Ugly airplane contest

Dan Thomas

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 16, 2008
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Dan Thomas
Have we ever had such a thing as an ugly airplane contest? I'd vote for this one. See if you can identify it.


that's an airtruk! :) A Transavia Airtruk! I love 'em! :yes:

I really, really, really want one. Dunno why, but I do, I do, I do. :yes:
I generally only think "ugly" about airplanes that look ill-designed, like I'd be unwilling to fly them, and the AirTruk is super-capable, and really beautiful in how its shape is dictated primarily by function. It's angular and not proportioned in a pleasing way like some curvy airplanes, but it looks balanced.

To me, it looks like it will do its job(s) well, and it does, so I hear. Very cool airplane in my book.

So what airplanes do I think are ugly? Here's one:


  • rotcapronica60.JPG
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I generally only think "ugly" about airplanes that look ill-designed, like I'd be unwilling to fly them, and the AirTruk is super-capable, and really beautiful in how its shape is dictated primarily by function. It's angular and not proportioned in a pleasing way like some curvy airplanes, but it looks balanced.

To me, it looks like it will do its job(s) well, and it does, so I hear. Very cool airplane in my book.

So what airplanes do I think are ugly? Here's one:

Outstanding! It's a flying house boat.
I generally only think "ugly" about airplanes that look ill-designed, like I'd be unwilling to fly them, and the AirTruk is super-capable, and really beautiful in how its shape is dictated primarily by function. It's angular and not proportioned in a pleasing way like some curvy airplanes, but it looks balanced.

To me, it looks like it will do its job(s) well, and it does, so I hear. Very cool airplane in my book.

So what airplanes do I think are ugly? Here's one:

The word that came to mind immediately was - DRAG!


  • Boeing X32.jpg
    Boeing X32.jpg
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I don't think I have ever seena truly ugly airplane. Basically if it flies it is a thing of beauty to me. Now I have seen some ugly paint jobs. Cessna's brown and orange of the 1970's comes to mind!
I'll second the nomination of the Piper Jet.

Brown and orange...yes, I agree with that one too!!

I also think P210s also have questionable aesthetics. Those port hole windows make them look like a flying tugboats (my apologies to P210 owners for my opinion).
Here's one.... and it flies! (almost...)



  • uglyplane.jpg
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Yeah, that's one I have trouble with, even though it flies very well. MAybe the problem is that it doesn't look like it would fly well... or maybe it's just ugly. :D

A fighter jet should look nasty, but beautiful- like a Sabre. Or Gina Gershon. :D
I have no idea. I wonder if it's photoshopped, or just "fake, not intended to fly". The prop diameter is smaller than the cowl area... would that make it ineffective?
I hadn't even noticed that. Perhaps it would work with a little witchcraft?
Another homely airplane, but one I'd dearly love a chance to fly:
Yes, a flying house boat... that wouldn't. :D

Definitely a nifty houseboat: lots of shady porch area. As an airplane, though, it was a total failure... not exactly Caproni's greatest moment. :rolleyes:

Oh... ...nevermind.

Lots of prototypes fail early in their tests. I wonder if it could have been viable if done right?
Oh... ...nevermind.

Lots of prototypes fail early in their tests. I wonder if it could have been viable if done right?

ANY airplane is viable if done right! The 60 was done wrong. :D

But I know what you mean- it kinda looks like it would've flown somewhat better if they removed the huge, heavy barge from underneath it. :D

I'm also pretty sure the "house" part had no step... it's amazing it became airborne at all (although it was unfortunate for those aboard that it did).

Maybe bigger engines and lighter wings or more efficient airfoil choice... who knows? But as it was, any pilot can tell looking at it that there's way too much weight and way too much drag.
I have no idea. I wonder if it's photoshopped, or just "fake, not intended to fly". The prop diameter is smaller than the cowl area... would that make it ineffective?
it's the Caproni Stipa

EDIT: Ack! That's what I get for posting before reading the whole thing! :eek:
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So what good is a venturi inside the fuselage???? Is there a collector ring at the throat piped to the upper wing surface????