The Fly-in Angst Thread


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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At Adam's request, I'm keeping this out of Hayden's thread. This is in response to Ed's post here:

Ed - Take a breath, man. Jesse commented about Hayden, not your fly-in, which he's been to at least every time I've been there, which has been every time except this latest Labor Day.

As far as the fly-ins - Nobody's is necessarily better, just different. I like them all, but for different reasons.

Gaston's has become the de facto #1 fly-in for several reasons: It was the first major event PoA had, it's very centrally located, it's got bedroom accommodations about as close to a runway as you could possibly get. It also has a lot of people, for the above reasons, and the people are why we keep going back and have such a great time there. I don't go to Gaston's for Gaston's, I go to Gaston's because I know I'm going to see Spike, Chip, Steve, and many others who make the list of my favorite people in the world.

Wings is also great - Most of the people who go to Wings aren't the same people who go to Gaston's. I've met quite a few people for the first time at Wings: Chuck, both Andrews, Tim, Bob Bruneau (RIP), Ted, Missa, Anthony, both Robs, both Garys, Peggy, and many others. And there's the food - as Adam says, "Andrew makes a great kosher pig." :rofl: There's contests, too! But the amount of work involved isn't necessarily proportional to the quality of the fly-in. And this is not to say that Wings isn't a quality fly-in, but that, as has been pointed out, Gaston's is easy in comparison - Everything's right there, it's pretty much a package deal. I will admit, I don't enjoy the FlyBQ as much as the others simply because the time that everyone is actually there is so short. There's been people who have been there both of the times I've been there who I still haven't met. I usually find out when things are winding down and I say "Isn't Bryon coming? Isn't Jim coming?" and find out they've already left. :( That said, the small group that shows up on Friday night is excellent - It means that I get to know a few people like Gary, Andrew, and Adam all that much better.

That's one thing that is bad about Gaston's is that there are so many people that I want to talk to, and it seems like there's never enough time to do it. A couple years ago at Gaston's, I only managed to say "Hi" to Dave S and not much else.

Finally, while 6Y9 is an excellent fly-in, I get the feeling that you won't be happy until 6Y9 is as big as Gaston's. But again, 6Y9 is different, which is what makes it what it is, and because of those differences, 6Y9 will probably never be as big as Gaston's, and if it were I probably would quit coming. (Can you imagine 150 people sharing a shower? :yikes:) I like 6Y9 because I can camp next to the plane as if it were Oshkosh, but it's a helluva lot easier and cheaper to get in and out. I like 6Y9 because it excites the town and it's so great to see a town excited about their local airport! I like 6Y9 because we go four-wheeling in the woods and get all dirty. I like 6Y9 because it seems to be the "younger generation" fly-in - I'm sure the average age of the pilots at that fly-in is the lowest of the bunch by far, with people like you, me, Ted, Chris, Tony, Kate, Jesse, and Tristan showing up.

However, there's a lot of "city folk" that wouldn't enjoy 6Y9 - They want a hotel, and start twitching when they're more than an hour away from the nearest Starbucks and Wal-Mart. They don't want to camp, they don't want to get dirty, they don't want to go to the bar and drink all their crown and coke, and most importantly, YOU don't want them to come to your fly-in and not enjoy it. Having those people not show up is not a failure on your part. And just because someone doesn't show up doesn't mean they hate your fly-in or don't appreciate what your family has done for GA by reopening an airport. I know, for example, that Spike *really* wanted to be there this year. But people have other commitments and responsibilities, be they time constraints, family commitments, or simply a lack of funds to fly all the way up there.

And believe me, even the folks that don't even know 6Y9 exists appreciate the work that your family does - Someday, they'll discover it too, or another airport just like it where someone cared enough to put in the time, money, and effort to have a spot to come down from the sky.

Sorry that I think Adam's fly-in is better than Gaston's because I know about all the work that he puts into it.
Sorry my dad spends hours and hours and hours
Or that my mom busts her butt
Instead, there is excuse after excuse after excuse of why people can't do something or fly to a gathering more than 90 minutes from their place.
And sorry that is gets under my skin that Adam will fly halfway across the country fighting storms on the way there and back, but his Fly-In isn't worth the effort to have the favor returned.

