Trapped in my house....


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 13, 2014
high desert NM
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...sort of.

I live in a rural area with the nearest house about 150 yards away.

About 0830 this morning I heard two gunshots from the house. Something I had heard before so I wasn't too concerned. I had called the Sheriffs department before on gunshots from the house, and the only thing I had seen in response was a high speed drive by, by a deputy.

About 30 minutes later I see state troopers on the road and around the house. I turn on my scanner to listen in, and see snipers scaling the fence to get into position across the road from the house.

Seems like the boyfriend of one of the daughters was upset about something.

I wanted to move my car in case some serious shooting started, but since that would put me closer to the house and in clear view, I decided to wait a little longer.

All the chatter on the scanner was about the suspect is texting mom and brother saying how sorry it came to this and how sorry he was for causing so much trouble. It was sounding to me as if he was planning suicide by cop.

After a couple hours, my wife and I are out on the front porch, opposite side of the trouble area, when 6 more gunshots went off. My wife went back in the house at the speed of sound. I listened to the scanner and it was dead quiet.

After a view minutes a sniper reported the suspect had shot out of the house into the ground.

More chatter on the scanner as they are setting up to use gas. Seems not all of the troopers had mask available, so instead someone suggested getting pizza.

All this time the road to town is blocked, both ways, meaning we can't go into town, or if we did we would not be able to get home, so we decided to have lunch.

As we sit listening to the scanner, one more shot. I told my wife that was from the shooter and that might mean he decided to end it.

The scanner came alive with a spotter saying the suspect was shouting something from the window. I told my wife that the shooter just may have killed the girlfriend.

Then more chatter, the girlfriend had texted mom saying she is not being held as a hostage.

About another hour, spotter announces that the suspect is at the front door, opened the door and was shouting again. The view to the front door is blocked by cedar bushes, so I could not see anything, but a minute later the radio says the suspect is in custody.

Now the girl won't come out, They get the mom to text her that they will use tear gas, and she replies that she is pregnant. A call from the CP says even if she is pregnant to hand cuff her.

A couple minutes later she is in custody.

So now we are sitting here watching all the alphabet cops going in and out of the house. It does not appear that anyone was injured.

Well that is how I spent my Saturday morning.
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damn. the most exciting thing that happens around here is when someone forgets to bring their garbage can in after it's picked up. you're living in like downtown Jerry Springerville and sht. I did like the "hey let's eat lunch and listen to people shoot at each other" part.
Wow is right. A real-life Cops episode. Good that no one died.

My worst problem today is that my neighbor keeps parking his fugly minivan in front of my house, when there's space in front of his. We need to talk. :D
damn. the most exciting thing that happens around here is when someone forgets to bring their garbage can in after it's picked up.

What, you have garbage collection?
Holy gun smoke!
You win.

I raked leaves.
But they were mad, vicious leaves.
Don't know how I survived.

I was going to say "leaves of color" and realized someone would totally freak out over it, so I didn't.
Even though they were.
Autumn can be hard work around here.
Holy gun smoke!
You win.

I raked leaves.
But they were mad, vicious leaves.
Don't know how I survived.

I was going to say "leaves of color" and realized someone would totally freak out over it, so I didn't.
Even though they were.
Autumn can be hard work around here.

More people die from raking leaves than raging madmen.
My worst problem today is that my neighbor keeps parking his fugly minivan in front of my house, when there's space in front of his. We need to talk. :D

As Troy from Swamp People says, "choot, choot 'em".

Should have just shot the boyfriend so then everybody could go and eat pizza and be done with it.
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Yep, life in the country. I wouldn't trade rural life for anything, but sometimes....

A few years ago someone found a human torso in the pasture down the road. Just the torso.

Then there was the time 3 thugs robbed a gas station a few miles away and murdered the clerk. They were holed up that night in a neighbor's barn while the sheriff's copter hovered, waiting for a ground squad to get there. The perps got away. Don't recall they were ever caught. I spent that night sitting up with the scanner, my Doberman, and an AR15.

Typical sheriff's deputy response time is about 30-45 minutes. There's a reason rural homes are often well armed.
Holy gun smoke!
You win.

I raked leaves.
But they were mad, vicious leaves.
Don't know how I survived.

I was going to say "leaves of color" and realized someone would totally freak out over it, so I didn't.
Even though they were.
Autumn can be hard work around here.

Brown leaves matter.
I also live in a semi-rural area, and while there is almost no stranger crime, sadly there is still domestic violence.
damn. the most exciting thing that happens around here is when someone forgets to bring their garbage can in after it's picked up. you're living in like downtown Jerry Springerville and sht. I did like the "hey let's eat lunch and listen to people shoot at each other" part.

I didn't mean it to sound like that, but it sure came out that way...:lol::lol::lol:
I also live in a semi-rural area, and while there is almost no stranger crime, sadly there is still domestic violence.

Another house about a mile further out. It seems a Sheriffs deputy is out there 3 or 4 times a month to separate the two. Sad.
Bubba beating Betsy cuts across all social economic sectors of our society. It is sad.
Ah, you haven't "lived in the country" til you have had an armed standoff with people declaring war on the US government, demanding the governor 'hand over control of the state', and the banks to 'turn over all the money' (includes shooting of a local, killing a police dog, killing the dog shooter, with the town being taken over by 7 branches of law enforcement and 9 news crews for a couple of weeks).
Ah, you haven't "lived in the country" til you have had an armed standoff with people declaring war on the US government, demanding the governor 'hand over control of the state', and the banks to 'turn over all the money' (includes shooting of a local, killing a police dog, killing the dog shooter, with the town being taken over by 7 branches of law enforcement and 9 news crews for a couple of weeks).

'Texas Separatists' is a bit of a tautology.
Deleted it. Sorry.

Clearly some of the sensitive butterflies from 6PC thread made it over here. People need to grow thick skin and "I'm offended" has morphed into a catch phrase for " I want my opinion to be heard".

All compliments of social media where we are bomb blasted by people who think we actually give a **** about what they think. But, it's easier to stroke them off rather than start a Twitter war.o_O

Psychological studies have shown that even when an answer is wrong, in a group setting, people will agree even through they don't because they want to be part of the group or on the "right" team. Social feeds are one big group experiment. We didn't have this social disfunction till blogs, then a wall, then tweets.

Bro, even though it rubs raw on DV, the joke was funny.
To bad about being help hostage Saturday, funny the men in blue did not ask you to leave your house. They were probably thinking about the pizza....:)
Bro, even though it rubs raw on DV, the joke was funny.

Yup it's funny when taken as a joke but I can also understand some folks being a little sensitive about the subject too.

Maybe this will keep me from getting banned, again. ;)
Clearly some of the sensitive butterflies from 6PC thread made it over here. People need to grow thick skin and "I'm offended" has morphed into a catch phrase for " I want my opinion to be heard".

All compliments of social media where we are bomb blasted by people who think we actually give a **** about what they think. But, it's easier to stroke them off rather than start a Twitter war.o_O

Psychological studies have shown that even when an answer is wrong, in a group setting, people will agree even through they don't because they want to be part of the group or on the "right" team. Social feeds are one big group experiment. We didn't have this social disfunction till blogs, then a wall, then tweets.

Bro, even though it rubs raw on DV, the joke was funny.
I think it's time for the "sensitive butterflies" to speak their mind rather than simply going along with the "cool kids".
I suspect that if Mr Card were a woman physically abused by her husband, he (and some others here) wouldn't find his "joke" funny. Things stop being funny when they hurt.
I suspect that if Mr Card were a woman physically abused by her husband, he (and some others here) wouldn't find his "joke" funny. Things stop being funny when they hurt.

Hey now, I deleted it and apologized man. :rolleyes:
So? I think it is funny, but that's me. I find humor in just about everything. So "choot me"!
They still do those? Figured those went the way of the do-do bird in your hood.

Oh no. If it's not grown in a commercial building paying big taxes, and sold with more taxes, government still sees it as a threat -- but now instead of being just a law enforcement funding threat, it's a threat to tax revenue. That's all that really changed here.

They can assure both still get fully funded by raiding stuff like rural basement/barn grow houses. LE funding and tax revenue, fully assured that way. They just moved further up the food chain from the street users to the growers and distributors and created monopolies.

Isn't that what government always does in any industry? And then when the monopoly gets enough power to threaten government, they bust it up under anti-trust law.
Might be worth a phone call to the sheriff's office. "Hey, the cops are shooting at my neighbors. Is it okay if I shoot at 'em, too?"
Psychological studies have shown that even when an answer is wrong, in a group setting, people will agree even through they don't because they want to be part of the group or on the "right" team.

Those people are known as sheep. Or lemmings, take your pick!