Technical errors...


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Aug 12, 2012
Danger Zone
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So among other things I'm obviously a pilot, I'm an IT guy, I'm into guns, I'm into cars... again, among other things.

So I'm constantly seeing stuff in movies that is just plain wrong. When I see it, it jumps out of me and bothers me. My wife complains that I "ruin" things so I've been working on just keeping quiet and suspending my disbelief.

Then something like this comes along....

So among other things I'm obviously a pilot, I'm an IT guy, I'm into guns, I'm into cars... again, among other things.

So I'm constantly seeing stuff in movies that is just plain wrong. When I see it, it jumps out of me and bothers me. My wife complains that I "ruin" things so I've been working on just keeping quiet and suspending my disbelief.

Then something like this comes along....


Scorpion was cute. And completely stupid. Incredibly stupid. It would have much more sense if the title were changed to " Once Upon A Time"

1. if the big airplane could fly 6 ft over the runway, why didn't it just land?
2. airplanes don't have onboard software that runs in the FAA data centers. (I spent 4 years working on FAA software)
3. a data center inside a rent-a-garage?
4. can't get a backup from another FAA facility?
5. You think you're gonna download the entire facility software over a RJ45 in a matter of seconds then transfer to the tower in the same, miniscule number of seconds?
6 FBI does not have authority to approve a shoot-down.

Boggled. I don't, as a rule, talk back to the tv, but I was almost yelling at it.
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What in the fvck was that? I'm embarrassed that this exists. I'd love to understand what narcotic the production staff were all on when brainstorming that scene.
Somebody got paid to write that. That means at least 2 people thought it was good idea. I've seen some bad hollywood stuff, but that takes the cake I believe.
It does have Kathryn McPhee, so what's the problem? :D
I applaud you for admitting to having watched it.

Kathryn McPhee does excuse a lot.

There's a lot of good stuff out there... now you know to stay away from the NETWORK'S latest offering. What do the caps mean? :goofy: Not a clue but now you know :nono:
I don't bother watching tv.

That was just another reason.
I watched every stinky second of it. You know how traffic slows down at a wreck? With all the drivers looking to see the mangled cars, and maybe a mangled body? Well, this was like an hour long car wreck with mangled lines, plot, characters, CGI and action. I couldn't look away. Just when I thought it was dumb, it got dumber. And when it really got dumb I was sitting there thinking how bad is the US education to think that some people will believe any part of this shyte?

My favorite part, scene in airplane cockpit with two mature, competent, ATP rated pilots flying a multi million dollar plane, with hundreds of meat sacks in the back. Captain looks at co, and co looks at captain. They just heard the bad news that the software that runs the tower where they want to land is bad, and they are not going to be able to get down. They just sit there, with drool running down their face, blank expression, dumbfounded that anything or anyone can stop them from landing the plane at any airport any time they want. One of them makes some fatuous remark like 'oh well, I guess that's it then'.

I wanted to scream, then cry, then walk away, but like I said, it was a slow-moving car wreck that you just can't turn away from.
You generally have to suspend your belief on anything that you have technical knowledge about. My wife got tired of me saying "Be sure to move his spine around a lot" when watching some of the modern shows with paramedics (I was a paramedic). Even the old Jack Webb show which aspired to accuracy has tons of technical sillyness in it.

Take this cue from the old Mystery Science Theatre 3000 theme song:

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts.
Then repeat to yourself 'It's just a show, I should really just relax.
You generally have to suspend your belief on anything that you have technical knowledge about. My wife got tired of me saying "Be sure to move his spine around a lot" when watching some of the modern shows with paramedics (I was a paramedic). Even the old Jack Webb show which aspired to accuracy has tons of technical sillyness in it.

Take this cue from the old Mystery Science Theatre 3000 theme song:

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts.
Then repeat to yourself 'It's just a show, I should really just relax.

There's another line to that song, "His bosses didn't like him so they shot him into space." Might be just what this show needs.


We were watching an episode of 24 and Jack Bauer was trying to prevent terrorists from using a "device" to take over some kind of power plant. Except all the valves that were being "remotely hacked" were manual. My wife works with exactly that equipment and and said, "No."
Ok, so I watched it like a hundred times and I am just not seeing the flaw.

I am in IT and we do stuff like that all the time. Not sure what kind of boring ass jobs you all have but this is a normal day for me

And from a flying standpoint, I didn't see them try and slip with flaps or even deploy the flaps during a bank.

