USAFA Microburst Event KAFF

I bet the guy who decided to make the downwind takeoff regretted it about the time he had to point the nose toward the grass to save it.
WOW!! That guy that took off on downwind is either a hell of a pilot or crazy..
Looked like he was along for the ride at the beginning and salvaged it.


That was my take, too. Added power after getting tipped to get rudder control and then realized the grass was coming up pretty quick. Guess we'll see if it'll fly...

The guy who turned windward and stood the tail up with the brakes on with power seemed to handle it the smoothest.

You do what you gotta do...
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You'd think with billions in the bank, and ownership of a YouTube, Google could handle it. LOL. It'll be back. Someone else ran into the same thing and waited and then downloaded a copy of their own. Someone should just shove it into YouTube.