Tracey Curtis Taylor crash at Winslow

Mike Flynn

Filing Flight Plan
Jul 2, 2016
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I am a UK pilot that has been following Tracey as she crossed the USA supposedly recreating the old US Mail runs. She came to grief in May when here Stearman the Spirit Of Artemis suffered a rich cut on take of from Winslow,Arizona.

Just wondering if she has made the forums or news in the USA.
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That was the point I was coming to. She had an airline pilot in the front seat who she claimed was a passenger when he crawled from the the crash wreck at Winslow.

His name is Ewald Gritsch and he told the UK media he was with her on all the flights and none were solo.

If you google her website she makes a big thing about 'celebrating' the old US Mail run pilots and a number of local US tv stations took the bait.

Her deception has made the number multi one million selling UK newspaper today.

As a new guy I can't post links but online search the poster girl for female pilots and

Tracey Curtis-Taylor, 54, the self-styled ‘Bird in a bi-plane’, honoured for flying across the globe single-handedly, may have had a co-pilot.

There must hundreds of women Stearman pilots in the USA but Boeing have sponsored this well conected private pilot with only 1500 hours in total.
There must hundreds of women Stearman pilots in the USA but Boeing have sponsored this well conected private pilot with only 1500 hours in total.
You obviously have an axe to grind with this woman. I'm sure Boeing didn't go out looking for a female Stearman pilot to sponsor, bypassing all women in the U.S. She made her sponsorship pitches and got sponsors. Total time is irrelevant.

Whatever else may have been said or done or not, adding crap to stir the pot degrades the discussion.
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I have never met her or indeed have any contact with her.However in the UK and across Europe she made a big pitch about being a woman pilot flying solo.
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I have never met her or indeed have any contact with her.However in the UK and across Europe she made a big pitch about being a woman pilot flying solo.

Meanwhile up front was an airline pilot who owns the aircraft doing all the hard work.
And you have proof that he was doing all the hard work?



Notice in that video she doesn't even take conmand when she pushed "her airplane" out of the hangar, but the ATP "pax" does, she even appears to look to him for guidance on that, where as he appears to be taking ownership, to me that says a lot right there.

Reminds me of that blonde chick who was some distant relative of earheart, she "flew" a PC12/47 around the world, well with a ATP in the other seat and the pilatus is probably one of the best/easiest long range single pilot planes out there

It's cool to do stuff like this to get little girls into aviation and be a role model, but if you don't have the chops to ACTUALLY do what you say you're doing I think it's hurts the cause.
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If she comes on as she was solo and braving the elements alone and yet had an airline pilot in the front who owned the airplane then she's a fraud. I don't get the arguement. Jerry mock she ain't.
Put Ewald Gritsch Stearman in to your browser and see what comes up :)

He is a wonderful restorer and builder of the Super Stearman based in Austria.
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Put Ewald Gritsch Stearman in to your browser and see what comes up :)

He is a wonderful restorer and builder of the Super Stearman based in Austria but the work is being done over the border in Hungary.

He owns the Spirit of Artemis.

Check out the tail number.
Oh, there ya go! The restoration was done in Hungary! She should be drawn and quartered!:rolleyes:
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Jerrie mock flew in her knit skirt, sweater, and high heel shoes..

Duh? I didn't notice any obvious ax bring ground.
While not a direct relation to Amelia Mary Earhart of 1937 fame, Amelia Rose Earhart was inspired by her namesake to set big goals to achieve in life. Earhart has been a pilot since 2010 and worked as a professional newscaster in the Los Angeles and Denver metropolitan areas. Amelia, along with co-pilot Shane Jordan, selected the Pilatus PC-12 NG as their aircraft of choice for the 18-day, 24,300 nautical mile long journey.
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I think she was a PPL at the time, not sure if she was even instrument rated.

Her "co pilot" was a highly accomplished ATP
I think she was a PPL at the time, not sure if she was even instrument rated.

Her "co pilot" was a highly accomplished ATP

Two pilots on a round the world trip then? One an a Pilatus Turbo prop?

How hard is that.
Duh? I didn't notice any obvious ax bring ground.
Put red herring in your browser and see what you come up with.

