tailgating and reincarnation

Dave Siciliano

Final Approach
Feb 27, 2005
Dallas, Texas
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Dave Siciliano
Had a very interesting experience the other day while driving to look at property with one of the sales ladies from one of our homebuilders.

Had been drivin around looking at property and was on a thoroughfare with three lanes. I was doing about 5 mph over the speed limit in the middle lane; no cars on either side. As we are chatting about the market, this car slowly comes up on my rear in the middle lane and gets about one car length behind. I take my foot of the gas slightly as many folks that drift up, kinna wake up and notice I'm slowing; then, they go around. This car stays right behind me. I look over and tell the sales girl in the right seat what's going on (after she asks why we're slowing).

She's quiet for a moment, then asks if I believe in reincarnation. Well, I had picked up something from her that was a little different, but couldn't put my finger on what it was. Now my mind starts really racing; what in the world is she talking 'bout....

Sorry, I'll be back.

I think so Anthony. But this really caught me by surprise. I'm in business mode, relating market comps and activity when this bozo comes up behind and gets on my rear bumper.

Then this girl with me makes this bizzare remark. I begin thinking somewhere in the background Rod Serling may be making retorical comments about me entering the Twilight Zone.

Dave Siciliano said:
I think so Anthony. But this really caught me by surprise. I'm in business mode, relating market comps and activity when this bozo comes up behind and gets on my rear bumper.

Then this girl with me makes this bizzare remark. I begin thinking somewhere in the background Rod Serling may be making retorical comments about me entering the Twilight Zone.


I'll bet! And Adam and I have transformed into one another! Well we are pretty much interchangeable.

Was there a signpost up ahead?

Sorry Anthony!!! The phone keeps ringin as I try to relate this in a reasonable fashion.

At least I was thinkin of you :D

So, she's quiet for minute; the tailgater behind me goes around and I think to myself, how in the world to I answer this without being rude or seeming closed minded.
Did she cinch her seatbelt down before asking the bizzarre question? Maybe she was thinking you could shove the brake to the floor and conduct the experiment by using the people running up your tailpipe as volunteers.

Re-in-car-nation.... Rear ended by every car in the nation? :confused:
Geesh Frank!! Wish I would have thought of it!! Too funny.

To bad one doesn't think of those perfect things to say at the proper time.

Didn't know what to do, so I used the tried and true, "What do you mean by reincarnation" delay tactic to give myself a chance to compose my thoughts!!

Dave Siciliano said:
Geesh Frank!! Wish I would have thought of it!! Too funny.

To bad one doesn't think of those perfect things to say at the proper time.

Didn't know what to do, so I used the tried and true, "What do you mean by reincarnation" delay tactic to give myself a chance to compose my thoughts!!


And she says, ya know, like do you believe people could have a former life.
Uhhh Awwww, now, I'm really on the spot!!

See, there's this vast communications void I sometimes fall into with women. It's happened so many times, I now begin to recognize the signs coming. I'm a very logical, linear, well-reasoned communicator. Works in business for me all day and it's been very successful. But, when I get into some of these conversations with women, especially those to which I'm attracted, the logical litany begins to fail. Sometimes I shutter when I hear the "feel" word. See, when a woman uses the 'feel' word, all logic is thrown out the door and I'm in Never Never land, but can't fly.

I'm now beginning to feel myself sinking into the Quagmire or non-logical, non-linear thinking. Might take one more step in this direction and find a deep hole, or the bottom might be fairly shallow, but one can't find out without taking a step into what could be the abyss.

There is the open-ended, designed-not-to-offend "I don't know much about it, fill me in with what you know."

or there is the more truthful (for some), and somewhat less friendly, "I have a hard time believing in anything that does not have any hard evidence or well-established factual basis."
oh wait a minute, I see you said something about getting advice on women. I will go hide now, not my area of expertise.
Well Dave; wish you could have been there to offer suggestions.

What I did was just say, "Well, it's certainly possible! Why do you bring that up?"

Let'sgoflying! said:
There is the open-ended, designed-not-to-offend "I don't know much about it, fill me in with what you know."

or there is the more truthful (for some), and somewhat less friendly, "I have a hard time believing in anything that does not have any hard evidence or well-established factual basis."
Yeah, but you missed the part about him being attracted to her.

"In fact, I think you must have been Juliet..."
but you missed the part about him being attracted to her.

Well, if I was Ken, it was very early in the process. Used to like all the nicely Christmas packages until I found some didn't have much nice inside; and, some very plainly wrapped packages had wonderful gifts.

Nice warper on this package, but had no idea what was inside. And as she began revealing things, it was getting pretty scary for Mr. logical business guy.

Dave Siciliano said:
Geesh Frank!! Wish I would have thought of it!! Too funny.

I suspect she wouldn't have been overly surprised if she heard you say "let's find out they do" and got thrown against the seatbelt for an answer.

I would have faired better than you in that situation. But I have to admit I had I had training in such situations for about 5 years straight so that's kind of cheating on my part. One of the people I went to college with would turn to me and say something very similar along those lines in similar type situations. I could almost hear her voice and see that inquisitive look when I was reading your post. (Her name wasn't Stephanie was it?)

Dave Siciliano said:
To bad one doesn't think of those perfect things to say at the proper time.

You got that right! I can usually come up with the perfect comeback...20 minutes after everyone else has forgot it even happened.
(Her name wasn't Stephanie was it?)

Frank!! You mean someone else has experienced something like this (gasping for breath). Me not Lone Ranger!!??

Dave Siciliano said:
(Her name wasn't Stephanie was it?)

Frank!! You mean someone else has experienced something like this (gasping for breath). Me not Lone Ranger!!??


