Snowy Jerusalem...


I watched your Youtube video and made some casual observations...

Every vehicle shown was a late model, building all looked to be in good shape, all the people had on nice clothes and looked well fed....
Remind me again why the United States of America is giving Israel 50 million a day of the US citizens hard earned tax dollars in foreign AID ?:idea::dunno:

Israel's economy is in pretty good shape, thank you for asking...

If the military assistance package bothers you so much, why don't you call your representatives in Congress and ask them to do something about it ?

Are you expecting me to apologize every time I post something on this forum ?

The U.S. spent HUNDREDS of billions in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya...( not to mention the thousands of soldiers KIA ) - does that make you angry too or is it only when it's related to military assistance to the Jewish state ?

You know VERY WELL that all that money goes right back into YOUR pocket since all of it must be spent on the purchase of U.S. defense systems...( creating jobs and boosting your economy ).

You also seem to forget that an important part of that money funds the development of cutting edge technologies in Israel that are later used by the U.S. Military ( the Arrow and the Wind Jacket anti-missile systems are just one example )...

Time to move this thread to the Spin Zone I guess....
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How does a thread about snow in Jerusalem end up in the Spin Zone? Pretty pathetic really.
What the video doesn't show are the oulying areas that got 2ft of snow, lost power, roads impassable. Add to this parts od Gaza have flooded. It's not funny, and not Spin Zone.

Is there any snow left or has it all melted already?
Flooding sounds bad in parts now.