So that's where they they put El Paso!


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Did an "Iron Butt" 9-hour round trip PnP flight to ELP and back in the Skylane today. My longest flight duty day so far. Had a young pilot go with and we both had a good time and practiced some good flying skills.

Very nice VMC flight go out there


And a lot of "Dodge the Buildups and Thunder" on the way back.


I know we have a few folks on PoA who live out there. If I had contact info I woulda reached out.

@Let'sgoflying! ... you're in Marfa? I waved in your genera direction as I went past. And the group out there mentioned they have a big need for PnP missions between ELP region and DFW. Let me know if you are interested in helping and I'll get you their contact info.
Did an "Iron Butt" 9-hour round trip PnP flight to ELP and back in the Skylane today. My longest flight duty day so far. Had a young pilot go with and we both had a good time and practiced some good flying skills.

If I had contact info I woulda reached out.

@Let'sgoflying! ... you're in Marfa? I waved in your genera direction as I went past. And the group out there mentioned they have a big need for PnP missions between ELP region and DFW. Let me know if you are interested in helping and I'll get you their contact info.

Dang Mike, I'll send you contact info in PM. Am guessing you were picking up dogs? My sister volunteers at the westside animal shelter, and a lot of those are getting sent to Tuscon. She was upset to hear I switched from a 4 seat to a 2 seat RV:confused:;)
That weather map doesn't do justice to the way the skies looked here late yesterday afternoon. Glad you were able to dodge everything.
Dang Mike, I'll send you contact info in PM. Am guessing you were picking up dogs? My sister volunteers at the westside animal shelter, and a lot of those are getting sent to Tuscon. She was upset to hear I switched from a 4 seat to a 2 seat RV:confused:;)
The sending group was the El Paso chapter of But the passengers were 2.5 week old labradoodle puppies that were rejected by momma dog and dumped on the rescue's doorstep. I was picking them up in El Paso to bring back to Doodle Rock Rescue ( here in Dallas.

The trip back was a really good chance of exercising communication skills with the controllers to request deviations left right up and more up to keep in blue sky.
That weather map doesn't do justice to the way the skies looked here late yesterday afternoon. Glad you were able to dodge everything.

We departed ELP about 12:30 MST. Here is a screen shot from FF with our filed route. After Pecos, we amended our route to stay between the SIGMETs. Still had to do some digging and zagging.

I've lost count how many times I did the I-20 trip between El Paso and Dallas. Glad that's over. Anytime I have to do that again, it'll be in the airplane.
How come that mix is called a "Labradoodle" and not " Poo Retriever?"

Probably because whoevers poodle ***** got mounted by a golden lab stud Needed a creative way to unload those mutts on Craigslist and the stupid CL shoppers thought it was a new exotic breed! I also think people actually like saying labradoodle as in invokes a WTF is that convo and then they get to tell you all about their elfin mutt like it's a show dog.
I think it’s just another mutt, but it was a funny line in “Dumb and Dumber.” ;)