Now this is ironic. Ed, where were you at the 2008 FlyBQ? Not in Philadelphia. Adam and Andrew busted their butts, as you well know, to put that together, why weren't you there? Yeah, I know you didn't have an airplane, but if you really wanted to be there you could have rented one, or driven. Hell, I drove to it last year from Madison (quite a bit farther than it would have been for you), and I put in nearly 1000 miles in a single day to do so. But you won't see me, or Adam, ranting about how you didn't make the effort to be there. Everyone has a different situation, different priorities, different responsibilities, and different time constraints. You are the only one who is resenting people because theirs are different than yours.

Or that one might be within 20 minutes of his place, but won't even let him know they were around.

I'm not sure who you're talking about, but if you're referring to me being in that area with my truck, I've been within 20 minutes of a lot of PoAers in the last 5 years. Why didn't I always let them know I was around? Well, time. I had a job to do. Sometimes I'd have time, and in some areas I was more likely to have time than others - The few (3?) times I was in Dallas, well, I managed to get together with PoAers on two of them (Troy once, and Spike, Dave and Troy another time). I managed to get together with Chip nearly every one of the few times I was in his area. Both were enabled simply because of the timing of the loads I was given. In Philly, though I went there a lot more than I went to the other places I mentioned, I was only able to get together with Adam once. Why? Because my company had a lot more freight in that area, and I was usually booted into Jersey immediately upon dropping in Philly. I hate to call people and say "Hey, I'm gonna be RIGHT THERE tomorrow" and then "So, yeah, I'm in town, but I don't even have time to stop and say hi." It makes me feel like a jerk, and probably makes them feel like they're not important to me. So, no I don't call unless there's a good chance I'll actually be able to stop in. But, that goes for everyone, including my best friend, whose town I passed through frequently, but almost never with time to stop.

Or that after dealing with weather, winds, mechanical issues to get to Gaston's, etc one can't even let someone know they are in their aviation back yard when galavanting around the country.

Again, not sure if you are referring to me, but the reason I didn't make 6Y9 this year (and I almost did) is that it took longer than I expected to get back from "galavanting around the country" (the west coast trip), and when I was finally back in the Midwest and ready to come up there, everyone went home.

Finally - If you are :sleep::sleep::sleep: wake back up, this is the important part - Hating any fly-in for any reason is counterproductive to GA and PoA. Offer suggestions for improvement? Sure, but to want some fly-ins to prosper at the cost of others does you no good. Let other fly-ins thrive or fail on their own merits, and focus that energy on keeping the merits that yours has and improving it even more. You and your parents have to be doing pretty well, because the percentage of people that *return* to 6Y9 each year is very high, probably the highest of any of the "PoA" fly-ins.

Wayne that was a hoot thanks for the chuckle. Ed take s deep breath. Gastons is just big and easy cause everything is right there. I don't think anyone is touting as better than Wings or 6Y9er or Tony's. Its expensive to get to that many places in a year. Plus the folks that do Gastons don't bill it as a POA flyin nor do they want it to be. Thats ok its their event. But then all our flyins are open to all folks who love the skies as we do.

FWIW I think that this past 6Y9er was perhaps the best flyin weekend I've ever attended. The amount of fun that I had should be illegal. Sometimes smaller is better the intimacy of the group adds a Lot. Plus Pete and Tony will vouch that with more people we would have run out of crown & coke just that much faster.

Also FWIW I don't think Brad and you got the credit you deserve from the GA organizations for reopening 6Y9er that did tick me off.

Anyway one flyin is not better than the others they are just different thats all. I hate to see you get this upset really its not worth it. Take a deep breath and hang in there and don't stop hanging out here as your friend I'd really hate to see that.

And Adam demonstrates that I absolutely suck at saying things in as few words as possible. ;)
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Ok I hope this puts and end to this issue.

1) Kent I know for a fact that Ed was not referring to you regarding being in someones back yard.
2) Ed was going to come to Wings in 08" w/ Grant and Leslie but Grant made the wise choice to stay put in Chicago area last minute do to adverse Wx. and I do have to say that Ed among others has been a great supporter of the Flybq.
3) your point is well taken about the time spent together at the Flybq which is why I added the Friday eveing and dinner on Saturday evening. After all its first about the people then about the location.
4) Who the hell would have thought a lawyer could sum up things less verbosely than a truck driver? Go figure!

