TFRs for media control Well tickle me pink

While I don't see the need to have a TFR in this case there are plenty of times that the press just gets in the way. I flew FEMA for Hurricane Irene in 2011 and the ENG helo was nothing more than an annoyance. CG, EMS, LE, FEMA & ENG all trying to share the airspace. They don't help. They're just trying to be the first to get the story.
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I'd say this should hopefully cost a few people their jobs and pensions.

Abuse of power for nothing other than to restrict constitutional rights in this case.
There are times when media coverage by helicopter is best not allowed. Some of their footage simply adds fuel to the fire if the rioters see it. Nasty action in one place can lead to more of the same if the rioters feel oppressed by the cops.
The story is a sad abuse of power.

The people here supporting some kind of abuse of power is even sadder.

We've certainly changed from the land of liberty to the land of permissible activities.
I'd say this should hopefully cost a few people their jobs and pensions.

Abuse of power for nothing other than to restrict constitutional rights in this case.
I'm sure Holder will launch a thorough investigation into this abuse of the first amendment.:no:
Here's a tip...

ANY time ANY official says a TFR is "for the safety of the pilots" you can be sure they're feeding you a line of crap. This tip excludes fire fighting TFRs.
Here's a tip...

ANY time ANY official says a TFR is "for the safety of the pilots" you can be sure they're feeding you a line of crap. This tip excludes fire fighting TFRs.

What about air shows?
We can hope a few heads roll with this. It's hard to believe so many people were in favor of this.
We had the director of the NSA lying under oath to congress about the NSA spying program we later found out about thanks to Snowden. Not only did the guy not go to jail as he rightly should have but he still has his job.

You think anyone is gonna care about a TFR put into place for non-safety reasons? People don't even care about freedom, liberty, or principals anymore as long as they can continue along in their comfy little lives and feel safe.
There are times when media coverage by helicopter is best not allowed. Some of their footage simply adds fuel to the fire if the rioters see it. Nasty action in one place can lead to more of the same if the rioters feel oppressed by the cops.

"Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest"?
One of the most pathetic types of adult is an American that says, "If you weren't doing anything WRONG you wouldn't mind these assaults against your privacy, religion, speech, or movement."

People of that opinion REALLY need to move to CUBA.
One of the most pathetic types of adult is an American that says, "If you weren't doing anything WRONG you wouldn't mind these assaults against your privacy, religion, speech, or movement."

People of that opinion REALLY need to move to CUBA.

Well it only took about 225 years to forget...don't tread on me!
One of the most pathetic types of adult is an American that says, "If you weren't doing anything WRONG you wouldn't mind these assaults against your privacy, religion, speech, or movement."

People of that opinion REALLY need to move to CUBA.

Yeah I think those people have completely missed the point of having protections of these things.

In regards to the NSA stuff... I don't believe the Obama administration or the people who started up that program and run it have/had any aspirations beyond tracking down terrorists and keeping the country safe. But even if I could be absolutely sure of that, I'd still be completely opposed to the program.

First off, it's illegal according to the constitution. It is a violation of rights that we, as the American people, are supposed to have. Second, while the current crop of officials running it might be ok what happens in another 10 or 15 years when the current president figures out he can use it to spy on his opposition? They can't be trusted with this power. They're not supposed to have it for a very good reason. It's worth a few terrorists getting away to keep these protections. Am I the only one who still thinks this way?
Am I the only one who still thinks this way?

I think this way all the time. People call me a tin foil hat guy because I'm rather strident about liberty for everyone, even people I have no respect for.
What about air shows?

Oh yeah...air shows. Okay, my tip was not good. Too many exemptions.

It's obvious the cops in this case don't like pictures of the riots from the press so they're using the....hang on...let me make this stand out...

Federal government to suppress the media.

That they requested it and the FAA agreed is disgusting. We need way fewer and smaller TFRs.
None of this is new. There are often TFRs imposed because of police action. Last one in the Boston area was a hostage situation last week. Most of the TFR was within the Hanscom class D.
The use of TFRs has expanded to cover all kinds of things. I think if the news agency did sue, they would have won. They collapsed after the TFR was modified.
Nothing new about putting TFRs over events. 20 years ago they put up TFRs for everything but news helicopters were given priority. They had this notion of the press being free, TFRs were to keep out rubbernecking bugsmasher pilots. Big change when the TFR is to keep out the News. Why should we believe any of the story from Missouri?
The shooting occurred 9 August, the TFR was declared shortly thereafter & I recall comments on this board, to the effect that it was not needed as it was in the Class B, it was well known within the pilot community.

And the news media are treating this like its a huge story they are just finding out about now?

Either the reporting services is really bad at, well, reporting, or there was a reason for the delay in reporting.
The story is they have documented info that it was press suppression. Whatever I'm sure journalists are simply grateful for every day their cars don't have uncommanded acceleration ending in a big explosion. Everyone else will forget, heck pilots here support it.