trying to obtain license with felony

I believe there have been several cases where sexting or forwarding them have led to charges. Pure silliness.
But no one ever got fired for making a decision where discretion is allowed.
Can I take the medical first?
To give a more constructive answer....

To prevent from being denied a medical and essentially ending your dream to fly powered aircraft, you may wish to do a CONSULT with a senior AME who specializes in difficult cases (in this instance difficult means the FAA will apply more scrutiny to the application and require more documentation than normal). He or She will be able to advise you on what will be needed with your submission and what your chances are of passing the medical.

And doing this before you start flight training might be a good idea.
Great to know a cop will invent felony charges because she was "dissed."

I think it was more like:

Cop: sign here for drunk and disorderly ticket.

Roommate: [impolite drunken babble]

Cop: just sign here...

Roommate: [more impoliteness]

Cop: [Miranda rights read while cuffing] I'm charging you with indecent exposure, lewd conduct, etc etc.
Great to know a cop will invent felony charges because she was "dissed."
Come on, that is not the case here. The "no peeing in the bushes" law was already on the books, so the cop didn't invent anything. She just threw the book at the perp here. Sounds like she had a bad shift but we don't know what kind of lip the perp threw at the cop. Frequently you get what you ask for.

As the Good Doc Chien used to say, *sigh*.
Come on, that is not the case here. The "no peeing in the bushes" law was already on the books, so the cop didn't invent anything. She just threw the book at the perp here. Sounds like she had a bad shift but we don't know what kind of lip the perp threw at the cop. Frequently you get what you ask for.

As the Good Doc Chien used to say, *sigh*.

Have to agree. I wasn't there, but even my buddy took the stance afterwards that he got what was coming.
A peace officers job isn't to give you "what's comming".

It's to protect their community.
Come on, that is not the case here. The "no peeing in the bushes" law was already on the books, so the cop didn't invent anything. She just threw the book at the perp here. Sounds like she had a bad shift but we don't know what kind of lip the perp threw at the cop. Frequently you get what you ask for.

As the Good Doc Chien used to say, *sigh*.
Doesn't matter. One of the two involved is supposed to be a professional, and not take things personally.

Come on, that is not the case here. The "no peeing in the bushes" law was already on the books, so the cop didn't invent anything. She just threw the book at the perp here. Sounds like she had a bad shift but we don't know what kind of lip the perp threw at the cop. Frequently you get what you ask for.

As the Good Doc Chien used to say, *sigh*.
Mouthing off at the cop doesn't justify charge stacking just to be a prick. That's unethical and was specifically addressed during my LEO academy as a bad thing to do. If the story is accurately presented then the cop was a bad actor.
It's all about accepting the consequences for your actions. This is true regardless if your actions are just the initial ones that led the police to approach you or are also additional bad actions once the cop is there. Conduct yourself appropriately or face the consequences. Respect the law and if you don't do that, you really need to respect the person enforcing the law.
Mouthing off at the cop doesn't justify charge stacking just to be a prick. That's unethical and was specifically addressed during my LEO academy as a bad thing to do. If the story is accurately presented then the cop was a bad actor.

I agree with posts 45, 46, and 47. What I took issue with was the statement that the LEO invented the law she decided to enforce. That is just not true. -Skip
When working UPD, I have been known to take some weed and rub it into the ground and I have been known to take some weed and make a felony case of it. It all has to do with the totality of circumstances and is up to the officers discretion.

I can assure you that we have one side of the story here. There is also the officers side. Paperwork is not fun and we don't just add charges unless the interaction with the offender warrants it. Charges can always be dropped and most often times they are dropped or reduced. In the cases where they were not, you REALLY had to POP which stands for ****ed off police. As #43 stated, had there been any respect for the law, the officer, the community, it would have been likely a sign here and press hard, there are 2 copies.
I tried not to let someone that was being rude affect my enforcement. The POP in my opinion was unethical. Just because someone is sn ******* I'm not going to take a punitive approach to the interaction to give them what they "deserve". Just how I approached the job.
Mouthing off at the cop doesn't justify charge stacking just to be a prick. That's unethical and was specifically addressed during my LEO academy as a bad thing to do. If the story is accurately presented then the cop was a bad actor.
Some cops want to be proscecutors, some prosecutors and judges want to be legislators, etc. . .yeah, I agree, be professional - LE's job isn't to arbitrate "attitude". You see 'em peeing on the dumpster, cite 'em for peeing on the dumpster; gotta be tough, though, to maintain that professional bearing and detachment. But lot's of jobs require leaving your personal take out of the mix. . .
Some cops want to be proscecutors, some prosecutors and judges want to be legislators, etc. . .yeah, I agree, be professional - LE's job isn't to arbitrate "attitude". You see 'em peeing on the dumpster, cite 'em for peeing on the dumpster; gotta be tough, though, to maintain that professional bearing and detachment. But lot's of jobs require leaving your personal take out of the mix. . .
Yes it's very hard to remain objective. I don't think anyone can be perfect.
Great to know a cop will invent felony charges because she was "dissed."