Combine that with a poster who apparently joined the forum for the sole purpose of making sure we knew she's a fraud.
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Put her name and Winslow crash in to your browser. Ewald,the owner airline pilot builder of the aircraft is described to the local press as a 'passenger'.
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Maule a new member I cannot post links.

However Tracy Curtis Taylor told the BBC and the worlds press she was doing a solo circumnavigation in a Stearman.

She arrived in Sydney with the airline pilot owner of the aircraft in the front seat but decalred tomthe waiting press it was a solo effort. On this side of the Atlantic we call that cheating. Put her name and Winslow crash in to your browser. Ewald,the owner airline pilot builder of the aircraft is described to the lical press as a 'passenger'.

Guess she told the NTSB the same thing, guessing the high time guy was happy to let her save face on being PIC to get out of a ding on his saftey record.

NTSB Identification: WPR16LA106
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Wednesday, May 11, 2016 in Winslow, AZ
Aircraft: BOEING B75N1, registration: N56200
Injuries: 2 Uninjured.
This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed. NTSB investigators may not have traveled in support of this investigation and used data provided by various sources to prepare this aircraft accident report.

On May 11, 2016, about 1710 mountain standard time, a Boeing B75N1, N56200, was substantially damaged during a forced landing at the Winslow-Lindbergh Regional Airport (INW), Winslow, Arizona. The airplane was registered to 3G Classic Aviation LLC., and operated by the pilot under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. The private pilot and her passenger were not injured. Visual meteorological conditions prevailed and no flight plan was filed for the personal flight. The cross-country flight was originating at the time of the accident with an intended destination of Phoenix, Arizona.

The pilot reported that during takeoff from runway 29, as the airplane ascended to about 30 to 50 feet above the ground, the engine began to lose RPM. The pilot initiated a left turn to avoid power lines and subsequently landed off airport. During the landing roll, the right main landing gear sunk into the ground and the airplane cartwheeled. The pilot reported that all four wings, tail, and fuselage were structurally damaged.

The airplane was recovered to a secure location for further examination."

Now, she's only a PPL, so how is she doing all these sponsor paid for flights? Did she pay for her prorated share???
"Charity" ?

Seems like she making money off all this flying, her income from speaking and TV shows is directly related to flying, or am I missing something?
Maule a new member I cannot post links.

However Tracy Curtis Taylor told the BBC and the worlds press she was doing a solo circumnavigation in a Stearman.

She arrived in Sydney with the airline pilot owner of the aircraft in the front seat but decalred tomthe waiting press it was a solo effort. On this side of the Atlantic we call that cheating. Put her name and Winslow crash in to your browser. Ewald,the owner airline pilot builder of the aircraft is described to the lical press as a 'passenger'.
I have no argument with any of that...but on this side of the Atlantic, posting false or misleading information, which is the portion of your posts that I have been commenting on, is called lying.
If rich or well sponsored people want to indulge in well funded so called adventures who am I to argue.
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Maule Skinner

I think I am up to five posts now so check this out.

Amy Johnson she ain't: 'Solo' flying poster girl is brought down to earth by claims that she had co-pilot and flew just four of her 36 round-the-world legs on her own
  • Tracey Curtis-Taylor, 54, re-creating the solo exploits of Amy Johnson
  • But it has emerged the self-styled ‘Bird in a bi-plane’ may have had co-pilot
  • Man who planned one journey said she ‘embellished the truth’ about flights

Read more:
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I've checked that it. It does nothing to address the issues I have in your posts, nor the fact that for some reason it is extremely important for you to impugn the character of someone you don't know to a bunch of people you don't know.

She's a fraud...big fat hairy deal.

You're a liar...big fat hairy deal.

I don't think either one is worth finding and joining a forum in a foreign country to publicize.
Interesting when someone joins in order to slam someone most of us have never heard of. Her publicity machine must not have been doing such a good job on this side of the pond.
I've checked that it. It does nothing to address the issues I have in your posts, nor the fact that for some reason it is extremely important for you to impugn the character of someone you don't know to a bunch of people you don't know.

She's a fraud...big fat hairy deal.

You're a liar...big fat hairy deal.

I don't think either one is worth finding and joining a forum in a foreign country to publicize.


