would like to fly to breakfast or lunch with me. THAT works.
Just got my CFI renewed. Good for another couple of years. My wife saw the card and said, "Look, honey. They even have your photo ID on it. Before and After!"

I was wondering who the other guy on my pilot certificate was. I'm the one with the mustache.

My now boss at work is a freshly minted glider pilot. We had our cards out to compare one day and a bystander asked to see them. He's balding so we said the photos on them were of us.

Bystander argued that neither one of us are English Proficient because we're both engineers.

That's the only time it's been out of my wallet since the IR ride and buying a new wallet a while back. Haha.
I read a story once (perhaps here?) that a guy used his cert as ID to get the government discount at a hotel because of the "Federal Aviation Administration" title on the card.
I read a story once (perhaps here?) that a guy used his cert as ID to get the government discount at a hotel because of the "Federal Aviation Administration" title on the card.

I'm curious to know if that's actually really valid. I mean we are listed in some fashion through a federal authority to exercise privileges.
It protects my medical certificate. By putting them together in the wallet, its easier to get the medical certificate out without ripping it when I have to prove to the FBO that I really did go get one.

I keep my paper medical between my pilot cert and my instructor cert.
Don't even know where mine is…..probably at the bottom of some box somewhere in one of my closets. So I guess I don't really have much use for it.

Random related story though……my grandfather's initial pilot's license, which looks much more like a passport than a card, has the hand signature of Orville Wright in it…..I guess he was the signatory authority back in those days. It has always been a bit of a keepsake in the family, though it eventually wound up in my hands. Given his later career in the WWII Air Air Corps and post WWII USAF, I thought it would be fitting to bring it up to speed with family history, and brought it flying with me off the boat into Afghanistan and Iraq. If there are any future aviators in the fam amongst the kid, nieces or nephews, I figure it would be a pretty neat thing to be able to pass down.
To keep my Radio Telephone Operator card and Paper PPL from getting wrinkled.

And yes, I do look like both Orville and Wilbur (w/wo mustache and w/wo hair at various times in my life). I thought about faking one up with their Dayton address since I live in Dayton and to make it more authentic to use in certain situations. ;)

I read a story once (perhaps here?) that a guy used his cert as ID to get the government discount at a hotel because of the "Federal Aviation Administration" title on the card.


I was SO surprised it worked for the guy in front of me. The lady behind the counter didn't even take a second look! I was too (erm) scared to point it out and ask and be thought of differently.

Instantly thought about this post above.

Can someone more in the know please chime in the approach to this? I've seen certain places that advertise "Discounts something something government/military"

To be quite frank, also, I have heard that cops cannot take away your certificate. :rolleyes2:

I was SO surprised it worked for the guy in front of me. The lady behind the counter didn't even take a second look! I was too (erm) scared to point it out and ask and be thought of differently.

Instantly thought about this post above.

Can someone more in the know please chime in the approach to this? I've seen certain places that advertise "Discounts something something government/military"

To be quite frank, also, I have heard that cops cannot take away your certificate. :rolleyes2:
What's to comment? What's to take away??
If the bonehead lady at the counter wants to give a discount, so be it. If I could flash my library card and get a discount I would.
I use to never pull it out of my wallet. Now after joining the airlines I keep it in my Crew ID holder for when I commute.

"ID, Medical, Pilots Cert, passport & FCC please...."
What's to comment? What's to take away??
If the bonehead lady at the counter wants to give a discount, so be it. If I could flash my library card and get a discount I would.

I still use my college ID for discounts and would use the license in a heartbeat.
It protects my medical certificate. By putting them together in the wallet, its easier to get the medical certificate out without ripping it when I have to prove to the FBO that I really did go get one.

I do the same, keeping the medical between the pilot cert and the instructor cert.
I use to never pull it out of my wallet. Now after joining the airlines I keep it in my Crew ID holder for when I commute.

"ID, Medical, Pilots Cert, passport & FCC please...."

FCC? Only required for international flights. .??
I read a story once (perhaps here?) that a guy used his cert as ID to get the government discount at a hotel because of the "Federal Aviation Administration" title on the card.

I actually did that once as a joke and the guy at the desk honored it.
FCC? Only required for international flights. .??

Most company FOMs require you to check for the jumpseating pilot's FCC license. I guess it adds a layer of redundancy.

All I ever ask for, if the captain isn't around, is the jumpseat authorization printout and maybe the guys ID if I didn't see it when he walked up. If the dude is sitting in the back I'll just say welcome and enjoy the ride.
Most company FOMs require you to check for the jumpseating pilot's FCC license. I guess it adds a layer of redundancy.

All I ever ask for, if the captain isn't around, is the jumpseat authorization printout and maybe the guys ID if I didn't see it when he walked up. If the dude is sitting in the back I'll just say welcome and enjoy the ride.

first off congrats on getting to the line.

I have never been asked for a fcc by anybody.

just a few hints to make jumpseating a lot better for you. don't be like that guy, if the captain is not around wait until at least the captain is around, preferably both crew members. even though the agent has given you a jumpseat card, ask the crew if it is alright with them if you jumpseat. I have seen way to much of, " they gave me the jump seat so I riding with you" from some of the new hires lately. You will want the same from them when you are captain.

even when they give you a seat in the back, pop in and say hello and tell them they have a seat in the back if its ok with them. I just me off when I see a jumpseater get off that never even said hello. we are a small group lets show each other the respect we deserve.

if you need a lift out of DFW, your welcome on my jumpseat.

Most company FOMs require you to check for the jumpseating pilot's FCC license. I guess it adds a layer of redundancy.

All I ever ask for, if the captain isn't around, is the jumpseat authorization printout and maybe the guys ID if I didn't see it when he walked up. If the dude is sitting in the back I'll just say welcome and enjoy the ride.

Yup.. It's the gate agent that runs the ID through CASS. Some airlines boarding passes say "flight deck authorized" or similar. That's good enough for me.
I'm eagerly awaiting my initial PPL plastic certificate to come in the mail. :rolleyes:
That got me thinking. What are some instances when you had to use your pilots license?
Frost off the car windshield

How about frost off the airplane windshield. Just a week ago (8 days to be precise), we had a cold front blow through Texas and I thought hell froze over when I saw frost on my Cherokee windshield. I would have been laughing had I not been freezing to death and shaking uncontrollably. I found an extra sweater and once I was inside the cabin with the engine running, things warmed up some.

So let's add another use:
Frost off airplane windshield when hell freezes over in Texas :D