Some Pharging Son of a Bastich Knocked Over my Frakking Bike!

True 'nuff, a note would have cooled my righteous anger considerably. Got the new shield on but one of the screws broke. The fun little runaround begins.

I agree, I never thought of cager as being an insult, and identify myself as a cager when driving a car. I am partly yanking Jay's chain, which is especially fun on this topic. I do think of cager as a pejorative term, and if you had to dodge as many as I have, you would too.
Wow in all my years I've never thought of cager as an insult. no more than calling a helicopter pilot a flingwinger or a rotorhead.
I never thought of it as an insult either. More as one of those friendly jabs as you mentioned. I think Jay is being overly sensitive again.
Grumble. I guess you folks who insist on using the word "cager" don't complain when others hang insulting terms on folks, whether or not they agree with it...tell me, do you use the N-word?
That is an absurd comparison with NO basis in reality and NO foundation based on the usage of the word "cager".

If you insist on being insulted by such an innocuous term, you just go right ahead - but it's entirely in your head, as the architect of the "offense" and carries no weight with the rest of us. Seriously, if you are seeing "cager" and the n-word as equivalent, you've generated an unnecessary and unrealistic insistence of offense the likes of which I've not seen in a long, long time.
Drop the forks to change out a fender? He was smoking something stronger than Grappa to come up with that. Designed some pretty bikes, though.

Uh, you drink Grappa, not smoke it. :D Good stuff.

I came out of a bar in college (didn't have that many beers) to find my motorcycle parked differently than I had left it. Minor damage. Walked down to the police station to report it and had a nice conversation with the cop when he showed up to take the report. We agreed they wouldn't find the perp, but I wanted a record of it.

Jay, I understand your viewpoint on motorcycles. My wife hasn't been on one since the night we got hit broadside on ours, and I sold it when we graduated from college. Our orthopedic surgeon referred to them as "murdercycles" and I've heard more than one person refer to motorcycle riders as "organ donors". At least the pain I still suffer from time to time from our accident (35+ years ago) doesn't impact my ability to get a 3rd class medical.
Jay, really. Lighten up. We've had this debate before. The people using cager here are not trying to insult anyone. We're all flyers here. If anything, they're yanking your chain.
Besides, when it's 15 degrees outside, and I've got the heat cranked up, I'm more than happy I'm a cager.
Actually, we had it because Jay made the same request before.

Wow in all my years I've never thought of cager as an insult. no more than calling a helicopter pilot a flingwinger or a rotorhead. Heck I rather be called a cager than an Organ Donor ( what they started to call motorcylcleist who chose not to wear helmets after the helmet law was passed in PA.
"Organ Donor" is the term that was used by health care professionals in IL, too.
Unaccustomed as I am to posting anything seriously, I thought until I read this thread that I had been called everything anybody could be called (in English) at least once. Not only have I never been called a cager or heard anybody else called a cager other than basketball players (although my friend Emile Beaudreaux is called something close). So I must now reassess my worldliness, and be content that I have lived a sheltered life, unlike you other hosers.
Actually, we had it because Jay made the same request before.

"Organ Donor" is the term that was used by health care professionals in IL, too.
well, I am mortally offended by the use of the terribly insulting terms "suicycle" "murdercycle" and "donorcycle" - that makes it sound like all motorcyclists are murderous or suicidal and that's not true. And don't you dare tell me to not be offended!!! :eek:

If we're hurling insults, how about the idiots on their crotch rockets who zip through freeway traffic at least 30 miles an hour faster than the prevailing speed, weaving in, out, and between lanes of cars, all while wearing nothing but a T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops?

We call them "Henning." :rofl:
That is an absurd comparison with NO basis in reality and NO foundation based on the usage of the word "cager".

I agree.

I knew *exactly* which "N-word" Jay was referring to, but if you asked me about the "C-word," I can tell you that cager wouldn't be the first word I'd think of. It'd be pretty far down the list. In fact, it probably wouldn't be on my list of "C-words" at all.
The "donorcycles" eipthet is unfortunately sound, since many bikers do really stupid things. However, in 24 years of riding I've had exactly one get-off, and even that at low speed with little damage to bike or rider. Even though I am a total klutz, I don't crash motorcycles. Roughly 5% of the vehicular fatalities in the US are motorcyclists, which is a lot, since motorcycles comprise only 2.5% of the vehicular fleet. Most motorcycle fatalities involve a collision with a cage, by the way. So while you are far likelier to wind up a statistic on a bike, you stand a decent chance in a cage. Once again, take alcohol out of the picture and things change significantly.
BS and baloney. If we're hurling insults, how about the idiots on their crotch rockets who zip through freeway traffic at least 30 miles an hour faster than the prevailing speed, weaving in, out, and between lanes of cars, all while wearing nothing but a T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops?

Ummmm...there IS a term form them, pretty derogatory, and it is "squid".

As in "look at that squid". So trust me, even bikers have names for their own that are not pleasant....

BTW..I "cage" it to work everyday and I freely admit, and accept, that term for when I do. But I also know the difference of how I experience the world when I ride to work...just a totally different, more free experience.

Look Jay...this is really no different than flying my C182 or a biplane. I have been in both and they are WAYYYYYYY different in experience, plain and simple.