Trouble in Blue Angels land

To be fair, the only girls I ever knew in flight school were attrited well before getting wings....I literally have never seen a girl winged into fighters. That being said, I know two in the entire Navy who were well after my time, and they have done fine.

Personally, I think Nauga is on point. LT Hultgreen died in a grumpy jet that had all the horrible characteristics of a fighter that should have been re-enginened well before her time. If you want to judge, you better have crossed the ramp at night in a fighter. If you haven't, you have no stake in this convo
I've flown with a few girls. Some are great some aren't. Funny how the ones that can fly typically have a good attitude and it's a non-issue that they are a girl. The ones who can't fly seem to be the only ones who feel like the deck is stacked against them... Hmmm
To be fair, the only girls I ever knew in flight school were attrited well before getting wings....I literally have never seen a girl winged into fighters. That being said, I know two in the entire Navy who were well after my time, and they have done fine.

Personally, I think Nauga is on point. LT Hultgreen died in a grumpy jet that had all the horrible characteristics of a fighter that should have been re-enginened well before her time. If you want to judge, you better have crossed the ramp at night in a fighter. If you haven't, you have no stake in this convo

What an absurd statement. When it happened and for a year afterwards the story eventually was told about her training and the navy's determination to push females thru flight training. Two instructors who dealt with her were interviewed and reported that they warned their superiors that she was unfit to fly and something would happen. I have coffee often with a retired commander who flew during this time and said she had screwed up big time. He certainly did cross the ramp at night, etc. get real.