To Lufkin for Lunch


Oct 28, 2014
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Jack Fleetwood
My friend Bo and I were planning on flying to Lufkin for lunch today. He's based in Mesquite, I'm in Taylor, so about the same distance. Since I'm and early bird and it looked like low ceilings were on the way in Taylor, I surprised him by flying to Mesquite. We then did a little air-to-air even though the light wasn't right, and then he added some power and left me in the dust.

After eating a good sandwich, we headed home. I had to deviate about 100 miles to the North to get around storms, but no big deal since I'm flying for fun! Another great aviating day.




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I guess you didn't have any storm problems. I was driving 20 mph on highway 6 in College Station at 1:30 today.
I guess you didn't have any storm problems. I was driving 20 mph on highway 6 in College Station at 1:30 today.
Well, this is how I had to fly to get back!
God I love that paint job on the Eagles. So gorgeous.
Isn't it? It's my favorite subject. Unfortunately we didn't plan to do a photo shoot, so not my best work, but this will probably be the most photographed Eagle ever!
Such pretty airplanes... It truly makes one remember what aviation is all about.