I think you are inventing problems that are just not there guys.
My wife won't allow me to comment on TV shows or movies anymore, I'm apparently too rooted in reality for her level of "temporary suspense of disbelief" to operate.

If there is any show involving aircraft, even remotely, that she wants to watch she will wait until I'm not at the house to watch it because she knows I'm not able to ignore the stupidity.

What bugs me most is that the majority of the public apparently thinks these things are real. Our republic is truly in a freefall decline.
I have exactly the same problem: I manage to see BS in all the movies and TV shows and my wife is not happy when I point it out.
At least it makes me somehow feel better that I am smart enough to notice all this c*ap instead of fitting in with the dumb sheeple who watch this dreck religiously. :)
Ok, so I watched it like a hundred times and I am just not seeing the flaw.

I am in IT and we do stuff like that all the time. Not sure what kind of boring ass jobs you all have but this is a normal day for me

And from a flying standpoint, I didn't see them try and slip with flaps or even deploy the flaps during a bank.

I think you are inventing problems that are just not there guys.

I agree, this is simple stuff. They had to download the flight plan from the FMS (the only place it exists..duhhh) and file it for them or else they would have crashed. Everybody should know this.
So among other things I'm obviously a pilot, I'm an IT guy, I'm into guns, I'm into cars... again, among other things.

So I'm constantly seeing stuff in movies that is just plain wrong. When I see it, it jumps out of me and bothers me. My wife complains that I "ruin" things so I've been working on just keeping quiet and suspending my disbelief.

Then something like this comes along....


I have it on DVR, and was going to watch it tonight. sigh..... Maybe I can find a re-run of "Monk" I haven't seen twice already.

There are some shows/movies with blatantly bad physics/science that I can watch just because they are entertaining either in ways not related to the science or because they knew they were screwing up the science, embraced it, and ran with it.

Then there are clips like these... the ones that are so painful to watch that I'm embarassed that it was even made. It wasn't entertaining in any form, and made no sense whatsoever. And what's worse is knowing that some people out there will think anything even remotely like this could ever happen.

Apparently even their representation of the car wasn't close to reality....
I have sworn off TV...because of crap like this and the fact that "Reality TV" should really and truly be called "Anything but Reality TV"...
I dunno. The space science types I've been hanging out with have been getting into 1950s B science fiction movies. They are B A D.

I used to get a kick out of parsing Star Trek pseudoscientific technobabble. My favorite was a TNG episode where they removed all the protons from the Enterprise as though it were some kind of pollutant (someone heard the fancy word "baryon" and didn't know what it meant). I've really gotta wonder what holds that bucket together.

And nothing compares to the remote controlled Mr. Spock in "Spock's Brain." One has to wonder what the writers were smoking for that one. Well, given that it was 1969, I can probably guess….
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I dunno. The space science types I've been hanging out with have been getting into 1950s B science fiction movies. They are B A D.

I used to get a kick out of parsing Star Trek pseudoscientific technobabble. My favorite was a TNG episode where they removed all the protons from the Enterprise as though it were some kind of pollutant (someone heard the fancy word "baryon" and didn't know what it meant). I've really gotta wonder what holds that bucket together.

And nothing compares to the remote controlled Mr. Spock in "Spock's Brain." One has to wonder what the writers were smoking for that one. Well, given that it was 1969, I can probably guess….

I used to work with a couple of trekkie geeks. They were busy arguing about transporters or something. I asked: Since transporters somehow take matter apart, move it somewhere, use some kind of algorithm and reassemble it, why couldn't you create a backup? If Kirk gets killed, or needs another Kirk, why not just shovel 200lb of whatever onto the transporter and use the "Kirk Backup" file to create another one?

They were stumped for a long time, then decided it doesn't work that way.
Before I had no intention of watching this show. Now I have to see it. Thanks.
I typically don't watch a show until the series has been cancelled. I've just now started Dexter. I very much like the character.

So among other things I'm obviously a pilot,

So things that bother you include staged repos, a stall = no engine = certain death, etc.

I'm an IT guy,

So things like being able to tap in to computer systems and security cameras around the world bother you. And the grainy pictures can be magnified to show crystal clear detail.

I'm into guns,

Things like dodging a slow-motion bullet. Or someone holding a gun on someone else...but only when he decides to pull the trigger does he bother to rack a shell into the chamber.

I'm into cars..

You probably didn't complain much when the Duke boys would spin their wheels in gravel but the accompanying sound was the squeal of rubber on pavement. :D
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So among other things I'm obviously a pilot, I'm an IT guy, I'm into guns, I'm into cars... again, among other things.