Not really "invent" but charging stuff that is close enough to not be laughed out. Some will take the attitude of "you can beat the rap but you can't beat the ride". Depends on the cop, the depart,net, and the local politics.
I plead guilty to a felony sex crime with my wife. Who was 30 at the time. It has been 7 years since I took the plea and 10 years since the "crime". No jail time. Just probation. Working on pilots license now and would like to make a career out of it. I'm just worried about getting a job. Anyone know anyone who has tried getting a job with a felony?
i would be interested in hearing more about what you've found out from your inquiries. my son, age 27, in the military for 5 years, is now serving about 1-1/2 years for a sexting offense. i am trying to research occupations he may be able to pursue once he is out. i was thinking about drone piloting. any ideas from anyone on whether he might be able to get licensure for that?
The "real" drone pilot jobs require an FAA medical. Same story as earlier, first you have to convince the AME/FAA that the crime isn't the result of some psychological problem (probably not hard in this case.. there's more to this than it being "sexting" which on its own isn't illegal ... child porn maybe?).
As far as the FAA/TSA security issues goes, child porn isn't disqualifying.

Then it's up to the company as to whether they want someone with such a record. Most of the US is allowed to ask about and consider convictions in hiring. Many of the drone "jobs" still involve a security clearance which also may present problems with his history.
The "real" drone pilot jobs require an FAA medical. Same story as earlier, first you have to convince the AME/FAA that the crime isn't the result of some psychological problem (probably not hard in this case.. there's more to this than it being "sexting" which on its own isn't illegal ... child porn maybe?).
As far as the FAA/TSA security issues goes, child porn isn't disqualifying.

Then it's up to the company as to whether they want someone with such a record. Most of the US is allowed to ask about and consider convictions in hiring. Many of the drone "jobs" still involve a security clearance which also may present problems with his history.
thanks for your response - yes, "child porn" the young woman was not yet 18. sorry i forgot to indicate that. what do you mean by "real" drone pilot jobs, i.e., in the military?
I was referring to civilian remote pilot certificate, but I was wrong. A "driver's license" medical (similar to Sport Pilot privs) is sufficient. You have to go through TSA vetting, but they are not going to be concerned about child porn charges. Again, a lot of the civilian drone jobs are still on behalf of military/intelligence contractors which are going to want a clearance.
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There was an incident about a year ago at a local middle school. Someone's girlfriend sent him a picture that was determined to be of a "sexual nature". She was a minor. He forwarded it to another kid. Both boys were now in possession of kiddie-porn. Kid #2 didn't ask for it, didn't forward it, but had it on his phone. A couple local attorneys were on the radio explaining the way current State law works. Kid #2 was looking at a "sex offender" label on his record. The district attorney did have some discretion and adjusted the charges against him so that wouldn't happen. It was pretty big news locally, and an example of how quickly a lifetime label can stick. (Don't know what happened to kid #1.)

Just curious..., but what happened to the girl who sent the original photo?
Just curious..., but what happened to the girl who sent the original photo?
Dunno. I'll see if I can find that in the news archives, but I'm not sure I want the Google to track me while I search on that topic!

I don't remember hearing about anything happening to her. Being a minor, I'm not sure there's going to be much public information about it.
Just a little information that may help someone in the future... If someone sends you a text that could be considered illegal pornography, your phone is now a crime scene. Drop the phone to the ground immediately. Then call the police. Do not let anyone touch the phone except the police.

This is what the teachers in the area are told to do.
Do groups like "Young Eagles" or "Angel Flight" require background checks on pilots?

This is a different topic from the OP, who was asking about the certificate/medical issuance. This question is more towards what you can do with it later.
Young Eagles, yes, but it's fairly cursory. State DL to check for whatever. Don't know about AF. CAP, on the other hand, is FBI & fingerprints.
Bank Fraud.....I don't see how that should stop you from flying your plane.

It's not like you are going to be running checks for a bank.
I was solicited to join a local barbershop chorus. The SPEBSQIA brochure said membership was open to congenial gentlemen of good character. I said that let me out three ways.
I was solicited to join a local barbershop chorus. The SPEBSQIA brochure said membership was open to congenial gentlemen of good character. I said that let me out three ways.

LOL. I know someone in that organization who's demeanor would find him a fourth way, not even listed, besides the first three. ;-) hahaha.