The REAL reason why liquids are banned.

Those burger flipper rejects are not looking so bad any longer are they? This why one should not make a decision when emotionally agitated. The TSA was an awful decision, I screamed at the TV when it happened.
Those burger flipper rejects are not looking so bad any longer are they? This why one should not make a decision when emotionally agitated. The TSA was an awful decision, I screamed at the TV when it happened.

They HIRED the very people who were contracted for the job pre-TSA. In fact they had the hirng process rigged so that the main way you could qualify for TSA was to have had the job before.

At let me remind that not a single one failed to do the job they were given to do on 9/11.

Like you a knew full well that all this woudl get us a big federal beuracracy. Those of us who live in Chicago know what a guvmint head count grab looks like.

So what we have is fancy uniforms with the morons given supervisory positions and more power to (hopefully, temporarily) control the lives of those who dare to enter an airport.

Oh. And the airlines got relieved of having to pay for it, while getting to keep what they were being paid for the service.
TSA = Too Stupid for Arby's
As a frequent flier, I have seen the stupidity close up and personal, including the backing-up of the conveyor belt sending my laptop tumbling to the ground. (TSA's response: "Turn it on and see if it works.") Uniform Foxtrot Bravo.

IF I thought that it added one iota bit of safety to my travels, I could almost endure being treated like cattle to the slaughter. But I don't. Absent true profiling, nothing will be safer.

If pulling 90-year olds out of line for extra screening makes you feel safer, good for you.