So I'm constantly seeing stuff in movies that is just plain wrong. When I see it, it jumps out of me and bothers me. My wife complains that I "ruin" things so I've been working on just keeping quiet and suspending my disbelief.

Then something like this comes along....


are we related?
So among other things I'm obviously a pilot, I'm an IT guy, I'm into guns, I'm into cars... again, among other things.

So I'm constantly seeing stuff in movies that is just plain wrong. When I see it, it jumps out of me and bothers me. My wife complains that I "ruin" things so I've been working on just keeping quiet and suspending my disbelief.

Then something like this comes along....****-insane-hack-1638333877?utm_campaign=socialflow_io9_facebook&utm_source=io9_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow


are we related?

LOL that was awesome! :D

Reminded me of this:

That clip was hillarious. I had to watch it 3 times just because I couldn't stop laughing.

2 problems though (which means I'm like the OP) that shows it's not realistic. One is that they should have had granma driving down the freeway with her left turn signal on. The second is that in one fast shot the gear lever is obviously in Park yet granma is supposed to be driving on the freeway at the time.

Sorry for the hijack. (Can I even SAY "hijack" on a flying forum?)
That clip was hillarious. I had to watch it 3 times just because I couldn't stop laughing.

2 problems though (which means I'm like the OP) that shows it's not realistic. One is that they should have had granma driving down the freeway with her left turn signal on. The second is that in one fast shot the gear lever is obviously in Park yet granma is supposed to be driving on the freeway at the time.

Sorry for the hijack. (Can I even SAY "hijack" on a flying forum?)

The biggest problem by far was that half of I-405 was empty. That never, ever, ever, ever happens. Not even after a major earthquake or World War III.
Oh, I dunno. There were several times that I drove on the 405 when it was mostly empty. O'course that was usually at 3am and 20 years ago.
Not like the good old days when TV stuck to reality. Shows like "The A Team", "Gilligan's Island", "Mr. Ed", etc.
Not like the good old days when TV stuck to reality. Shows like "The A Team", "Gilligan's Island", "Mr. Ed", etc.

No one took any of those shows to be anything more than fiction. Sadly, the producers of Scorpion chose to portray it as some kind of reality/drama poser:

SCORPION, inspired by a true story, is a high-octane drama about eccentric genius Walter O’Brien and his team of brilliant misfits who comprise the last line of defense against complex, high-tech threats of the modern age.
So among other things I'm obviously a pilot, I'm an IT guy, I'm into guns, I'm into cars... again, among other things.

So I'm constantly seeing stuff in movies that is just plain wrong. When I see it, it jumps out of me and bothers me. My wife complains that I "ruin" things so I've been working on just keeping quiet and suspending my disbelief.

Then something like this comes along....


:sosp::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy: My brain now hurts...:rolleyes2:
I used to work with a couple of trekkie geeks. They were busy arguing about transporters or something. I asked: Since transporters somehow take matter apart, move it somewhere, use some kind of algorithm and reassemble it, why couldn't you create a backup? If Kirk gets killed, or needs another Kirk, why not just shovel 200lb of whatever onto the transporter and use the "Kirk Backup" file to create another one?

They were stumped for a long time, then decided it doesn't work that way.

Tell them "Sure it does, uses the same basic technology as the Replicator.", that should keep them busy for a couple of weeks...:lol:
LOL that was awesome! :D

Reminded me of this:

405 the movie. You have to watch the whole thing!

Somebody got paid to write that. That means at least 2 people thought it was good idea. I've seen some bad hollywood stuff, but that takes the cake I believe.
You mean someone wrote it? I thought it was reality tv. Sure looked like it. I was waiting for Dog the Bounty Hunter to show up.
...And nothing compares to the remote controlled Mr. Spock in "Spock's Brain." One has to wonder what the writers were smoking for that one. Well, given that it was 1969, I can probably guess….

That was definitely the worst Star Trek episode of all time!
I used to work with a couple of trekkie geeks. They were busy arguing about transporters or something. I asked: Since transporters somehow take matter apart, move it somewhere, use some kind of algorithm and reassemble it, why couldn't you create a backup? If Kirk gets killed, or needs another Kirk, why not just shovel 200lb of whatever onto the transporter and use the "Kirk Backup" file to create another one?

They were stumped for a long time, then decided it doesn't work that way.

My theory has long been that it's not really a transporter, but a "destroyer/copier." :hairraise: