

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
When you solo, you get your shirt tail cut

When you get your PP, you might get tossed into the horse trough...

What's the progression for IA, CPL, and CFI?
It gets progressively worse. Kicked in the balls. Punch in the face. Receptive anal intercourse.

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I can't speak for CPL or CFI yet, but the most exciting thing that happened after my IA checkride (other than being told I'd passed) was the DPE hole punching my old card (invalidating it) and printing out the paper temporary cert.

He actually did it in that order (invalidated the old before printing the new) and then had trouble with his printer. I told him I wasn't going anywhere until the printer got fixed. Mostly because I'd flown to the checkride and couldn't legally fly home without the new printout.
First solo, cut your shirt tail.

That tradition actually came from the old tandem, no intercom, taildraggers. Your CFI would tug on your shirt to get your attention, theory is once your solo you don't need that shirt tail anymore.

Past solo, only tradition is to drink :goofy:
A few days after my instrument ride, I took my sister up in her first small airplane ride in actual with ceilings about 1000 ft and around 6 miles vis so it wasn't too bad. After my Commercial ride, my DPE said to go make money. Currently waiting on the CFI.
IA - Scare yourself ****less flying in actual for the first time down to mins by yourself.
COMM - Go home and have a beer...or ten
CFI - not sure
ATP - will probably be the same as COMM
Air Force solo - get dunked in a tank of water
All 8 Air Force checkrides - same as commercial above, but more beers and with more people
ATP a group of airport friends had a cocktail celebration on a Friday night ,of course at the airport.
I've never been around a field with a horse trough. I guess I'm not as old as I thought.
Oddly enough, with as much drinking that me and my flight instructor did, what we didn't do is go out and have one to celebrate my private. It was almost an anti-climax.
First Solo (1995)... Shirt tail cut

PPL (1996)... bought a pair of Ray Ban "aviator" sunglasses and walked around feeling like Maverick for a week. Hot chicks failed to notice.

IR (2014)... whisky at home with friends. But then I do this weekly anyway.
My CFI didn't cut my shirt tail on solo. I do have a personal tradition of buying beers for the instructor after a checkride. They did get paid, but they deserve a little something extra for putting up with me, especially the pre-checkride jitters and stress.
My CFI didn't cut my shirt tail on solo. I do have a personal tradition of buying beers for the instructor after a checkride. They did get paid, but they deserve a little something extra for putting up with me, especially the pre-checkride jitters and stress.

I like buying my DPE a sixer before the ride. Makes it go smoother. :D