Folks there really is not much more to be said that has already been said in both threads. Kent I liked your point about how we can best support GA. Lets just let it rest if we can and look forward to attending as many get togethers as we can this spring and summer. Thanks and fly safe everyone.
Kent--well said--and I stand behind what you wrote and feel the *exact* same way. Perhaps Ed doesn't mean what he writes--but I certainly interpret it the same as you do.

I make the fly-ins that I can afford to make from a financial and time perspective. Hopefully someday I'll have unlimited resources and unlimited time--when that day comes you can count on me being at every fly-in...until then..I'll make what I can.

6Y9 is great. I've been there several times and have thoroughly enjoyed it--but as Kent says--for different reasons than Gastons.
A few thoughts...

Kent flew right past me on his west coast trip. Nice....

Spike suffers from a lack of verbosity. It's genetic I think. And he needs our help.

Of the 3 POA biggies, I've only been to 6Y9. None are "centrally located" if you live west of NE/KS/IA.

Having had a hand in organizing an on-going annual event (for just that one year) I can say without reserve that anyone who year after year does this must be nuts...I mean, they have my deepest respect for what they do.
When we budget our time and money (retired school teacher and mostly retired nurse who live in an old beat-up farm house) one of the fly-ins that takes priority is Oshkosh. That is where I can spend hours and hours with my friends from all the forums. How cool to have people drop by our camping spot to visit. :) it's one of the few places where I can see some of my favorite forum members, like Ken Ibold (who I hope can make it to ANY fly-in this year.)

So, if I don't make any other fly-ins (whoever you are), please don't take it personally. :)

This also seems like a good time to remind people that Gaston's isn't a PoA fly-in. There are at least three other Citabrias coming from the Citabria forum and a whole bunch of people coming from the Purple Board and the Red Board. Which I think is very cool. It's fun meeting and spending time with other people, as well as the great PoA people. :yes:
]As far as the fly-ins - Nobody's is necessarily better, just different. I like them all, but for different reasons.


But people have other commitments and responsibilities, be they time constraints, family commitments, or simply a lack of funds to fly all the way up there.

And believe me, even the folks that don't even know 6Y9 exists appreciate the work that your family does ...

I make the fly-ins that I can afford to make from a financial and time perspective.


So Ed hates us all enough to not want to visit here anymore. Great. :frown3:

This also seems like a good time to remind people that Gaston's isn't a PoA fly-in. There are at least three other Citabrias coming from the Citabria forum and a whole bunch of people coming from the Purple Board and the Red Board. Which I think is very cool. It's fun meeting and spending time with other people, as well as the great PoA people. :yes:

Indeed, Diana, while PoA is the "central repository" of Gaston's Fly-In discussion, the fly-in has always been populated with people from all over the map, and the 'Net. The great thing is, all of 'em like to fly, and to talk about flying, which works out pretty well. If some of them decide to drop by and visit PoA as a collateral consequence, well, that adds nicely to the discussion, doesn't it?

Shucks, meeting Kim and what's-his-name (grin) finally pushed me over the edge into visiting the Purple Zone.
Well, I don't think anyone here questions that I love 6Y9 and will be back. Anyone who does question hasn't been paying attention, or is just being an idiot. It's a great opportunity to see a bunch of my favorite people, and meet some of my new favorite people.

I know I'll be showing up to Gaston's, 6Y9, Wings, and Tony's (if he does another fly-in). I can't wait to see you all again, and meet those of you who I haven't had the privilege of meeting yet!
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Not sure if “Fly-in Angst” is the correct wording, but I do understand your point.

Fly-ins really do require a fair amount of effort to organize and the level of effort increases as the number of planes/people increases. Each and every fly-in is different and every one, no matter how many people showed up – was a joy! We all have lives outside aviation and those other parts of our lives often do get in the way of the fly-ins. It is easy to get disappointed from the actions of others, but, there are so many factors involved in organizing and attending a fly-in, that to feel bitter over attendance (or lack of it) is useless.

It would be nice if we all had the time and money to fly about the country and attend all the different fly-in’s, but the reality is that just ain’t gonna happen (at least for me). The best we can hope for is that the time and finances work out so, on a regular basis, we can continue to have POA get-togethers. Sometimes it may be nothing more than two or three of us meeting for breakfast, other times it may be the trek to a Gastons or 6Y9.

I’ve met a bunch of great people from this board, IMHO that is the most important thing.