Foreign "pilot" comes to the US and disrespects our aviation pioneers, basically the aviation version of "stolen valor" as far as I'm concerned, actually worse, she's not some mentally disabled person, she's straight doing it for $$$

The lady disrespected every person who has actually had the skills and bravery to do what she advertised doing, she cheapens what far better aviators than her have done and what some set out to do, she hurt the image of women in aviation.

I'd say she deserved to be called out.
We are not a TV station. We are an aviation forum. We know a bit about aviation, so we're far less gullible than the TV stations.

Maybe you need to take your crusade to them instead of us.

Foreign "pilot" comes to the US and disrespects our aviation pioneers, basically the aviation version of "stolen valor" as far as I'm concerned, actually worse, she's not some mentally disabled person, she's straight doing it for $$$

The lady disrespected every person who has actually had the skills and bravery to do what she advertised doing, she cheapens what far better aviators than her have done and what some set out to do, she hurt the image of women in aviation.

I'd say she deserved to be called out.
What rock have you been under? She was "called out" a long time ago.
What rock have you been under? She was "called out" a long time ago.

Could be because don't have cable?

I never heard of this bi plane fraud before, first I heard was on this thread, also appears her "exploits" in the US, making a mockery out of our aviation pioneers, was recent, with her crash occurring only a couple months ago.
I don't have cable that's probably not the reason.

Dude I don't know what to tell you, never heard of it, sorry.

Why are you soo defense of this fraud, was she like your distant sister or a old girlfriend or something?
Don't blame me..I am just the messenger.

Your US tv stations ran stories like this.

By Coleen Sullivan
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Charles Lindbergh helped pioneer the first airmail routes across America, and now a modern-day pilot plans to fly that same route.

Tracey Curtis-Taylor was on the ground at the Santa Monica Airport, but not for long. She turned her propeller as part of her pre-flight safety check before resuming her historic journey on board a 1942 vintage Boeing Stearman Bi-plane.

"In the old days you had the Pony Express, Wells Fargo and then you had the airmail," she said.

Curtis-Taylor is in the sixth leg of her trip, retracing the aerial route first surveyed by Lindbergh for the U.S. government. She will visit 16 major U.S. cities across America's heartland, finishing up in Boston.

The transcontinental flight is a celebration of The Boeing Company's "Century in the Sky" and a tribute commemorating the beginning of airmail in the states.

"This is very much a kind of journey into the past as well for me. So I'm just kind of intrigued and inspired by the aviators, the pioneers," she said.

As Curtis-Taylor travels, she is also celebrating women's achievement in aviation and looking to the future. When she finishes in Boston, it will complete her around the world trip that began in 2013. She will also have logged more than 26,000 miles.
Dude I don't know what to tell you, never heard of it, sorry.

Why are you soo defense of this fraud, was she like your distant sister or a old girlfriend or something?
I'm not defending her...I'm offended by someone who feels the need to introduce himself to a group for the sole purpose of providing negative input with no suggestions for solutions. Especially when false and misleading statements are the M.O.
Interesting when someone joins in order to slam someone most of us have never heard of. Her publicity machine must not have been doing such a good job on this side of the pond.

I read about it somewhere maybe a year or more ago. Even then there were questions about her supposedly flying "solo" w/ this other pilot. As soon as I read she had an experienced pilot onboard, I dismissed her claims just like all the other "solo" flights. Think there was one of a little girl (12-14?) w/ a CFI onboard. These 'look at me' attempts were going on fairly regularly a few years ago.
I'm not defending her...I'm offended by someone who feels the need to introduce himself to a group for the sole purpose of providing negative input with no suggestions for solutions. Especially when false and misleading statements are the M.O.

What false statement, just from my quick looking around, it's pretty cut and dry this lady is a sham.
Again, no question she's a sham.

But I've seen nowhere that the passenger claims he was on "all the flights".

Somehow googling the owner of the airplane is supposed to prove that he was in command of the airplane. Seems to me if somebody that experienced was in command of things, he'd have done a better job of crashing...that wreckage looks like an amateur was at the controls.

Obviously the OP is more than just a casual observer trying to pass the word for humanitarian purposes. I just haven't figured out his connection.
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She's a fraud...big fat hairy deal.

You're a liar...big fat hairy deal.
Isn't it the other way around?

Oh, AREN'T talking about the election?

Never mind.... :)

Ron "Where's that block thread button" Wanttaja