

Line Up and Wait
Feb 23, 2005
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Hey everyone, I thought I would let you know that the article with Grandpa and I in it, is out in Time Magazine!
It is in the Nov 7 issue.

They have a picture of us and a small write-up as well as write-ups about other families who enjoy flying!

Rudy said:
Hey everyone, I thought I would let you know that the article with Grandpa and I in it, is out in Time Magazine!
It is in the Nov 7 issue.

They have a picture of us and a small write-up as well as write-ups about other families who enjoy flying!


Great! Can't wait to read it Rudy! AOPA Flight Training just did a similar article in their November edition by Mike Collins.

HPNPilot1200 said:
Great! Can't wait to read it Rudy! AOPA Flight Training just did a similar article in their November edition by Mike Collins.

Yeah i saw that, it was a good article!!!
Rudy said:
Hey everyone, I thought I would let you know that the article with Grandpa and I in it, is out in Time Magazine!
It is in the Nov 7 issue.

They have a picture of us and a small write-up as well as write-ups about other families who enjoy flying!



You are mentioned on page three of the online article. I don't see the picture online though.
Cool. I wish I would have had more time to fly with my grandpa. I only did once and I was ...young like 9 or 10.


I also threw up all over in the plane. That is why he is pointing at me.

Enjoy your time with him ! :)
jangell said:
Cool. I wish I would have had more time to fly with my grandpa. I only did once and I was ...young like 9 or 10.

I also threw up all over in the plane. That is why he is pointing at me.

Enjoy your time with him ! :)

Man, if that was you at 9-10, you must have been pretty small for your age! I suppose the upchuck incident had something to do with the lack of an ear to ear grin. Apparently, the airplane induced indigestion didn't affect your desire to learn to fly.
lancefisher said:
Man, if that was you at 9-10, you must have been pretty small for your age! I suppose the upchuck incident had something to do with the lack of an ear to ear grin. Apparently, the airplane induced indigestion didn't affect your desire to learn to fly.
I'm trying to figure out the exact date of that. But it had to be around that age.. and I was pretty small.

Nope not at all. Infact I threw up pretty much after every lesson.. up to about 20 hours. Not a lot of fun because the feeling stays with you for the whole day.

One time I didn't make it to the ground. We were in a Cessna 150 and all the sudden I was pretty sure I was going to throw up. Couldn't find any bags in the plane and out it came. I tried to swallow it but that didn't work and ended up making a makeshift bag out of my sectional . The instructor then told me to throw it out the window. Big mistake. Some of it blew back and hit him in the face. He earned his money that day.

I also threw up on my checkride. heh. It was pretty bad I was about ready to throw up and was trying to hide it. Finally the examiner told me to fly back home and if I could get there in one piece I'd pass. So there I was on the verge of throwing up trying to talk to Approach. Somehow I made it to the ground and pretty much as soon as I got out of the plane I threw up.

..That's the last time it's happend.. that was about 60 hours ago. I *think* i'm over it now. We shall find out when I start my instrument.

Just saw the picture and read the article. It is a great article!!! The picture had a neat effect too :yes:

Proud to say that I "know of that guy" in the article. Now...in addition to the article I have to say that I (and I think you as well and many others) were bite by the 'flying bug.'

If anyone wants proof beyond my flight bag and logbook, my room is filled with 15 cockpit posters, 3 of which are on the ceiling, Altimeter Clocks, Altimeter sitting on my desk, aviation hats, witty aviation t-shirts, etc, etc... Once it bites, it bites.

Although the bite of the flying bug is sweater than any other feeling I've experienced before.

What page in Time is it?

I looked this morning (admittedly through bleary eyes) and I couldn't find it.
MSmith said:
What page in Time is it?

I looked this morning (admittedly through bleary eyes) and I couldn't find it.
It is in a bonus section called "Generations" pg F4(towards the back)
I believe only subscribers get this section, I would have said something about this at first, but i just find out myself!

I seem to remember signing up for a particular bonus section, and I don't get "Generations" (I think - it's confusing). I'll look again tonight.
HPNPilot1200 said:
If you'd like I plan on scanning the 2 pages in and can send it if Rudy would be okay with that...
Yeah, That would be absolutely fine with me!!
HPNPilot1200 said:
I'll scan it later and attach it :yes:

Here is page 1 and 2 of the Time Magazine Article....

Thank you so much, I have stored those scans with my other Pix.

Grandpa is very proud of Rudy.

Thanks again
jbelew said:
Thank you so much, I have stored those scans with my other Pix.

Grandpa is very proud of Rudy.

Thanks again

I'm sure you are. Again--great photo, one to be held onto for many many years. Who came up with that pose?

The photographer told us that he always did a funny picture. After taking about 600 pics, he had us do this one and he said they probably wouldn't use it.
Ended up they did use it, haha.
Rudy said:
Hey everyone, I thought I would let you know that the article with Grandpa and I in it, is out in Time Magazine!
It is in the Nov 7 issue.

They have a picture of us and a small write-up as well as write-ups about other families who enjoy flying!



I am looking very foreward to reading the story;

Thank you for the up date.