So, to Ed, if I haven’t expressed my respect and admiration for what you and your family have done at 6Y9, consider this my message to you. One of these years, the planets will align and I’ll make the trip there. To all the other POA’ers, somewhere in the future, I hope to meet you all!

Even though I've never been to any of these Flyins discussed here because of time and distance from the PacNW restraints, I fully enjoy reading about all of them and what goes on at them.

Extra Props for getting 6Y9 opened, it is such a highly significant accomplishment to get even a little more landing space and PR for all of GA but, most pilots don't even acknowledge it.

I've enjoyed visits & flying with everyone from PoA who's had the time to stop in here too. As always, everyone that frequents PoA is always invited to stop in Seattle & I'll treat them to a flight through the mountains and over to the islands for lunch or something if they like.
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Even though I've never been to any of these Flyins discussed here because of time and distance from the PacNW restraints, I fully enjoy reading about all of them and what goes on at them.

Extra Props for getting 6Y9 opened, it is such a highly significant accomplishment to get even a little more landing space and PR for all of GA but, most pilots don't even acknowledge it.

Ditto. Too far from OLM, but fun to read about.
1) Kent I know for a fact that Ed was not referring to you regarding being in someones back yard.

Glad to hear it. And to those PoAers that I've been near but unable to visit - I hope you all know that I wish I had been able to visit. Diana, I even put Twin Oaks on my GPS and looked longingly in that direction as I drove past, but I had to take the advice that I gave to all my trainees: Don't get into a situation you don't know if you can get out of. None of the roads there looked particularly big, and I'd hate to have to turn around on your runway and tear it up. :(

Ironically, one of the purely random stops I made was in none other than Sidnaw, MI. I had a run from Brokaw, WI to Groveton, NH - The quickest way to do that is through the UP. It was over a weekend, and I went a bit off the beaten path to get up to M-28. I parked by the side of the road and went to visit with Brad and Diz for a bit. Definitely a bright spot in the day. :yes:

2) Ed was going to come to Wings in 08" w/ Grant and Leslie but Grant made the wise choice to stay put in Chicago area last minute do to adverse Wx. and I do have to say that Ed among others has been a great supporter of the Flybq.

I know - And I know that despite that support (and despite the fact that he *could* have driven anyway), he didn't make it - Just like many people didn't make it to 6Y9, for reasons no more or less valid. It seems that Ed feels it a personal slight when someone doesn't show up, and I was hoping to point out that it really isn't, and shouldn't be taken that way.
Yep... most unfortunate that we sometimes have to make trips past our friends without stopping.

Just earlier today I landed at KLOM. There are a number of people there who I would like to see. I was on the ground for 3 minutes. The master and mag switches didn't even get turned off, nor did I get out of the left seat.

Sorry, guys. Not that I don't like you, but we had a few other constraints, just how it goes. Trust me, I'll come down for a longer session when we can have a few sodas (well, you all can have beers).
reading all of this reminds me why I don't like large gatherings of people.


You'd love any of our fly-ins... Like most people, we get along better in person than online. And compared to most online forums, we get along great! So, compared to most in-person gatherings... You get the point.

Please, come join us! :yes:

Yep... most unfortunate that we sometimes have to make trips past our friends without stopping.

Just earlier today I landed at KLOM. There are a number of people there who I would like to see. I was on the ground for 3 minutes. The master and mag switches didn't even get turned off, nor did I get out of the left seat.

Sorry, guys. Not that I don't like you, but we had a few other constraints, just how it goes. Trust me, I'll come down for a longer session when we can have a few sodas (well, you all can have beers).

Why YOU $#%&(@*&%$@)#(*^@#%(^@(#%(*@^#(%@^*#%@~~


You'd love any of our fly-ins... Like most people, we get along better in person than online. And compared to most online forums, we get along great! So, compared to most in-person gatherings... You get the point.

Please, come join us! :yes:


Crikey - that hits the nail on the head!
Indeed, Diana, while PoA is the "central repository" of Gaston's Fly-In discussion, the fly-in has always been populated with people from all over the map, and the 'Net. The great thing is, all of 'em like to fly, and to talk about flying, which works out pretty well. If some of them decide to drop by and visit PoA as a collateral consequence, well, that adds nicely to the discussion, doesn't it?

Shucks, meeting Kim and what's-his-name (grin) finally pushed me over the edge into visiting the Purple Zone.