Ooohh, yes... You'll never know what kinds of whackos call disk jockeys when they're doing the midnight shift <<shudder>>. Did that in college.
Dave; I am glad you are hear to tell the story

You are not the lone ranger. My wife over 30 years ago had a tailgator who was one of her former students. She had the dream the night before that involved a taigator who she had known. It was so erie for she told me the first thing when she woke. I got scared and suggested she not go to work She told me not to worry for she said dreams are not real. She was very pregnant with our son. Yup I was very concerned She said no "I am ok" So I remember so well when I got a call from the police 45 minutes later that she had been in a terrible accident. life was a blurr. I just remember that she was in bad shape. she told me that she was glad to be alive and so was I. She also knew that I had driven many SCCA ralleys in classs C. I told her that fate is not a type one turn or a push on the loud peddle. It is the time and the moment. Our son is doing just great thanks to her knowing how to steer in a panic situation.

Thank you for the post

Let'sgoflying! said:
There is the open-ended, designed-not-to-offend "I don't know much about it, fill me in with what you know."

That still might offend especially if the "tone" isn't interpreted in your favor. Personallly, I'd substitute something like "but I'm curious about it. What are your thoughts?" for the "fill me in..." phrase.

or there is the more truthful (for some), and somewhat less friendly, "I have a hard time believing in anything that does not have any hard evidence or well-established factual basis."

Definitely less friendly and much more likely to pretty much end the conversation (of course that could be the intent). How about: "I'm a skeptic, but interested in your opinion".

Dave T, do you talk to women very often?:D

Edit: Oh, I see you are pleading ignorance.:cheerswine:
Ken Ibold said:
Yeah, but you missed the part about him being attracted to her.

"In fact, I think you must have been Juliet..."

You guys are cracking me up! I haven't laughed this hard since sitting around the Citabrias at OSH at night with Chip and Ken (now THERE'S a fun combo)! :D
This is the most fascinating thread I've read in a very long time. So, Dave, what happened next??
So if you believe in reincarnation do you live your life a little more on the edge? You have some more chances, after all. :D
Sorry guys. Just got back in from a flying club meeting.

Let's see, where was I...oh!

I said something like why did you ask about this right now (thinking to myself that I could be on a precipice looking down into a real deep personality canyon).

She says, quite nonchalantly, well, if you believe people could have had a former life, I think tail gaters were either horses or dogs in their last life. :eek:
Steve said:
Maybe she was trying to sell you some stock in powdered milk...
Steve, I pondered this one for awhile and even had to come back to it a few times before I got it. :)
My sister believes in reincarnation and she thinks I was a bird in my past life. She's got a point. :)
lancefisher said:
a) Definitely less friendly and much more likely to pretty much end the conversation (of course that could be the intent). How about: "I'm a skeptic, but interested in your opinion".

b) Dave T, do you talk to women very often?

a) That can be a good thing. For example, if a person is very 'left-brained' (as above) and he 'hid' this from a future S.O., it would appear later no doubt, and could cause great grief.... I think if a person is a certain way, they should try not to disguise it. [ask my wife; I am a dufus, and she knew it from the outset, so no excuses!!]

b) Yes I do, all day long. (6 female coworkers) And I know and accept that when we each go our separate ways after a conversation that we end up with totally different concepts of what was said and what was really meant!! Seriously it can be tough, we are aware of it and do our best to work around it.

This is all very dangerous ground, y'all beware!
Diana said:
Steve, I pondered this one for awhile and even had to come back to it a few times before I got it. :)

Steve: The milk deal just clicked! Clever guy you are.

lancefisher said:
That still might offend especially if the "tone" isn't interpreted in your favor. Personallly, I'd substitute something like "but I'm curious about it. What are your thoughts?" for the "fill me in..." phrase.

Nah. How about, "I think about it a lot but can't quite decide how I really feel. Why don't you take off your top and tell me your thoughts?"
(too direct?)
gibbons said:
Nah. How about, "I think about it a lot but can't quite decide how I really feel. Why don't you take off your top and tell me your thoughts?"
(too direct?)

Wait a minute, I thought you had daughters?!
Dave Siciliano said:
She says, quite nonchalantly, well, if you believe people could have had a former life, I think tail gaters were either horses or dogs in their last life. :eek:
This is SO weird.

Go on, Dave. The suspense is killing me.
So, my mind was racin along while I futilely tried to made some connection: I couldn't. So, I asked her. Why horses or dogs?

And she blurts out, "because they both love to sniff butt!!"
Dave Siciliano said:
So, my mind was racin along while I futilely tried to made some connection: I couldn't. So, I asked her. Why horses or dogs?

And she blurts out, "because they both love to sniff butt!!"

Run Dave! Run!!!!!

But first answer this question. How did you "feel" about that? ;)
Ken Ibold said:
tell me you came up with the same witty retort that crossed my mind IMMEDIATELY after reading her comment!
And that would be...? The suspense is killing me! :)
Okay, y'all left me back at the milk thing.... anyone care to 'splain? (please?B) )

Dying to hear what your respnse was (this woman sounds like she spends entirely too much time thinking about stuff.....)
RotaryWingBob said:
No you're not. Adam never bought me a beer :mad:

1) Bob: Any friday my office in Conshy, The Boathouse, multitue of beers to choose from ON ME! ( The view there ain't bad either, Anthony will confirm) I'd say chopper on over to Wings and I'd take you to Phils for a brew but dont' want to mix helos and beer.

2) Dave: Your answer should have been well I don't beleve in incarnation now but when I was Alexander the Greats Aide de camp I considered it a real possibility.

3) This thread is like that TV mini series Twin Peaks

Respectfully submitted

Anthoney er uh I mean Adam.